Chapter 16

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We're suppose to be interrogating our hostage tied to the chair settled in the middle of our basement but my mind is else where.

Standing in the shadows, leaning against the wall I inhaled on my cigarette between my lips and watched Jungkook, Yoongi and Jimin torture the man as he screams and begs for them to stop. Usually I would join but my thoughts are elsewhere.


They shouldn't really but after what happened an hour ago, I cant help but think about it.

It's engraved in my mind, her screams, her begging and even her cries. Just the way she was throwing herself around the bed gave me this unsettling feeling and I never felt it before until that moment. I actually started to feel bad for her, just a tiny bit though.

The man screams as Jungkook smacks down the hammer to his kneecap and I stood motionless.

Seeing the enraged look on Jungkook's face it's obvious I'm not the only one troubled by what happened back in her room. None of us have actually spoken to each other about it or almost at all.

After we left her room, we just set out on our tasks we had already set out before going to her room in the first place.

Yoongi, Jimin, Jungkook and I had to speak to our hostage about information on where our uncle is since hes been kidnapped and missing for the last four months now.

Hoseok was upstairs in the computer room waiting for me to call if we receive any information from this rat while Jin nipped out to get some more prenatal vitamins for Y/n since we're out.

Taehyung I'm sure stayed in Y/n's room. By the look on his face he was horrified for the first time since he was a child so I wouldn't put it passed him to stay with Y/n.

"Just tell us where the fuck he is!! We know you know where he is!!" Jimin

Jimin shouted in the face of our bloody hostage crying his eyes out and shaking his head.

"I-I don't know! I swear I don't!!" ?

"LIES!!" Jungkook

Another kneecap caved in from Jungkook and Yoongi punched the man in his face using pointed knuckle dusters.

Frankly I was in no mood for this shit.

We wouldn't of taken this guy if we were wrong, so he knows he's just not telling us.

Rolling my eyes, I flicked my cigarette away to the floor, took out my gun and marched over to the group, gun pointed between the guys eyes.

"Tell us or I'll kill you right now. No games."

The man sobbing, through his bottom lip which he bites down on and squints his eyes to stare into the barrel of my gun.

"I-I don-" ?


Not allowing him time to respond I shot him between the eyes, killing him instantly and put my gun away back in my holster.


I ignored him to turn my back and take out another cigarette from the pack in my pocket and light it up, passing Yoongi one also when he gestures for one.

"He wasn't going to tell us anything Jimin. it's no big deal, we'll find Uncle Jungmin another way."

Exhaling another puff of smoke I turned back around to face them all. Yoongi took out his phone, pressing on a number and took the phone to his ear.

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