10: Danger Lurking

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A/N: HOWDYYYYY!!! There's not much I have to say about anything in particular, I just wanted to let you all know that I appreciate the reads and the support as always!! I've dedicated this chapter to 'Wake Up, You're Dreaming' by Justin Lopez. Enjoy the chapter and stay safe everybody!!! <3333333


The aura of the room had shifted drastically compared to before you left. Kaneki seemed to be experiencing similar emotions like Touka. What were they talking about? You mentally questioned. You ignored the eagerness to ask questions, knowing you wouldn't receive the answers you craved anyway.
"Here's your coffee." You stated, handing it to Kaneki as you sat back down beside him.
  "Thanks, how were the customers?" Kaneki wondered. You nodded after taking a sip of your coffee. The warmth of such delicious Ghoul-fuel running down your throat felt as if you could do anything.
  "They were fine, they ordered some food but they seemed to be in a hurry. They might be taking it to-go since it's getting so damn late." You mentioned in a bit of a mouthful. You were also unpleasantly reminded of how cheery coffee makes you. Kaneki played off his inner turmoil far better than Touka did. You at the very least had to give him credit for that. Placing the cup in between your lap, held between your semi-laced fingers, you found yourself wanting to ask Kaneki more questions. You figuratively shook your head of the eagerness. You heard footsteps come halfway up the stairs before hearing Touka's voice.
  "My customers didn't want to wait for their food to be prepared so they paid their bill and left." You heard her voice carry through the walls. You huffed, knowing your assumptions for the customer's' rushed behavior reigned true. Touka's footsteps gradually departed as she head back down the rest of the stairs. You stood up with your empty coffee cup to bring it down.
  "You finished with yours? I was going to head down and wash them." You volunteered. Kaneki forced a grin. He stood up, placing his own cup at the night stand next to the bed.
"Thanks, but I doubt you'll enjoy what happens next." Kaneki mentioned, not giving you a chance to react to his words. You dropped your own coffee cup, attempting to defend yourself, but you weren't quick enough. Though you were strong, Kaneki was indeed fast. You were even tempted to admit that he was faster than you on a good day. Kaneki released his kagune, using all its given weight to force your body against the wall. Kaneki used two of his four tentacle-like rinkaku kagune to pierce through your hands.
  They easily struck through your flesh and into the wall. You groaned in pain, gritting your teeth while you still had the energy to glare at him. He used his other two tentacle-like rinkaku kagune to taunt you as your legs dangled. He combined them both into a thick sword, raising the sharp, pointed end up to your neck. You lifted your head up with an amused sneer as you chuckled.
"I knew I shouldn't have trusted you." You managed to say, realizing all along that you were correct to place such distrust in him. You noticed Touka and Ayato walking into the room with their own kagune revealed. You scoffed, knowing that you were trapped. Taking on Kaneki was challenging enough as it was, but adding Touka and Ayato to the mix was an impossible task if you were at it alone. You were going to die before knowing why you were so incredibly hated.
"Do I at least get to know why this is happening?" You interrogated with intensely furrowed brows. It was the only question you had for them. Kaneki chuckled, but it seemed forced. What the hell is going on? You thought to yourself.
"Because we can't have half Ghouls like you tainting this city any longer." His response was cold, yet it left you wondering. Kaneki plunged his kagune into your gut, twisting it. You coughed up handfuls of blood from the agonizing pain. Kaneki let you fall to the floor. You were catching your breath, still tittering to yourself. The extra cups of coffee seemed to do the opposite of what you had expected them to do.
"Is this what you talked with Touka about? Is that why I feel so weak despite having two cups of coffee?" You interrogated, hitting the nail directly on the coffin. It seemed that that very coffin would eventually hold you within it. Kaneki tilted his head while he looked down at you with a pained grimace. You squinted your eyes at him.
"I had Touka place in sugar supplements within the cups she gave you. Even though you can consume human food, the enhanced dose would still weaken you the same it would with us." Kaneki briefly explained, making you burst into laughter as you held your hand against the hole in your stomach. The pain was vision stirring, though you still managed to express your amused reactions as you seethed from the throbbing afflictions.
"Such a shitty weakness Ghouls have, wouldn't you say?" You joked, blood leaking from your mouth, dripping from your chin. Ayato opened up the window behind you. Kaneki grabbed you by the back of the head and lifted you up without a struggle. He dangled you over the balcony. You reached your arms behind your head and grabbed onto Kaneki's hands, desperately wanting to hang on.
"Oh, what's the matter, I thought you wanted to die? Didn't you ask me to kill you?" Your eyes widened slightly. Despite your previous mannerisms, you had become quite livid over his taunting, careless words. Before reacting, Kaneki released you. You were prepared for the impact, although, you were far too weak to release your kagune in order to break your fall. You landed on your back as Kaneki watched you hit the ground.
"Fuck." You groaned in pain, turning over on your stomach. Your blood seeped out onto the pavement. You struggled desperately to get up on your feet. You had to fight, knowing there was no other choice. If you could survive Jason's torment, you could survive anything. They'd have to rip you to pieces for it to kill you. You would only die on your own accord; no one else's. You became extremely stubborn. Death seemed like a peaceful end for you for a very long time, but you would fight tooth and nail before allowing anyone to take your control away from you.
  Nishiki, Ayato, Touka and Kaneki all walked outside. Irimi and Koma appeared shortly after. Your laughs came out strained as you struggled to get up. Whatever they were all planning to do, they were serious. Your only choices were to escape or to delve into a suicide wish. You knew you were strong, but not compared to the number of equally strong Ghouls placed before you while you were incredibly weakened. You still stood up, revealing your kagune. You refused to back down; not after everything you were put through. They all attacked you, as if synchronized. They planned this attack against you long before the day had arrived. You were outnumbered and there wasn't enough blood inside of you to help you survive. You laid on the pavement once again, slowly losing consciousness.
"Aren't you gonna get it over with?" You manage to speak up. Kaneki looks down on you.
"We don't want to kill you yet. We plan on making you suffer." He admitted. They left you in the street, fully aware that you wouldn't die from such attacks. You were left to acknowledge the painful expression they all held before you evidently lost consciousness.

