14: Missing Puzzle Pieces

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A/N: I'm in a bit of a rush tonight so I'll just dedicate this chapter to 'Wake Up Call' by Nothing But Thieves. Hope everyone is doing well and you're all safe! Enjoy!! <3333333

  "Is that so?" You asked, watching as everyone once again proved your point in saying that their emotions were easy to read. Yomo nodded, seeming like the silent type.
"I call bullshit." You spoke up, crossing your arms. Yomo and everyone stood still, deciding not to defend themselves.
"Why is that?" Yomo questioned, puzzled by your confidence.
"Well, for one, you took a while asking that after I stated I didn't believe you. Plus, I'm a very active nursing assistant at the most populated hospital in all of Tokyo. I'm sure I would know by now if what you said were really true." You began, scoffing before proceeding.
"The Ghouls who knew me in the 24th Ward wanted nothing more than to see me dead. Why wouldn't they try to kill me after all this time? You all stated you would make me suffer, and yet, nothing of that sort has happened. So, why should I believe what's obviously just pure bullshit?" You argued, practically offended that they would even attempt at lying any further.
"Almost every Ghoul in Tokyo does know who you are." Kaneki defended Yomo's statement from prior.
"I don't doubt that, but he's making it seem like every single Ghoul knows what happened two years ago. I can see it on his face he knows what happened that day too. Maybe he was there and I don't recognize him or maybe all of you just ran your mouths. What else should I expect? I bet he knows that Yamori was my adoptive father as well, huh?" You stated, slowly angering yourself at the very thought. Kaneki sighed, walking closer to you as if to scold you like a mere child.
"Do not try to lecture me. The guessing game would stop if I were just told the truth." You snapped, glaring back and forth at everyone. Kaneki took a step back, placing his hands up in defeat. His reaction reminded you a lot of how he acted two years ago.
"Y/N." Touka started, sounding deathly serious all of a sudden. You turned your head, surprised at finally hearing her voice.
"Please understand this when I say we're not keeping anything from you to hurt you. We're keeping it from you so you don't get hurt." Touka had said a little too much considering that Ayato and Kaneki had given her their own irritated expressions. You scoffed, shaking your head.
"What does that even mean?" You questioned, eager to hear more.
"It means you should go." Yomo spoke, walking to the side of you, next to Kaneki.
"Why?" You questioned, stepping away with a look of disbelief.
"Because everyone except you has an errand to attend to today." When Yomo muttered those words, you could almost feel everyone's goosebumps pop out of their skin. You chuckled, furrowing your eyebrows over the confused state you were in.
"Jesus, did all of you just shit your pants?" You joked, covering your mouth slightly as you tittered.
"Yomo's right, you need to go. We're leaving now anyway." Kaneki commented warily, practically ready to kick you out himself. You held your hands up midway.
"Alright, I'll talk to you all some other time. Don't get too comfortable, because like I mentioned, I will figure everything out one way or another." You warned, waving goodbye and heading out of Anteiku. For what seemed like hours was only six minutes before they all walked out together as you kept a distance, out of site. You waited for them to leave, noticing that they all walked as a group. It had then clicked in your head that their 'mission' likely involved meeting up with one of the wards. It was your chance to finally find out why everything happened. You demanded answers, and even though you had been impatient about all of it, nothing could contain your eagerness any longer. You locked your car and followed behind them once a good distance was created. You were going to figure everything out, yet, you could sense that it wasn't going to be pretty. You followed them through alleyways and remained as far away as possible. In the back of your mind you had a feeling that they knew you were following them; but if they had, you were also completely sure that they would've done something about it.
You had kept a larger distance while following the group, as not to make your presence aware. You were still deathly worried of how strong your scent was. They all arrived at a building almost in the middle of nowhere. It seemed oddly familiar even though you had never once been to that specific side of the city. Kaneki and the others walked inside the abandoned looking building as you tried to find a way in without being noticed. It wasn't long before you realized that it was the 18th Ward, Arakawa.
"Aogiri territory? But why?" You whispered to yourself. There was a landing on the side of the building outside, but it was too far away if you wanted to listen in. You quietly jumped up onto a pipe attached to the wall in order to get over the landing. Once you made it up, you easily hopped up near a busted vent that lead into the building. Removing the vent cover, you crawled inside to get a better look at what they were doing. Snaking through dust and cob webs, you had finally reached another vent cover that gave you full access to watching them. You followed their voices that eventually lead you to an odd, dark room with very minuscule light sources. Hearing them was good enough however. There seemed to be only a few people that appeared. You felt the presence of three others, unsure of who they were. It was clear that they were Ghouls. Though, it was a bit difficult to tell whether they were pure blood or not.
"Glad you could make it." A deep voiced male spoke. He didn't sound familiar to you. You continued to lay still, bringing the side of your head down closer to the openings of the vent. You could sense another Ghoul enter the room.
"Eto." You heard Kaneki speak formally. A pit in your stomach became harder to ignore. She's alive after all. So they lied? You cognitively questioned.
"I see all of you are present, yet, you seem to be hiding someone very important from me." Eto spoke. You furrowed your brows. No fucking way she knows that I'm up here. You thought to yourself. You were aggressively brought down from the vent after one of the other Ghouls had used their kagune to thrash it. A tall Ghoul with a long ponytail stood next to Eto as Kaneki and the rest of the group had stared down at you with appalling surprise.
"Fuck, at least give a girl some warning." You commented groggily, still finding room to be sardonic over the situation.
"My apologies, Y/N, please forgive Noro." Eto expressed, smiling over at you. Her emerald green hair was shortened just above her shoulders as some strands of hair had dangled passed her eyebrows.
"Perhaps you forgot how intoxicating your scent is?" Eto continued, making you shift uncomfortably.
"No worries, you and I pretty much smell the same." Eto brought up coyly. You stood confidently, releasing your kagune. You weren't sure why, but something had come over you, telling you to give no trusting emotions toward the green-haired woman standing in front of you. In the back of your mind, you knew that despite the two of you being similar, you were also extremely different. You hated her, but also couldn't really admit why you did.
"Oh?" Eto hummed, smiling at you with promising amusement. She seemed to have taken a liking to you.
"Y/N, what are you doing?" Kaneki asked in a panic. You clicked your tongue.
"I'm sorry, but I can't trust her, I won't." You responded coldly.
"She's not our enemy." You heard Ayato speak up. He was calm, simply informing you of the mistake you had made. You still refused to fall back, or extinguish your raging kagune. It had been a while since you last used it the way you were planning. Do I have the strength? You mentally questioned yourself as your stomach began to turn.
"She wants to fight me because despite her and I being the same thing, she's the only one that's received the treatment she's had over the years." Eto considered, purposely wishing to get a rise out of you.
"Isn't that right, Y/N? How cute." She continued, questioning the motives you had. You grinned.
"It's part of it, yes. But aren't you also the very reason so many Ghouls have to go into hiding and are at a greater risk than they've ever been? How can I just let that go?" You explained. Kaneki and the rest of the group glanced at you, taken aback by your words. Kaneki especially had felt the worst, and his expression made that extremely obvious.
"The torture you've all put so many people through is psychotic, and you expect me to trust you just because we're the same? I would never do what you've done, no matter the cost. I'm nothing like you, Eto." You stated, clenching your jaw the more you spoke.
"I admit the things I've done are considered rather unorthodox; however, regardless of what you believe, many of the things I have done, it's all been for the protection of Ghouls and humans. There's a purpose behind all of it. Even your life with Yamori had a purpose." Eto proclaimed, her last claim striking a nerve inside you.
"Shut up." You growled under your breath, scowling at Eto. Everyone was a bit uneasy over what would come of the situation if you continued to get angry. Kaneki seemed to have taken offense to the last part of Eto's statement. You could feel the shift in his aura. It made you feel like someone had your back; though, you refused to acknowledge that factor.
"You and I are very much alike, Y/N, you just refuse to admit that to yourself. You would do anything if it meant protecting those you cared about most." Eto added.
"Torturing people unnecessarily just to make them stronger, or even turning humans into Ghouls for the sake of creating more Kaneki's is what you call a meaningful future? You're not helping Ghouls and humans, you're destroying them while you have the chance, because your twisted minds think it's funny to watch us all kill each other. You all disgust me." You spoke with malice in your voice as well as your pained visage. You purposely insulted Eto, Noro and another Ghoul that stood beside her. She shut her eyes softly, giving you an understanding chuckle.
"You're correct to hate me, Y/N. I won't deny that I find it amusing, that much is true. Although, my goals are still the same and Kaneki happens to be the person taking my place in that endeavor." Eto informed, causing you to shift your stance to face him.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me?" You muttered, in disbelief.

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