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Y/n's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm blasting in my ears. I quickly turn it off looking at my phone to check the date. Its was Monday, which meant I had work for the first time today. I hated getting up this early, 10am is too early for me. But I heard my boys awake as they were laughing and running around. I go to my closet and put on some black ripped jeans with a black skin tight shirt. After I'm done changing I go out to the living room to see all the littles, well, almost all. Kat seemed to be big since he had his usual angry face on playing a game on his phone and in big boy clothes. "Morning everyone!" I say as I go put my shoes on. " Mornin' where are you going?" Katsuki asked. "I have work today!" I smiled at him. "Then..whos gonna watch-" "Hanta is! And you are when you're big, like right now." I say as I head over to Hanta. "Hey bub, do you think you can be big for me?" He looked slightly confused but nodded. "Watcha need?" He asked. "Im going to work today, I need you to watch everybody." I say getting back up and heading to the door. "What? Since when did you work!? And I cant watch all of them by myself!" He whined getting up. "Katsuki is big right now, and if I can watch all six of you then you can watch 4 now and possibly 5 later." He pouted and I pecked him on the lips. I went over to Kat and also gave him a kiss which he pulled me down and tried to deepen the kiss. I pull away, "Katsuki I have to go, we can do this later." I go back to the front, opening the door and looking back to see Kat rolling his eyes and Hanta glaring at him. "Hanta dont start anything or you're in trouble wether you're big or little." I sternly say. He just started at me with a pout. "I wasn't gonna start anything!" "Yeah, yeah, whatever I gotta go. Bye babies!" I blow a kiss over to the little ones and they wave back at me and I was about to close the door when I felt a little tug on my sleeve. I look back and see Denki holding onto my sleeve, "W-when will ou b-be back..?" He asked as I see tears form in his eyes. "Aw dont worry angel, I'll be back in a few hours!" I kiss the top of his head. "Can I come wif?" he asked with a look of hope. I shake my head "Sorry baby but you cant, and I need to go now before I'm late, I'll see you later okay?" He nodded as tears began to roll down his face and he hugged me. I hugged back for a minute before I said goodbye again and fully left.

Katsuki's POV

After Y/n left I continued to play on my phone until tape face sat beside me. "What do you wanna do for the time being?" He says as he crosses his legs. "Fuck off soy sauce!" I flip him off. "Fuck off!" I hear Shitty hair say while laughing. "Fuck..?" Says dunce. My eyes widen and Tape face starts laughing "HAHAHA, WAIT UNTIL Y/N HEARS ABOUT THIS!" I growl at his words, "Oi, Eijirou and Denki! Dont say those words!" "But you said dem!" They both said in sync, they look at each other and smile "FUCK!" They yell. I slightly panic and I message Y/n. 'Hey when exactly are you gonna be back?' I wait a few minutes until she responds 'I think around 4:30, why do you ask?' I try to make up an excuse but nothing came to mind 'Just asking dw.' She didn't respond after that. It was only close to 10:30 right now so I had time. "Dont stress over it Kat. She wont do anything bad..until she hears those two cussing." Hanta says snickering and placing his hand onto my shoulder. I smack his hand away and get up, going to the kitchen I make myself some cereal and sit at the table. After I finish eating I put on a youtube video still sitting at the table. About halfway into the video I ended up falling asleep. A few hours later I woke up in the main bedroom hugging a pillow. I yawn and sit up, finding my phone and checking the time, it was 4:26. My eyes go wide as I rush to the front door and get my shoes on. "Im going on a walk, I'll be back later." I say not looking back at any of them. "But Y/n is just about-" Hanta didn't finish his sentence cause I walked out. I started jogging down the street to a park and sat on one of the benches. Y/n isn't gonna be very happy with me since I accidentally made the two "angels" cuss. Im just gonna stay out for an hour, for now I'm just gonna get something to eat. Before I left the park I realized I didn't bring my wallet, I groaned and just played on my phone. A few minutes later I got text from both Tape face and Y/n. Hanta saying that the two swore in front of her saying I taught them a new word and Y/n messaging me to come home. I waited a few more minutes until I felt myself start to slip a bit. I started walking home slipping more and more until I got home.  I walk into the house and quickly try to go to the bathroom so I can hide for a bit but to my luck I had to be pulled back. I stumbled and fell on my bottom, trying not to cry. "Katsuki, explain why my two babies keep saying 'Fuck.'" Y/n said. I looked down and silently cried slipping further into headspace. She was about to say something else until Sero gasped and ran over to Izu who had been drawing on the walls with sharpie. She walked away from me and went over to Izu who began running around the house when Hanta went after him. My headspace right now was about 1 so I didn't know what to do and tried crawling to my room until Hanta picked me up. "Where were you goin buddy?" I look at him slightly confused, "D-Da!" "Aww are you my little baby right now? How old are you baby?" He asked. I giggled and held up one finger. "Okay bud, lets go get you changed out of your big boy clothes" He carries me to my room while I keep tugging on my jeans because they're just so uncomfy! After I get changed into a diaper and my orange footie onesie, we were about to leave the room when I started whining. Hanta stopped, "What's wrong baby boy?" I pointed behind him to one of the tables that had my favourite paci on it. He looked back and seen where I had pointed so he put the paci in my mouth and I happily rested my head on his shoulder.

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