11: Wretched Reunion

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A/N: Not much to say other than I'm glad everyone likes the story! I've dedicated the chapter to 'Bird Scooter' by Krooked Kings. Let me know what you think of the story so far and I hope everyone is safe and doing well! Thank you!! <3333333

~Time Skip~

It had been two years since you were attacked. The recovery didn't take long, and due to Atsuko being such a helping hand, it gave you many things to think about. You had decided to give up on your human side as well as your Ghoul side. You were simply a lingering being. Just a wanderer in the world trying to sort through a purpose, whether it be good or bad. You were far more open to allowing people into your life. While most of those people were human, it gave you further insight to how courageous and unique they all truly were. A lot of Dr. Yamanaka's gleeful mannerisms had rubbed off on you, leading you to getting involved with the medical field. It didn't take long for you to achieve your nursing assistant certification. While you worked at Sanno Hospital in Tokyo, you had also been studying to become a Pediatric Nurse. Despite making a plan to forever abandon your memories and leave Tokyo, you knew that the city had grown on you. It was your only home.
You ended up giving humans the benefit of the doubt, deciding to get along with them as time went on. You did however remind yourself to keep a distance at most times as not to reveal yourself or raise suspicions. It was far easier to do so, being that you could consume and enjoy human food with no future consequences. You saw how they weren't all that different in the end. While you were half human yourself, you were always looked at as a monstrous creature by certain humans. Your Ghoul side was all that they saw. It was rocky, but also bearable when you really thought about the bigger picture. It was relaxing, knowing that you were beginning to become fairly happy in your situation. Working with your patients at the hospital was the point in the day where you could truly feel like you weren't just a disastrous demon. You had hoped that one day you would stop seeing yourself as the boogeyman and finally have the ability to call yourself a decent person.
Working with the children in the ICU and even in the recovery sectors was extremely rewarding. Being around them had brought a sparkle to your eye, causing you to smile just a little wider each day. You occasionally spotted Touka, Kaneki, Nishiki, and Ayato around the city every now and again. You always half expected them to make you suffer like they said they would, yet, that threat was never acted on. It happened so many times through the past two years that you evidently convinced yourself they were just screwing with you. That they wanted to make you go crazy before letting your guard down. You refused to let that happen.
"Y/N, I thought you weren't working today." One of your coworker's asked.
"Hey Izumi, I'm just filling in a shift for Kagome while she has dinner with her fiancée. She rarely ever gets to see him, so I told her I would cover for her." You explained. Izumi nodded.
"Yeah, the CCG has all their investigators working a lot now a days. It must be hard not being able to see him." Izumi expressed, making you nod. The mention of CCG investigators caused a dreadful feeling to always wash over you; although, you understood why they were all so frightened. They have experienced so much loss just like Ghouls have. It was truly unfair.
"I hope they eventually give them all a break every once in a while." You mentioned briefly, readying yourself to change the subject. Izumi hummed in agreement.
"What's going on in the telemetry unit today?" You asked, successful in the topic shift.
"Two patients were in critical condition before being transferred up to us. The RN's and doctor's are handling it since we can't do all that much as nursing assistance's. Other than that, everyone is just as needy as always." Izumi answered, shrugging his shoulders. You laughed at his joke.
"What about you? How have you been?" Izumi asked, curious. You sighed.
"Just been working, I don't really have any hobbies or get out much. I usually just stay home and read or paint random things I see in my dreams." You answered, assuming that it all sounded so painfully boring. Izumi had given your a look of interest.
"Your dreams?" Izumi furthered his intrigued mind. You chuckled at him before explaining.
"Yeah, well, they're more like nightmares if I'm being honest. I used to just write them down in a journal before I forgot them. As I got older, I decided writing them down wasn't enough, so I started painting them and hanging some on my wall in my apartment." You discussed, thinking the entire topic sounded so embarrassing. Yet, Izumi seemed to think it was a wondrous idea.
"That sounds really interesting. Is there ever a chance I could come by and see them?" Izumi considered. You opened your mouth to answer, but held yourself back to think for a moment. You scanned through patient files as you mulled over the idea of having him view your paintings. There was nothing too specific enough for him to suspect that you were a Ghoul.
"If you're not comfortable with that, you can just say no. I understand the need for privacy." Izumu was always so understanding. That was the biggest trait you admired about him.
"I was going to hang out in the city later, would you like to grab a drink?" Izumi wondered, still wanting to spend time with you in some way. You greatly considered his invitation before nodding excitedly.
"Sure, I'd love that." You agreed.
"So, you're here until five, right?" Izumi sounded as if he was thinking out loud. You tittered.
"Yeah, but I got a text from Kenji that he would be needing me in the ICU at about noon." You revealed, instinctively looking at your watch. It was a little after ten in the morning. You released a pent up sigh.
"Well, would you want to meet back up in the break room after our shifts?" Izumi asked.
"Definitely." You replied with a small smile while the both of you worked the floor.

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