17: Friendly Intrusion

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  A/N: Hello everyone!!! I hope your're still enjoying the story. I started a Spotify playlist for this story like I've done with my other fanfictions. It's linked as (Cloudy Skies) under the username kayla9658. The photo I've provided for the playlist cover are the spider lilies from the anime. Let me know if any of you would like to recommend me songs you personally think fits well to the story, or to characters specifically. It would be much appreciated! Thank you very much!! I'm dedicating this chapter to 'Love & Hate' by Michael Kiwanuka. Feel free to listen to the song while reading. I've provided a link to the song above if you choose to listen to it. Thank you so much for reading! I hope you all enjoy this chapter! If you would like to reach out for anything, feel more than free to DM me either on here, or on my Instagram: lynxprism. I always enjoy reading what everyone thinks of the stories that I write and how you all feel about them! Stay safe everyone!! <3333333

  "It's been a while, Y/N." Tsukiyama exclaimed, grinning down at you intently. His aura was always one to make most people uncomfortable, but you only found it annoying. The way he stared on at certain people like they were only something to dine on had to be one of many qualities Shuu had that made you want to kick his head into another dimension. You laughed to yourself for a while after first meeting him. It was quick to see exactly why he was in fact called the Gourmet Ghoul.
  "It has, too bad we couldn't make the absence of each other longer." You jabbed, causing Kaneki to stifle his laughter. Tsukiyama laughed loudly, finding your attitude to be light.
  "Not as hostile as you used to be." Tsukiyama commented. You tilted your head to the side, inquisitively.
  "I can be if you miss it that much." You responded with raised eyebrows and tiny smirk, hoping for a challenge.
  "As compelling as that would be to watch, we still need to find Nishiki." Kaneki mentioned briefly. You and Tsukiyama nodded, walking along with Kaneki.
  "We're not far from the hospital that Kimi works at." Kaneki added out of the blue, breaking the silence between everyone. Suddenly, you started to smell something rather intoxicating. Your scent abilities were never that heightened. You followed the scent on your own, not making your findings aware to the other two. Though, Kaneki noticed and halted, watching you. You walked off to the side from the path you were all walking. Tsukiyama gazed on at you as well. You began to smell something familiar. Nishiki! You thought. You were brought to a large apartment building.
  "I smell Nishiki and a human. This has to be where they are." You answered, confident in your sudden findings.
  "Well, this is their apartment building." Kaneki considered, unsure of what action to take.
  "So, you're telling me that you knew where they both lived and we never checked their first?" You chastised Kaneki, in disbelief of his plans. What does he really want from me? You questioned mentally.
  "Most of the time they're busy. They rarely have time to be home, especially together." Kaneki argued. You groaned, irked by all the walking you shared with Kaneki and Tsukiyama. You headed up to the apartment first. Following the strength of Kimi's scent mixed in with Nishiki's, it was easy to find which apartment they shared. You knocked, wasting no time at all. Kaneki rushed up behind you.
  "Where the hell did you find all that stamina?" Kaneki stated, nearly out of breath. You giggled as you watched the state he was in. You turned to cover your mouth after the unexpected sound escaped without proper permission. What the hell was that? You thought, embarrassed. Kaneki didn't really acknowledge your reaction, despite revealing a pleased grin, he continued on without mentioning it. Tsukiyama wasn't far behind Kaneki, yet, he wasn't out of breath. You cleared your throat.
  "My stamina comes from wanting to get this over with as quickly as possible. I'm surprised you can't keep up, Mr. Leader of the Goats." You responded coldly. Kaneki was a bit shocked to hear you speak those words so suddenly after the amusement you displayed just a few seconds prior. Kaneki knew he was the one to blame for all of it; even mentally punching himself over it. The door to Nishiki's and Kimi's apartment abruptly swung open. A woman. You thought to yourself. She looked wary.
  "Who are you?" Kimi questioned, standing her ground. Despite being only a mere human, she was strong-willed. You respected that very much. It dawned on you that she would definitely have to be tough natured if she were romantically involved with Nishiki. It continued to prove your discovery that humans really were resilient creatures. You heard the sound of scattered footsteps getting closer to the door.
  "Who is it, Kimi?" You heard a familiar voice, becoming irritable. He stood behind Kimi, towering over her as his eyes went wide at the sight of you.
