7: Origins

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Kaneki was left utterly speechless, losing his ability to move even a  single muscle. Nishiki was surprised at who it was while he looked over at Kaneki. He was still under immense shock.
  "Shit." Nishiki whispered. He shook Kaneki to snap him out of his current state of emptiness.
  "We need to get her away from him." Kaneki warned, hastily trying to figure out a way to grab you without you getting harmed. You regained consciousness as your eyes fluttered open. You noticed the four men around you as you were still hung over the shoulder of the man who captured you.
  "Who the fuck are all of you?" You shouted, wriggling to get free.
  "Still have that foul mouth, I see." You heard a voice too familiar to forget, and it made your heart pound up to your throat. The voice rang in your ear and sent chills through your whole body. The man that attacked you threw you down, making you slide across the grimy floor. You were unable to stand after hearing that putrid voice.
  "She's so happy for this reunion that she can't even move." One of the strangers mentioned, laughing at you. The man you and Kaneki were so deeply terrified of lifted you up by your neck like a defenseless toy. He turned in full view where Nishiki and Kaneki could see him. Nishiki remembered exactly who the man was.
  "Don't you have anything to say to me, Y/N?" The man stated, grinning and chuckling coyly at you. You grabbed a hold of his arm with both of your hands, letting your legs go limp. You smiled at the man.
   "Hello, Dad." You replied. Kaneki widened his eyes while Nishiki couldn't believe what he heard. Nishiki knew of the man, even meeting him very few times. Though, he never knew him the way that you and Kaneki did.
   "Yamori is her father?" Nishiki mentioned quite loudly. He drew attention to everyone in the room. It didn't take long before the group of men drew out Kaneki and Nishiki in front of Jason.
  "Kaneki-kun, it's been so long." Jason mentioned, throwing you to the ground. You groaned but got up on your feet rather hastily, standing off to the side. Kaneki walked closer.
  "How are you alive?" Kaneki interrogated.
  "You thought you killed me that day, didn't you? That's a shame." Jason slyly spoke.
  "Cut the bullshit and let her go." Kaneki demanded. You walked over next to Jason, your face displaying a rather stoic, unhinged expression.
  "Don't speak to my father that way." You glared at Kaneki, revealing your one Ghoul eye. Kaneki looked at you, downright staggered. Kaneki couldn't believe that you were defending Jason. Please, just let this be a game you're playing. Kaneki thought to himself while he stared at you so intently.
  "I don't tolerate such disrespect." You groaned, releasing your blood red and black kagune. The thorns that formed throughout it was like a spark of electricity. You walked in front of Jason, shielding him from Kaneki and Nishiki.
  "Sorry we couldn't have more fun together." You stated plainly, gazing at Kaneki and Nishiki with glossy eyes. They both released their kagune's, readying themselves. You maneuvered your kagune to swing back as it penetrated through Jason's chest and abdomen. The force lifted him from the ground, high into the air. Tears fell from your eyes as you slammed him into the ground over and over until you were sure he was no longer capable of moving. You turned and walked towards him, unharmed from such a quick dual.
The strangers who brought you there were backing far away from you. Their strength was no match for Jason, so they were left to believe that they wouldn't be capable of competing with you. Jason did raise you after all. You stood over Jason, still letting the tears fall. You were expressionless. Jason released his kagune and struck you while he was still lying on the ground, bleeding profusely. You were knocked into the wall across the way. Still, you stood up on your feet with ease. Kaneki recalled his fight with Jason, realizing that your actions resembled the way he had acted during his fight back then. You headed towards Jason, bleeding quite a lot from your leg. You had a large laceration on your back with other cuts all over your body. Kaneki looked at you with impending and agonizing panic. You walked up to Jason, standing over him again.
"Even facing me here, you can't kill me. You always cried when forced to fight me." Jason mentioned, coughing up blood.
"No, that was then. I'm crying because I can finally find the courage to kill you. I'll finally be free of you." You stated coldly, smiling down at Jason. Kaneki and Nishiki watched you intently.
  You forced your kagune through Jason's head, the force even digging through the concrete. You expressed a sigh of relief before collapsing to the ground on your knees; sobbing at how happy you were. Kaneki paced towards you, wanting to help.
