6: Deathly Familiar

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  "I'm done with these stupid fucking games you like to play. I'm not going back and you can't force me." You yelled, trying to push Kaneki away.
"You wanna bet?" Kaneki threatened. He suddenly erupted with massive strength and pulled you closer to him, gripping both of your forearms. You groaned in pain, glaring up at him.
"I'll fucking kill you, asshole! Let me go!" You shouted loudly. Kaneki huffed, smirking a bit.
"Do it." Kaneki challenged you. You looked at him with scattering eyes. Is he serious? You mentally asked yourself.
"You won't, will you?" Kaneki questioned, walking closer. You looked at him with grief, looking down suddenly.
"This is why I didn't like you from the start. You're always willing to start a fight but you never follow through. You act like people should be fearing you or hating you, but then you question why they do." Kaneki discussed, now standing directly in front of you.
"You don't know a damn thing." You replied in a small, defeated voice. You knew what you were capable of, yet you always had to hold yourself back.
"Oh? Or do I know pretty much everything about you? The fact that you're born half Ghoul and half human yet hated by both? Or is it the fact that you're no different than some low life like Jason taking their anger out on others?" Kaneki continued, coldly.
You rolled your hands into fists, now looking up at him with the briny liquid starting to form in your eyes. You still found it in yourself to sneer at Kaneki, annoyed with his speech that he planned on continuing.
"I don't need an ungrateful brat being associated with me when she does nothing but pick and choose her battles that she never finishes. So you're free to leave. Don't expect me or anyone to come and save you if you're in danger. You could've avoided all of this." Kaneki added. You shit your eyes for a moment and stared at him, angered. You began to chuckle abruptly.
"You're such a sack of shit acting like you're owed respect from everyone you have in that place. Respect is earned, you self-loathing lunatic. The only reason all those losers show you respect and are so damn grateful to you is because they're afraid of you. They're all just afraid of being on their own, because deep down they know they wouldn't last." You spoke with hate in your voice.
  "You can shove your bullshit agenda up your ass. You're not saving Ghouls or trying to make peace between Ghouls and humans. You're just making it worse and you know it. You only give a shit about yourself and your precious group of friends. But what do I know, right? I'm just some ungrateful brat. Hah! Go fuck yourself." You mocked. Kaneki didn't respond, so you took the opportunity to walk away. Kaneki watched you leave before heading back to headquarters. It wasn't until he reached his bedroom that he started to regret all that he had said to you. Someone knocked at Kaneki's door.
"Kaneki." Nishiki called from behind the door. Kaneki allowed Nishiki in.
"What is it?" Kaneki asked, clearly aggravated.
"I thought you were bringing Y/N back?" Nishiki questioned.
"No, but does it really matter to you?" Kaneki mentioned.
"Not really, no." Nishiki chuckled, amused.
"Can you do me a favor?" Kaneki considered.
"Sure thing." Nishiki agreed, understanding that he technically owed Kaneki after the night everyone had because of him.
"I told Y/N to leave and not come back but I'm skeptical. I want you to keep an eye on her. She kind of blew up on me before she walked off and I don't know where she is now. It shouldn't be too hard to find her with her scent." Kaneki added, aware of the situation he potentially put you in.
"Alright, but if she tries anything don't expect her to come back in one piece." Nishiki stated, grinning coyly. Kaneki walked closer to Nishiki.
"I'm saying this one time only, do not lay a hand on her. I'm asking you to watch over her, not spark up conversation or instigate her into fighting. Understand?" Kaneki warned. Nishiki backed away, tittering to himself.
"Alright, alright. I was only kidding." Nishiki mentioned. Kaneki .
"No you weren't." Kaneki commented, aware of Nishiki's nature when it came to people he disliked. Nishiki snickered.
"Damn that memory recovery of yours." Nishiki joked. Kaneki hummed in response.
"If she is in danger, I want you to protect her if needed, and contact me immediately." Kaneki urged. Nishiki nodded in agreement.
"You got it, see you soon." Nishiki responded, leaving Kaneki's room and heading out to find you.
Nishiki was searching for you for quite a while as it had gotten quite cold in the late evening. You didn't have a jacket after decided to leave your bag behind. Being out in the open like you were, walking down the streets of Tokyo would've been too easy for Ghouls to track you by your unique scent.
  Though Eto had a strong scent herself, yours topped hers without a doubt. You weren't sure on the specifics of why you smelled so enticing, or what you even smelled like to begin with, but you didn't care at the current point you were in. You were going to leave Tokyo soon. Leaving your small amount of friends behind was heart breaking, though you had to move on. Nishiki had finally found you, and was following you for some time. You felt someone close by, but couldn't really configure who it was. You automatically assumed that more Ghouls back at headquarters were aware of your permanent departure and decided to finally get what they wanted. You had finally recovered from your wound, however, you were too exhausted to fight anymore. You knew that you had to eat something or at least get a cup of coffee somehow. Suddenly, a stranger pulled you into an alley way; a cliche of all things.
"What are you—mmmppphhh!" You shouted but the stranger covered your mouth with a cloth and took you with them soon after you fell into unconsciousness from the aromatic liquid on the cloth.
Nishiki followed behind the stranger, this time being much more diligent with his movements. He thought it may be someone working for the Washuu's. Nishiki called Kaneki for back up not long after you had been captured. Kaneki was on his way and thanked Nishiki for the knowledge. More and more strangers appeared next to the one who had captured you. The stranger had you over their shoulder and you looked like a dead corpse. As much as Nishiki didn't like you, he was still worried for your sake. God, this stupid girl. Nishiki thought to himself as Kaneki quietly caught up with Nishiki.
"Hey, they knocked her unconscious with what I'm assuming is chloroform." Nishiki whispered into Kaneki's ear. Kaneki nodded slowly, locking his eyes on the strangers walking through the alley ways ahead of them. The long walk lead all of you to an abandoned building. Nishiki and Kaneki were ready for anyone they may face in order to help you. Kaneki was overwhelmed with the regret he felt from everything he said. He didn't want you to die before he could properly apologize.
"We found her." One of the strangers shouted through the building once they stopped. They were in the middle of an arena looking room with loads of medical related things scattered around on tables. Kaneki knew exactly what the building was used for and he didn't like it one bit. Nishiki had an idea after knowing Kaneki for as long as he did, and with the knowledge of what Dr. Kanou had done in the past. Although, Kaneki and Nishiki's perception of what they were seeing in the room came from different origins. Nishiki wasn't aware of the exact torture Kaneki had gone through those years ago.
"Are you sure it's her?" That male voice sounded familiar to Kaneki. Kaneki couldn't quite put his finger on it, yet, the man's voice forced Kaneki to cascade into a frozen state.

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