~I'd Kill! For Some Black Coffee~

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Valerie POV

I led alastor to my home which wasn't that far, only one block away from the bar. We stopped at the front door. I glared at him and turned fulling to him. I took out my notepad, 'Thank you for walking me home, I hope to see you soon. Good night alastor' I wrote and added my phone number the. ripped the page out neatly. I gave him the page after I folded it into a Swan origami. He smiled at the cute folded paper and chuckled. "Good night to you too,Dear. Before I go, would you like to come over and listen in live for my radio show?" He asked with a smile. I nodded with amusement in my eyes but my face still stern.

"I see the happiness in your eyes, don't try to hide it. I'd love nothing more than to just see your smile one day." He says turning away and leaving. I covered my mouth to hold back my growing smile. I opened my door and took a deep breath. I signed to my maids to set everything up for bed. After eating a late dinner, I got up and got ready for bed. My hair brushed and braided into loose braids. I got in bed and turned off the lights.

I wonder if my future has more of alastor in it? Who am I kidding, he's very handsome of course he could find someone much better than me. I hope he doesn't...then maybe I can try to be in his future. I smiled softly to myself and closed my eyes, falling into a deep sleep.

Alastor POV

I was now on my way home which was one street over from Valerie, I've been watching her for a while. She's quite the interesting Woman, she is a homebody and indulges in piano, Painting, and reading. I'm sure her favorite food here is Jambalaya, it's as if the universe pushed us to meet for a reason. I was interested the first time I saw her move in but I didn't expect to see her somewhere other than her home.

I held the Swan Folded paper between my fingers and realized I didn't read it. I opened it to find her number on it along with her thanking me. I should be thanking her for letting me meet her. I sped home and folded the paper back and sitting it on a bookshelf with my mother's Belongings. I love mother, she's the only one who ever treated me with pure love. Even when people would gossip about my father who wasn't there and obviously wasn't the same race. Yet again, I am a happy trooper and quickly made plans for the future.

I sat down on the couch in the living room and wrote down some interesting topics for the radio show tomorrow. I wonder if Valerie would like it, come to think of it...what would Valerie sound like? A soft Light voiced not too low and not too high. The funny thing I noticed about her was her eyes, they show her emotion when her face doesn't.

Valerie POV

"Good morning miss Winehouse, it's 8:06 in the morning. Your breakfast is all done" my butler said setting up the small table over my lap and putting down my breakfast. I don't usually eat in the dining room or anything. I'd rather eat in bed and watch my maids plan my outfit and joke. It's entertaining. "There's a letter from Your father Miss Winehouse" My butler, Jarvis, said handing me the letter. I nodded and opened it.

'Dear Valerie,

We, the family will come to visit you soon. In the next two weeks or so. Your sisters and brothers miss you so and your mother is so excited about seeing you and your findings from the past traveling you've done for 4 months. Well, The reason why is because your grandmother has been feeling ill and so we will travel to New Orleans to make sure she has a wonder time. Until then,


I looked down in sadness for my grandmother. She is so nice and doesn't deserve to fall ill all of a sudden. I put the letter on my bed side table and watched the maids get my outfit ready.

I pointed to a dress that was actually custom made for me back in England

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I pointed to a dress that was actually custom made for me back in England. It was an older designed dress but it's not like I care about others fashion. This was casual for me and honestly more elegant.

My headmaid, enira took the dress and held it up for me. "This one miss? But it's not this years latest fashion, you have a lot of fashionable dresses. Please reconsider-" she rambled until I Held my hand up as a sign for her to stop. I signed to her, 'If I want that dress to wear then I want that dress to wear, you don't have to wear it. I do'. I rested my hands and moved the small table off my lap. "Alright Miss" she said sighing and getting me ready for the day.

Not everyone has a head maid,butlers, or maids at all. This was simply a privilege to have and gave more people jobs. Enira is my most trusted friend and maid.

After getting ready I was sitting in my living room chair drinking tea when the phone started ringing. "I will get it!" Enira announced down the stairs but I got to the phone first and held my hand up for her to understand I would pick it up. "Hello, Is This Valerie?" Alastors voice said through the phone. I Hummed briefly. Enira Held her hand to her mouth when she heard my hum. This is actually the first time I ever answered the phone and made a sound. "This is alastor, I just wanted to tell you I'll pick you up at 1:00 in the afternoon to go to my house for the Radio show event." He said, I nodded and hummed. "I'll see you then Dearie! Goodbye!"He said and we both hung up. I turned and walked off back to my original seat and started reading Sense and Sensibility.

"Miss- oh god I can't do this anymore. Valerie! Who was that on the phone? I heard a male voice, To his house? Y-you are a virgin Valerie! Right? You have to introduce him to your family so I could plan the party!" Enira exploded out of sheer excitement.

'Alastor, is his name. I am quite fond of him, I'm going over to his house for His Radio Show' I signed boredly to her. "A-Alastor The TalkShow Host? He's the most popular Talkshow host Here in New Orleans!" She bursted our and jumped around. I Waved her off and began reading again. "Oh please Valerie, don't you like anyone other than me and your family? Maybe he's the one" she tried, 'If he is then he will make sure to show it. I will not waste my time on someone who doesn't truly care for me. I have a full life to live but I wouldn't mind if he joined me, if that's what you're saying' I signed and drank some more tea. Enira gasped, "You do like him!" She squealed. I nodded, 'Taken a Light Liking to him' I signed to clarify my words.

"Same thing Val" she said skipping away to the kitchen. I inhaled sharply and exhaled tiredly.

I Wish 1:00 Would come around sooner

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