"Stay away!" You hollered at Kaneki, getting up and wiping your tears. The stranger that attacked you in the alley way headed in your direction.
"How tough can Jason be if she killed him so easily? She can't take all of us." He mentioned with cockiness. Kaneki shot his head over at the man with aggravation. You took a breath, releasing your kagune once again and shooting the thorns from within them toward the direction of the man. Several thorns pierced through his body and burned him like a toxin. He wailed out in pain as the veins in his skin began to turn an obsidian shade before popping all at once. The man fell to the floor, no longer making a sound after his blood scattered around him. The weapons that shot from your kagune had acted like a fast acting virus. The other strangers fled in horror of the unknown abilities to your kagune. You scoffed before you began limping towards Kaneki and Nishiki. However, you walked directly passed both of them, ignoring that they were even there. Blood seeped from all of your wounds with every step you took.
"Y/N!" Kaneki yelled, grabbing you suddenly. You toppled over him and Kaneki held you against him. You tried to push him away, yet you were too weak at the moment. You were low on blood and you used all your strength to kill Jason. However, your hate for Kaneki was enough to push him away from you.
"Piss off." You growled, continuing to limp.
"Y/N, will you at least hear me out? I'm sorry." Kaneki pleaded with you, yet you decided to ignore him further. Nishiki stood in front of you, halting you from leaving. You sneered at him. You had a glare deadly enough to kill.
"Move." You warned with a clenched jaw. Nishiki shook his head, releasing his kagune. Both of his eyes cascaded in the scarlet and coal color you always saw. His expression read that he would use his kagune the very moment you chose to move. You groaned at the pain you were experiencing. Blood continued to leak from your wounds; you could feel your body about to go numb as your sight became foggy.
"Nishiki, stop!" Kaneki called out, making you jolt at his anger. You scoffed, realizing that you would either get away safely, or die.
"I'm not going back to that place so you'll just have to kill me." You challenged through pained words. Nishiki hummed with amusement. You coughed, experiencing a hellish ache surge through you while blood formed in your mouth. Nishiki's kagune was a serpent type, quickly wrapping around your torso so eagerly like a hungry python. As Nishiki tightened, you fought to remain conscious. Your vision was shaky. You felt your heart beat in your ears and throat, gasping for air.
"That's too easy." Nishiki spoke, sinisterly. Kaneki released his kagune as well, annoyed.
"Nishiki, don't think I won't hurt you." Kaneki threatened with a hoarse tone. Nishiki sighed, loosening the grip from his kagune. You stumbled, coughing up blood. You were bent over in order to catch your breath. You then stared at Kaneki, befuddled at his protection over you. You rolled your eyes, remembering that not even three hours prior, Kaneki was treating you like a rabid animal. Nishiki moved to the side. You regained your balance once you knew it was safe to leave. Though the pain was unbearable, you understood that you couldn't just stop there and allow yourself to be treated the way you were after going so far. Despite feeling that way, Kaneki still saved your life in that moment.
"Thanks." You spoke to Kaneki, slowly inching away from him and Nishiki. Kaneki ran up to you to gently, but hastily grab you in order to make you turn and face him.
"God, take a fucking hint." You commented while trying to free yourself. You noticed tears forming in Kaneki's eyes. You stopped and just stared up at him with furrowed brows. The disbelief in your face said it all. You didn't know whether to trust in his blatantly open emotions, or run for the hills. The stories you were told of how Kaneki knew Jason opened up a soft spot in you for means of abuse you both related to. The idea of being comforted by Kaneki, or the other way around left a sour taste in your mouth.
"I know the pain you went through, Y/N." Kaneki spoke softly, fighting through his tears. You gazed at Kaneki with understanding, but looking away almost immediately after showing such a vulnerable visage.
"You seem to have things taken care of, and this isn't any of my business, so I'll see you both later." Nishiki mentioned, leaving quickly. You wanted to argue and mention that he wouldn't be seeing you in the future, yet, you held back the urge. You recalled what Kaneki had said to you before Nishiki had departed.
"It wasn't all that bad." You muttered, still avoiding eye contact with Kaneki.

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