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After we were back in class Shoto had seemed down for the rest of the day. I felt bad but I ignored the fact that I was. After lunch we had Aizawa but he's running late as usual so I decided to take a little nap. I was woken by the feeling of being poked in my face. I open my eyes to see Hanta. He smiles, "mama! da others went home already! I waited for ou cause dats what big boys do!!" "Oh thank you bubs." I say as I yawn right after. I get up and pack my things getting ready to leave. I grab Hantas hand and head to the door when I see a yellow sleeping bag with my father in it behind his desk. I go over and kiss his cheek, "Bye dad!" I say as I get back up and go to the door. "Bye bye gran'pa!" Hanta says as he waves. Aizawa waves back and goes back to sleep. As we were walking home Hanta stopped me, "Mama! Mama! Can we get ice cweam?!" "No Hanta, that wouldn't be fair for the others. Now come on." I start walking again. "No! I wan' ice cweam!" He says letting go of my hand and crossing his arms while pouting. "You're not getting ice cream today. Stop acting like this and let's go home." I say kind of sternly. "No!" I stare at him for a few seconds before I keep walking without him. "Mama.?" I hear him say from behind me. I stop and look at him, "If you're gonna act like that then I'll just go home by myself." I say as I shrug and walk again. A couple seconds later he runs beside me and holds my hand again but he's still pouting. We get in the door and take our shoes and backpacks off and Hanta goes to his little room. I sigh and try to see where Shoto is. "Izuku where is Shoto?" I ask, "I think he went out with Denki?" He said scratching the back of his head. I roll my eyes and text Denki to come back with Shoto and then go into Hantas room where he was trying to watch videos and was getting more frustrated. "What's wrong bubs?" I ask as I sit next him on his bed. " 'Outube not working!" He yells as he throws his phone at the wall and crosses his arms. "Hanta! Dont throw things! You can sit in time out for 5 minutes now." I said as I got up and picked up his phone seeing if it was broken. Luckily it wasn't. "No! I don' wanna." He yells again. I put his phone in my pocket and go to pick him up. After I pick him up he tries to squirm out of my grasp. "Hanta stop it." I say as I put him in the corner. I set a timer for 10 minutes. "You get ten minutes now because you were yelling at me." I hear the front door open and I walk out of the room to see Shoto obviously regressed with an ice cream cone and Denki standing by the door taking his shoes off also with ice cream. I walk up to Denki "Denki what the fuck! He can't have ice cream he's in trouble!" I say as I take the ice cream cone away from both of them. "How was I supposed to know?!" He tries to take his ice cream back along with Shoto. I go to the kitchen and throw the ice cream into the garbage. I go back to where Denki and Shoto were and the little started to cry. I groan and go check up on Hanta to which I seen he wasn't in the corner. "Hanta get in time out right now or you're getting spankings!" I say sternly as I look at him playing with action figures on the floor. "No! Fuck off!" He yells and throws the toys at me. Luckily I manage to dodge the toys. I go up to him and grab by the wrist and sit on his bed while bending him over my knee. Hanta started squirming and hitting my leg. "Hanta stop it!" I pull his pants and pull up down to his knees and spank him a little harsher than I usually do. After a few minutes he stopped moving and was sobbing into my leg. I pull up his pants and pull-up and pick him up. He leans his head onto my shoulder while hugging me. I walk over and set him in the corner which makes him cry harder and makes grabby hands at me. I take out my phone and set a timer for 15 minutes and then walk to the door ignoring Hanta. "Mama please!" He yells out and crawls over to me. "Hanta get back in the corner or I'll up the time to 30 minutes." He stares up at me and crawls back to the corner putting his head into his knees. I walk out into the living room and sit on the couch beside Izuku who looked half asleep. I put my arm around him and rest his head on my shoulder. A couple minutes later he moves and lays down with his head in my lap and closes his eyes. "Izu baby, are you feeling little?" He lightly nods and puts his thumb in his mouth. I sit him up and stand so I can pick him up. He whines and puts his head in the crook of my neck. I walk to his room and change him into pyjamas. He closes his eyes again and I set him in his bed placing his stuffy beside him. He rolls over and hugs his stuffy tightly. I turn the lights off and walk out of the room. I walk past Hantas room and I hear the timer go off. I go in and pick him up. I try and look at his face because he's sniffling but he's covering his face. I sit on his bed and set him in my lap. I move his hands from his face and see he's trying not to cry. "Baby don't cry, mama's sorry but you needed to be punished." I say as I wipe his tears.

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