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Y/n's POV

Izuku rolls his eyes and shrugs, I was about to speak until I heard Katsuki crying in his room. I go walk over to his room and see him sitting on the floor and Shoto standing on his bed, I walk over to Katsuki and bend down a little bit, "Whats wrong Kat? What happened?" He points over to Shoto "Bwankie!" I look at Sho and see he's holding the grey blanket with little bears on it. "Shoto give me the blanket." I walk to him and hold out my hand for the blanket. He shakes his head, "Nuh-uh! Is mine!" "Sho its not yours, you have the blue one with stars." "I dunno where dat is!" "Its somewhere in the living room now give me the blanket." He gives it to me and runs to the living room. I walk back over to Katsuki and hand him his blanket. He takes it and hugs it tightly, then looks up at me and makes grabby hands. "Honey I cant pick you up, I have Hanta." Hanta sticks his tongue out at Katsuki so I slapped his thigh and put him down, picking Katsuki up. "Next time don't be rude Hanta." He whines and jumps up and down to be picked up again. I walk away and he follows me tugging at my shirt. "Denki come here." I slightly yell from the main bedroom. He comes after a few seconds "yes.?" He said confused. "Come lay down, you need rest." I pat the bed and he walks over getting in under the covers. "You and Hanta are gonna stay in bed today." I say as I put Hanta beside Denki and get the remote and handing it to him. "What soup do you want to have? And pick a movie that you'll both watch." "Chicken noodle pleasee~" Denki says, I nod and head to the kitchen to start making soup. I put Kat on the counter and put water in a pot and then turn on the stove. After a few minutes it starts to boil and I turn my back for a second to get the packets of powder and noodles for the soup. After I pick the packets up I hear Katsuki start to loudly cry. I look back and see him holding his hand so I run up to him, "Baby did you touch the stove?!" I say as I run his hand under cold water. While I'm helping Kat, Hanta comes into the kitchen and hugs my arm, "mama.." I ignore him and push him off to get some ice. I put it on Kats hand since he calmed down and his burn didn't hurt a lot. "Hold it there babes, I need to finish the soup, can you do that for me?" He nods and holds it while I quickly put the packets into the boiling water and mix it. "mama..!" "Not right now Hanta, Im busy." "But-" "Hanta I said I'm busy!" I look at him as I raise my voice. He sits on the ground and starts crying, I sigh and put the lid onto the pot and squat down and wipe the tears off his face. "What do you need baby boy.?" "K-Kami throwed u-up on da floor a-and he needs a b-bucket.!" "Aw im sorry for yelling at you bubs, take this to Denki and I'll clean up after the soup is done." He nods and runs back to the room for Denki.

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