3: Scars

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"That's the reason?" You questioned. You knew it was a lie, yet you decided to briefly play along in case he wanted to be truthful. Kaneki nodded. You laughed.
"That's a pathetic excuse. Did you expect me to believe you?" You tittered coyly at Kaneki.
"You are in fact aware of my past, correct?" Kaneki asked, aggravating you even further.
"Yes, I am." You responded, shrugging your shoulders.
"Then you understand." Kaneki added. You squinted, parting your lips and staring at him with disbelief of the words he chose to leave his mouth.
"Understand what? That your mommy beat you as a child? Oh, you poor baby." You stated sarcastically. Kaneki raised his head, sneering at you. You let out a breathy, mocking chuckle.
"My father tortured me day in and out, only seeing me as a potential weapon of warfare. He treated me like a diseased animal all my life. But do you see me whining about it and using excuses to treat people like shit who don't deserve it? Hell no. Everything I have in my life I earned on my own. Plain and simple. If you want an easy route to be a smug little pussy, be my guest; but I'm going to continue to mind my own business and do what I can to survive. If you have an issue with that, I'm leaving." You explained firmly. Kaneki blinked a few times before a side smile crept up on his face.
"I see, I'll be on my way then." Kaneki stated, turning around suddenly and heading to your door. You're surprised he allowed your disrespect to go unpunished. He grabs the doorknob.
"You can call me Kaneki," He turned to you with a small grin. "If you'd like." He added before opening the door and quietly shutting it behind him.
"What the hell?" You questioned out loud, furrowing your brows while slightly scoffing.

You heard a knock at the door while you were still fully awake. You had only managed to sleep for about two hours. You walked over to open the door and it was Kaneki on the other side.
"What?" You spoke, clearly irritated. He pushed the door open. You briefly held your arms up and tossed them back down in annoyance while laughing sarcastically.
"Or come in, that's cool too I guess. You totally don't need to ask first." You stated sardonically. Yet, you closed the door before turning around to face Kaneki. Once you did so, Kaneki was standing directly over you, causing you to back up against the door.
"I don't do romance, Haise. It's icky." You revealed a grossed out face and laughed. You purposely placed emphasis in your voice to deliberately go against what Kaneki had told you the night prior. He didn't seem bothered by it.
"I only came in to inform you that I know you're planning on leaving soon regardless if I stop you. If you leave, I'll find you and deal with you myself." Kaneki warned, tilting his head to the side as he gazed at you. You let out a challenging chuckle.
"Ooh, your face is pretty scary, but I'm sorry to say that empty threats don't faze me. Give me a description of what you'll do to me and maybe I'll give you a proper reaction." You taunted, moving closer to Kaneki in a confident manner.
"I can show you now if you would like?" Kaneki whispered in your ear, his intimidating breath sending a shiver down your spine. You tittered on while looking up at him.
"Show me the—" Before you could finish your statement, Kaneki already had you lying flat on your face against the rough, dirty floor in your room. He twisted your shoulder, making you whimper. His strength was far too much for you. The low cut black shirt you were wearing was revealing enough after he had grabbed you, but the sudden slam to the floor caused your shirt to nearly show your entire back side. Kaneki suddenly released your arm. You scattered away from him, fixing your shirt. You sneered aggressively at him while you caught your breath.
"What's up with you? I know we're all a little insane, but that was ridiculous." You asked, angrily, referring to how quick Kaneki was to shifting his attitude. Kaneki simply stared at you with a haunting blank face.
"What?" You asked but received only silence. Kaneki suddenly walked towards you, pulling you up from the floor like a doll in order to lift up the back side of your shirt.
"W-what are you doing? Let go of me!" You shouted, pushing him away harshly. Your arm was tender, so you seethed in response after shoving him.
"Those scars." Kaneki muttered, worried. You shot your head over in his direction the moment you heard him say those words.
"Are none of your business! Don't ever do that again." You warned, pushing passed him and heading out of your room. Kaneki paced up behind you and grabbed your wrist. He then shoved you against the wall in the hallway of the ward. Your head was bowed for a moment until you lifted it up with a displeased glare. No one was awake or out of their rooms yet for it being so early in the morning.
"Funny, I don't remember saying you could touch me." You grumbled, snaking your leg around Kaneki's to make him lose his balance. After maneuvering your foot, you tilted your head to the side and used your right arm to force the back of his head to jolt forward. You smashed his face against the wall before guffawing delightfully. Kaneki then pushed your shoulders intensely, making you wince. You knew your actions wouldn't do much, but you couldn't help yourself.
"Tell me." Kaneki demanded. You grit, showing your teeth as he kept applying more pressure to your shoulders.
"Like hell I will. You don't even know me and to top it off, we both loathe each other; so dream on." You spat with disdain in your voice as you remained still.
"Tell me." Kaneki was persistent. Your nostrils flared with annoyance. You averted your eyes for a moment before responding.
"You'll have to torture it out of me, because I'm not telling you shit." You sternly challenged. Kaneki looked at you, genuinely bothered by your words. He released his grip on you. You composed yourself and adjusted your shirt.
"Unless it has to do with missions or relation to us as Ghouls, don't approach me." You advised Kaneki before walking away. Nishiki strolled up to Kaneki from down the hallway.
"Lover's quarrel?" Nishiki spoke, jokingly smirking at him.
"Not in the slightest, I'm just trying to get some intel. She's just stubborn." Kaneki explained briefly.
"Intel? On who?" Nishiki asked with inquisitiveness.
"Her." Kaneki answered, pointing in your direction as you walked away.
"Ah, don't trust her?" Nishiki considered.
"That's not it, I'm just a little curious." Kaneki replied as honestly as he could.
"I would still be cautious. Y/N may be the same as Eto, but she's a much greater threat compared to her." Nishiki reminded Kaneki. He nodded with understanding.
"That's not what I'm worried about." Kaneki added, walking away from Nishiki, heading back to his room. Nishiki headed off in the opposite direction from Kaneki. He decided to follow you after Kaneki had peaked his interests.

Cloudy Skies {Kaneki x Fem!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now