~To Be Where You Are~

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Alastor POV

It's been 2 months since the babies have been born...I Do Love them, don't get me wrong but this crying in the middle of the night is not it- (hot Al Summer) and I've decided that it's time I do something other than just give them to Valerie when they do.

Valerie was dozing off with A.J in her arms. I picked him up and put him in the cradle we had in the study next to Alverie. Alarie was sleeping on the window sill next to my desk. "Valerie how about we all just walk around town? Wouldn't that be nice?" I asked with a smile. She opened one eye and tiredly nodded. "When?" She asked, "now, I'll get the strollers and you get the bags" I said walking down the stairs to set everything up.

Valerie came down with both A.J And Alverie in her arms and a baby bag slung across her body onto her side. I put the babies into the stroller and put the bag in the lower part of the stroller. "Hold on!" Valerie said and ran towards the basement in a worried manner.

I furrowed my eye brows, What's going on and why don't I know about it? She came back and Smiled at me, "let's go" she said pushing the stroller out the door. I frowned for a good 10 seconds while I watched her walk up to the front gate. I made a closed smile and locked the door behind me.

I caught up to Valerie and leaned over to her ear, "what Did You Do?" I asked, not a threatening way but I was just curious. "You're getting Messy Alastor...that woman wasn't completely gone, she got out the basement and tried to "save" our children from us" she said staring me in eye. "You didn't hear anything because you were so tired, I think we should stop and begin living normally" she said looking ahead. I made another frown, too many frowns today. "No we don't, we can just do it as a hobby in the night time. I promise I'll be Even better than before" I said holding her hand. She sighed and shook her head. She stopped walking and looked up at me.

"I don't want to wake up in the middle of the night and seeing you get arrested, I don't want to live in fear that we could both be taken down. My family will take very good care of them if that happens but I want to live to see them Grow" she said sternly. 'Aren't we Enough?' She signed. I looked at the babies in the stroller and saw them looking around the sky, admiring the beauty that this world has to offer. "You three are enough, I'll stop" I said and began walking beside Valerie again.

We sat on a park bench and watched the kids all play on the playground. I was holding Alverie and Val had A.J. She would stay up at night and make bottles for the babies throughout the day, if she was too tired or didn't feel like doing it the night before then she would breast feed. I was actually fascinated at the way how her body adapted for these little lives. Her mindset even changed, she's even more mature than she was when I met her.

A man who held a cigarette between his fingers came up to us, well Valerie and started flirting. She don't say anything but instead held A.J closer, she looked at me and I knew what I had to do. I handed Alverie over to Val and stood up. "Hello, this woman here is my wife if you can't tell" I said clearing my throat. He grumbled something and tried to reach for Valerie. I grabbed his wrist and twisted it. "Not so quick" (potter lol) . "Hey let go, I just wanna to have done fun. I bet her cun-" the man started until I punched him in the face.

"Say it..." I said under my breath and stared into his eyes while he was on the ground. "Say It!" I yelled, he look shocked and pure fear fell over his face. I wrapped both my hands around his neck and started choking him out. "Say it,say it,say it,say it, Say it!" I yelled, he was turning purple and losing air until Valerie put her hand on my shoulder. "We need to go home" she said trying to pull me back. I didn't respond but kept my grip on the man. "I said we're going home!" She said pulling in my arms. I snapped out of it and realized that people were gathering around. "You've done it now al" she furrowed her eyebrows and pulled me along by my coat collar and pushed the stroller.

"Right after I told you to stop doing things like this!" She screamed at me. We got to the house and I was silent. What even came over me? It was like all I saw was black and I let instinct take over. I don't regret anything, he was trying to touch my wife who also had my children in her arms. I left to the study and walked up the spiral stairs. I went over to the liquor cabinet and took out some Whiskey. I drank straight out of the glass bottle and sat down at my desk. I heard the bell on alaries collar jingle and looked at the bookshelf down below. How'd she even get up there? Creepy.

I Closed my eyes and kept drinking. I woke up to the sound of A loud bang on the front door. I was in bed with Valerie and the babies were sleeping peacefully In The cradle next to the bed on valeries side. I got up and opened the door. "Hello sir,we're going to have to arrest you for assault." The officer said. "Alright just let me tell my wife I'm going, I gave two newborn babies so excuse me" I said politely and closed the door and locked it.

I ran up the stairs and woke Valerie. "We gotta go" I said grabbing a bag and tossing some clothes in it. "What? Where?" She asked watching me pack. "The cops are trying to arrest me for assault because of the park incident" I said packing her and the kids bag. She got up and changed her clothes. "Where are we going?" She asked, "don't know, we could probably leave to your Family's Home" I suggested. I threw the bags out the window and took A.J into my arms and climbed down. Valerie slowly lowered Alverie down into my hands. Valerie grabbed alarie and climbed down. She put alarie in a small tote bag and put the straps over her shoulder so that her head would poke out the front of the bag. Val took the babies and waited for me to pick up the bags.

We slowly and quietly escaped into the car without the officers noticing. We did good, all this under 2 minutes. Valerie got in the passenger seat and I got into the drivers. I quickly started the car and drive off, the cops ran into the street but didn't follow us. I don't think they even saw what the car looked like because of the dark. I heard Valerie sniffling next to me. "Val...why are you crying?" I asked. "This is what I didn't want, us leaving our home because of one action that could ruin everything" she said hugging The cat and the babies. "We can drive to Dallas" she said laying down a blanket in the back with the car seats for the babies and strapped them in. She let alarie out onto her lap and sighed.

I knew something like this would happen but it turned out more smoothly than I thought it would.

"Maybe We Can Lead A Normal Life"

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