  ~Several Days Later~

You woke up in the hospital. Wary and upset that you were there, you were at the very least grateful someone found you and helped you. It must've been a fellow Ghoul. But who would want to help me? You ranted internally.
"You're awake, good." You heard a stranger's voice. They were sitting in a chair next to your hospital bed. There were weighty cords attached to your arms and chest. Smells like a human. You cognitively stated.
"Did you bring me here?" You asked, curious of why you weren't in CCG custody. Haven't they figured out that I'm a Ghoul? You mentally panicked, aware that being in a hospital made it easier for people to point out Ghouls.
"I did." The mortal woman spoke, seemingly trustworthy enough. Regardless, you didn't feel at ease, considering the possibilities of being apprehended and later killed by Ghoul investigators. What a screwed up end that would be. You thought.
"Are you—" You began to speak, but the stranger interrupted.
"A Ghoul? No, I'm human." She explained. You already knew she wasn't a Ghouk, and yet, you still shifted uncomfortably, wondering why she would bother helping. What's she plotting? You questioned mentally.
"I know you're a Ghoul. Don't worry, I didn't say anything." You were surprised, yet still in erratic disbelief.
"If you don't trust me I'll leave and you'll never see me again. My father is your doctor and he is the only one allowed to look after you. I understand that just like humans, there's good and bad Ghouls." She mentioned, attempting to help you understand her feelings in wanting to assist you through recovery. You thought for a moment and shook your head.
"It's fine, I'm sure that if you were lying, I'd be in CCG custody, right? I appreciate your willingness to help, but you don't even know me. How could you possibly assume that I'm good?" You mentioned. She hummed to herself as she mulled over her explanation.
"That's true, but I saw the fight you were in. After your attackers left I brought you here. You looked like you needed a lot of help." She replied after such a short discussion. You sighed, averting your eyes from her intense, thought-filled gaze.
"Not that it really matters, but my father is actually a Ghoul. He adopted me after my parents died. Even though he is a Ghoul, he took me into his home and treated me like his own. Despite all the stories I was told growing up, he still showed me that even the most demonized beings in this world have a good bunch. I'm sure that you feel the same resentment against humans as humans do for you. It's not fair, but I'm just glad I could help even one of you." She admitted to you. You were truly touched, thinking over her words.
"I was born a half breed. Half human, half Ghoul. As you could probably tell when you found me, I have a lot of enemies due to the way I am. You didn't have to do what you did, but I thank you for doing it. People like you are rare; human or Ghoul alike." You expressed deeply, showing how grateful you were.
"It's no problem at all. I believe that everyone deserves help." She added, making it clear what her stance was in the world. You looked down and smiled softly.
"I haven't met someone so kind in a very long time. Thank you." You admitted, looking at her with a content, wondrous expression. She smiled almost ear to ear.
"My name's Atsuko." She introduced herself happily. You chuckled.
"Y/N." You replied, introducing yourself in return.
"That's pretty." She complimented before continuing.
"I'm just glad you're okay." She admitted, smiling at you. A doctor walked in.
"Good morning, Ms. Y/L/N." He greeted.
"I'm Dr. Yamanaka. Seems like you got into quite the scuffle." He mentioned, smiling at Atsuko. So this is her father? A fellow Ghoul, huh? You mentally asked yourself.
"Yeah, I was jumped and attacked." You stated, understanding that he likely already knew what had happened to you.
"I'm aware of what happened after my daughter told me. I'm assuming she's already explained things to you?" He wondered, making you nod in response.
"She did." You replied. He smiled.
"You're healing quickly. I ran some tests and it seems that you had a large amount of sugars in your system. Even though you're half human, it was an extremely deadly dosage. That must be why you were so weak before." Dr. Yamanaka brought up. You groaned.
"Yeah, I found out a little too late, though." You admitted, scratching the back of your head as you averted your eyes.
"Well, nonetheless, you're in good hands here." Dr. Yamanaka reassured you of any possible worry.

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