1: A Certain Way

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A/N: The rules that apply in this fanfiction are the same ones that apply in my other fanfictions. I do not and will never tolerate sexual, rude or disrespectful comments of any kind. Whether these kind of comments are directed towards me, my readers, or this story, it is unacceptable. If you cannot be respectful in all aspects when leaving comments, your comment will be deleted and you will be banned from my page. This is a mature story about mature and serious themes. I won't tolerate childish behavior from anyone.

This story is an AU, so details used will be different from Tokyo Ghoul manga canon. However, I will be using themes, details and insight from the series as well. Many characters who are deceased in canon of the series are alive in this AU fanfiction.

⚠️Many spoilers are discussed in this fanfiction, so if you have not finished the manga or the anime, I suggest that you do. I specifically and strongly suggest to read the manga, because many of the discussions and mentions in this story will only make sense if you have read the manga. Don't feel pressured or as if you have to. Feel more than free to do as you wish when it comes to the manga. I know it's extremely long, but regardless of what you choose to do, I just wish for you to enjoy this fanfiction!

I welcome you to ask questions, leave concerns, theories, etc. I don't mind cursing at all, but Wattpad itself may flag your comments, so be careful. I hope you all enjoy this story and feel more than welcome to speak with me either on here or on my Instagram: lynxprism. Enjoy! <3333333

You were fairly new to Kaneki Ken's group of Ghouls, and though you had been fighting by his side for quite a while, you couldn't seem to shake the understanding that Kaneki hated you. Even the ground you walked on seemed to act as a natural deterrent for him. You were far too detached and stoic to ask him directly; yet in the back of your mind, you would rather not know. You had grown to hate him yourself for never acknowledging your strength or power. The sacrifices you had made for not only him, but everyone else in the group continued to go unnoticed. The amount of times you nearly died protecting Kaneki, just to be treated like modern filth had resulted in you creating a growing callus towards him.
  Theories ran through your head as to why Kaneki despised you so much. You were in fact born half Ghoul and half human, but you had no choice in how you were conceived. Similarly so, Kaneki also had no choice in being used as an experiment for hybrid Ghouls. Kaneki, as well as many other hybrid Ghouls who were turned from the procedures conducted by Dr. Kanou, all seemed to hate you on an equal level.
  You would always pay no mind to their childish resentment. This day of all days was arguably the worst you had ever spent on the planet. Kaneki had sent you out on a particular mission to investigate more on the CCG and their current status in dealing with you all as the Black Goat Ghoul organization.
  Over the last few months, the organization had expanded in members, which only meant more death for the rookies and the cocky bastards. You found out that Kaneki purposely sent you out on the mission by yourself because he knew it would be a trap. Your photo had recently come up as one of the number one Ghouls on the CCG hit list, aside from Kaneki. While you were flattered that you made it to the CCG's SSS Rated list, you were befuddled that Kaneki would send you out so carelessly, while being completely aware of the situation he put you in.
Though, the only knowledge the CCG had of your appearance was that you wore a long black hooded gown, completed with a detailed red, gold and white Volto mask. Kaneki practically leaving you for death lead you to believe that he deemed you as a threat. That was your most sensible theory. You didn't peg Kaneki to be dumb enough to have someone with your strength ultimately killed off. Though, you knew that Kaneki typically treated anyone other than his friends like lowly trash, you also knew that he needed you—or so you thought. You barged into Kaneki's room after you had returned to the 24th ward.
  "Are you out of your god damn mind?" You shouted, covered in dark bruises, welts, cuts and scrapes. Blood that had seeped from your open wounds had dried up. The most noticeable of lesions was the desiccated blood that had run down your forehead from the gash on your scalp. Kaneki glanced at you, but he didn't give you much of a reaction. It almost seemed as if he was disappointed that you were still alive. The thought angered you.
"Did I say you could come in?" Kaneki responded, coldly.
"You think I care about that? You sent me out there knowing I would be killed, purposely not informing me that I'm an SSS Rated Ghoul." You complained, speaking your mind without a fear or care.
"So, it's my fault that you weren't aware of that and couldn't properly defend yourself?" Kaneki replied, rising up from his seat. You clenched your jaw, glaring up at him as he approached you.
"Excuse me?" You growled, slamming the side of your fist against the wall in Kaneki's room, causing your hand to go through easily. Kaneki sighed out of annoyance.
"What is your problem with me? Why do you and every other artificial Ghoul hate me so damn much?" You questioned with a raised voice. Kaneki suddenly acknowledged you with raised eyebrows and an interested expression.
"You think I can help that I was born this way? Having to live like this and be the target of Ghouls and humans? You think that if I had the choice, I would've wanted to be born this way?" You seethed angrily. Kaneki looked directly at you as you spoke. He didn't reveal much emotion over the matter, yet he could relate to what you were saying on his own level. Before he could respond, you continued speaking.
"Oh, but I'm just wasting my time, right? Because why should I expect Haise Sasaki to give a shit about me or any of us when he only has one mission that saves his own ass? Haise Sasaki doesn't care if any of us are thrown under the bus and killed, just as long as he and all his friends are safe, right?" Your voice had become louder by the end of your statement. The commotion started to draw attention to other Ghouls. You loathed the idea of having to call him Haise when everyone knew his real name. You thought to yourself how pathetic it was for him to continue using the same name he was brainwashed into using when he was a Ghoul Investigator.
"Y/N—" Kaneki began to speak, but was interrupted by another Ghoul who had walked into the room directly behind you.
"Is Y/N bothering you, Kaneki-kun?" Shuu Tsukiyama asked, announcing himself like he always did. You rolled your eyes and clicked your tongue before pushing passed Shuu and leaving Kaneki's room, heading off to your own.

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