  "Y/N?" Nishiki exclaimed with an expression filled with incredulity. You stood there with an uncomfortable visage, stammering lightly.
  "Yeah, it's me." You answered, looking away to the side while your expression contorted with displeasure. You were deeply agitated by the reunion. Kaneki could tell how awkward the situation was for you.
  "Nishiki, may we come inside?" Kaneki spoke up suddenly, catching you off guard. You turned your head to stare at him as he walked to your side. 
  "Kaneki-san?" Kimi spoke up, confused by his sudden appearance.
  "Yeah, sure, just remove your shoes when you step inside." Nishiki answered, still taken aback by the entire display in front of him. Kimi nodded when you looked down at her for approval as well. She knew exactly what you were waiting for without you even needing to utter a single word. You wanted to be absolutely positive that you were welcome in their home without rebuttal. Nishiki huffed coyly, you glared at him. He made no attempt to hide his snide expressions or sounds. Still the same, I see. You mentally commented.
  "Nishio, knock it off." Kimi warned, leaving Nishiki to turn and walk off.
  "Sorry, babe." Nishiki spoke to Kimi before his figure was no longer in view. You were curious just how much Kimi knew of the situation. It was obvious she had never seen you before, but perhaps after hearing your name, it had clicked for her. What did Nishiki tell her? You pondered cognitively, uneasy over the thought.
  "Maybe it would be better for you to wait out here." Kaneki spoke to Tsukiyama. You listened in as you removed your shoes. Kimi remained standing by the door, holding it open for Kaneki. You were puzzled as to why he wished for Shuu to remain out in the hallway. Shuu looked as if he were about to argue until everyone heard Nishiki exclaim from inside the apartment.
  "If that fucker comes into our home, he'll leave without his limbs." Nishiki shouted, unbothered by who may have heard him. You chuckled, entertained by his threat. Shuu seemed challenged, but he also looked as if he understood the reasoning for being unwanted.
  "Sure." Tsukiyama stated with defeat in his tone. Kaneki hummed in approval as he stepped inside. Kimi shut the door immediately. She didn't seem fearful, but rather eager to not see Shuu's face any longer. You understood the desire. You observed your surroundings within the apartment. It had such a quaint, warm aura to it. Your back was turned to Kaneki with your arms crossed against your chest as he removed his shoes. You could feel Kaneki's breath at the nape of your neck after he bent down to place his shoes next to yours. You maneuvered your body away from him. What the hell? Your inner thoughts shouted.
  "Sorry, you seemed distracted so I didn't want to disrupt you. I didn't think you'd notice me." Kaneki apologized, extremely observant of your curiosity over the apartment. The way Kaneki stated his sentence was as if he were mocking you for what you had stated earlier. Your expression held annoyance as you rubbed the section of your neck that you felt being attacked by the scorching wind that exited Kaneki's orifice. Did it really feel that warm? You mentally questioned yourself as you remained where you stood. Kimi observed the behavior that you and Kaneki exuded. She gave a light smile to you prior to walking on ahead, expecting the both of you to follow after. Kaneki did so before you had, walking passed you without even a glance. You scoffed, heading through the apartment.
  "So, what brings you here with that bastard Tsukiyama?" Nishiki interrogated, trying to hide his irritation. You felt as if you and Kaneki had intruded on something. After observing the attire both Kimi and Nishiki were wearing, you quickly put two and two together. They were having a peaceful night together as a couple; likely talking in bed together. You averted your eyes, feeling a faint rush of guilt wash over you.
  "We're here to discuss Y/N. Eto told her everything and she's agreed to help us." Kaneki mentioned. Nishiki sighed loudly, placing his hands in his pockets before he glanced at you.
  "What's up with you?" Nishiki asked, noticing your expressions. You looked directly at him, not wanting to lie. You immediately opened your mouth to speak.
  "I felt bad because it seems that we've intruded on a nice evening you two were having." You replied easily, not holding back on your words. Kaneki looked at you, astonished by your honesty. Nishiki blinked a few times while Kimi simply blushed and looked away.
  "You did, but it's not like there won't be more to spend with her." Nishiki answered back. Kimi cleared her throat softly, embarrassed by the fact that you and Nishiki weren't the type to mince words. You chuckled to yourself.
  "Well, either way, I'd like to give you my apologies." You stated, bowing for a short moment after speaking. Even you were shocked at your mannerisms. Though, Nishiki shook his head, chuckling simultaneously.
  "Don't mention it." Nishiki added, pleased by your demeanor and attitude.

Cloudy Skies {Kaneki x Fem!Reader}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin