4: Hatred

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  You were outside, sitting at the edge of the roof to feel the breeze of the early morning. With your powerful scent, Nishiki found you fairly quickly.
  "Don't you wish there was an off switch for Ghouls like you when it comes to your aroma?" Nishiki asked slyly as he approached you. You chuckled.
  "Screw off, Nishiki." You spoke, still annoyed. You gave him the benefit of the doubt due to the fact that you didn't mind his presence. Though, you refused to show anyone in the 24th ward any kind of weakness.
  "I'm just messing with you, I'm not Tsukiyama after all." Nishiki shrugged. You nodded with a look of contempt.
  "You're all the same to me, so it doesn't matter." You jabbed, tilting your head back to look at him for a moment.
   "Ouch, that's hurtful." Nishiki responded sarcastically.
   "Cry into your pillow about it." You spoke plainly, looking over the crumbling, abandoned city You stared at the light peaking in from the many holes at the surface of the underground.
   "Are you always up this early?" Nishiki asked, sitting next to you.
   "I never really sleep." You replied quickly, wanting to make the conversation short.
   "Is that so?" Nishiki uttered amusingly.
   "Fascinating, isn't it?" You mentioned, your mood now becoming far more bitter.
   "Did Kaneki piss you off?" Nishiki asked. You glanced at him for a moment without responding.
   "Mmh, I'll take that as a 'yes'. He's a curious little fucker, that's for sure." Nishiki admitted. You simply gave him a short nod without giving him much recognition.
   "I think he might like you." Nishiki whispered coyly.
   "Okay." You responded, unmoved as you laughed sardonically.
   "That's an interesting response." Nishiki said while grinning.
   "Am I supposed to be flattered? That's ridiculous. He can eat my ass." You argued, rolling your eyes and nearly gagging at the thought.
   "Don't temp him." Nishiki joked, entertained by your mannerisms.
   "Hilarious." You added, getting up to leave and head back to your room.
   "Kaneki really isn't that bad of a guy." Nishiki mentioned briefly.
   "I'm sure that he's great. But it's only toward all of you. He's keeping his circle tight and he doesn't like that I'm the way that I am. I have absolutely zero interest in having any friendly relationship with him or any of you." You replied bluntly. Nishiki smirked, laughing slightly. You headed back to your room. You stretched yourself out on your bed, contemplating your present situation.
  "There's nothing for me to gain here." You whispered to yourself, getting up from the bed. You pack the small amount of items and clothes that you owned and opened your window to leave.
There was a knock at your door, causing you to roll your eyes at the thought of who it likely was. Kaneki opened the door without permission, spotting you leaving through the window. You turned your head, grinning as you noticed the disbelief on his face.
  "If I said I had a fun time I'd be lying, Mr. Sasaki. Farewell." You left Kaneki with those last parting words before jumping down about ten to fifteen feet. Kaneki looked out the window and silently watched as you left. You made your way through the underground to make it to the surface. Only a few other Ghouls were present outside of the building you all resided in, but they didn't want to waste their time on you. Once you made it to the surface, you began to think eagerly.
  "I wonder if Seidou still lives at the same place." You questioned, walking down the bright streets of Tokyo. You heard rustling coming from the right side of you, but continued walking, paying no mind to what you thought was a pathetic way of hiding. You continued to hear the noises the more you walked through the park. You stopped in your tracks but remained facing forward. You decided to play along with whoever it was that was following you.
  "Can I help you?" You asked, listening for a response. You only heard more rustling. Your patience was running thin, so you released your kagune, turning toward the stranger's direction.
  "I don't usually play games, but you're really starting to irritate me." You stated, your voice hoarse and cold. Nishiki came out from the bushes.
  "Why are you here, did Haise send you? I'm not going back, so it's pointless." You sternly explained, retracting your kagune. Nishiki smiled, putting his hands in his pockets.
  "What's funny?" You ask, annoyed.
  "He didn't send me, I came on my own." Nishiki revealed plainly.
  "Why the fuck would you do that?" You interrogated, puzzled.
  "Because I want to know why Kaneki is so interested in someone like you." Nishiki admitted. You rolled your eyes, sighing greatly.
  "I don't even know the reason myself, so you're asking the wrong person." You shrugged your shoulders, blinking slowly out of exhaustion from the conversation.
  "That wasn't what I meant." Nishiki walked closer, still grinning at you. You backed away, releasing your kagune once again. Nishiki stopped suddenly.
  "Come a little closer, see what happens." You mentioned with malice, glaring at Nishiki.
  "Such a pain." Nishiki clicked his tongue and snapped his finger. After he did so, six people revealed themselves by jumping down from the branches of the trees. You prepared yourself, refusing to show any sign of backing down. They came at you quickly, all of them seeming to be in some sort of transformation. You watched them, completely unmoved. One of them seemed to have removed themselves from your sight, as they were suddenly standing behind you. Before you could react, they released their serpent-like kagune and pierced it through your stomach. They easily lifted you up from the ground, causing you to drop your bag filled with all of your things. You coughed up blood, struggling to free yourself as blood leaked from the wound. The owner of the kagune threw you to the ground, making you yell out in pain. They all scattered around you, their aura's filled with hate. The feelings they were experiencing were far too easy for you to sense.
  "We're sick of you and your shitty attitude. For someone who's half Ghoul, you seem to let your human half get the best of you." One of them stated.
  "Like I care what you shitty assholes think." You spoke, urging yourself to stand. A woman from the group grabbed you by the back of your head, pulling you up on your feet.
  "What was that?" The woman asked with a smug grin.
  "I mind my own business and stay out of everyone's way. You all just hate that there's a half breed among you." You answered, laughing. Someone else from the group grabbed you by the face with one hand and stared you down.
  "Is this gonna be a blinking contest? I'll be honest, I'll probably lose." You questioned, jokingly as you continued to laugh.
  "You god damn cunt!" The Ghoul that had grabbed your face had released his kagune. He was ready to strike and kill you while you remained still, looking up at him; almost as if you were ready to die. The man above you, ready to strike you had suddenly been sent flying.
  "Does she have friends?" One of them questioned, wary of their surroundings.
  "There's me." Kaneki spoke, appearing from the shadows made by the trees.
  The group was shocked to see Kaneki. The woman holding your hair immediately let go and stood before Kaneki's presence. You rolled your eyes, struggling to get up, but failing.
  "Oh look, here's Prince Charming coming to save the day." You stated mockingly, still struggling.
  "This is why I can't stand you. Haise gave us a home and a place to feel safe." The same woman from prior yelled with disdain for you.
  "That's all good and well, but I however feel different in that aspect. I'm not going to treat him like some god just because he thinks keeping all of us in that depressing place is doing us a favor." You mentioned honestly, scowling at Kaneki.
  "I didn't have to help you." Kaneki added, walking closer to you.
  "Did I ask for your help?" You replied, coughing up blood.
  "No, but you looked like you needed it." Kaneki added. You simply chuckled and shook your head.
  "All of you, go back to headquarters now." Kaneki ordered the other Ghouls.
  "B-but Haise, she—" Kaneki interrupted one of the Ghouls.
  "Go!" Kaneki glared at all of them. They hurriedly walked back. Nishiki headed towards Kaneki.
  "You too, I can't believe you of all people would've planned this." Kaneki expressed with a displeasing look on his face.
  "What a shame, I figured you despised the half breed. Alright, I guess my help isn't needed." Nishiki said, leaving as well.
  "What are you even saying? You can't just act like you care after all this time." You relayed to Kaneki, trying to get up with blood seeping from your wound. Kaneki stood a ways away from you, painfully watching you struggle. You managed to stand, but quickly lost your balance once you realized that you were incapable of handling the pain. Kaneki rushed to your side and held you against him for support.
  "Let go, I can do it myself!" You shouted, wanting nothing to do with him.
  "No can do, Y/N." Kaneki spoke, not budging from you. You rolled your eyes and groaned out of annoyance.
  "Stop saying my first name so formally as if you have the right." You seethed. Kaneki laughed at your comment. You widened your eyes, immensely shocked.
  "Was that an actual laugh?" You asked. Kaneki chuckled some more.
  "Yeah, it was. Does it shock you?" He questioned, smiling at you. You gave him an aggravated expression.

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