•The Doe And The Buck•

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Valerie pov

"Hello madam-", "silence", minnow said to the gate keeper. I pulled my umbrella down gracefully and as I closed it my outfit changed.

 I pulled my umbrella down gracefully and as I closed it my outfit changed

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I changed my umbrella into a staff. There it held a speaker imitating a voice box.

I began walking up the dreaded stairs. My back straight and my hair growing slowly inch by inch from the stress I was bound to receive when I entered. My heels clicking on the marble and the walls covered in running shadows, tumbling over each other as I walked. "Order", minnow said and nodded towards me. "No need, i like their eagerness", I told her.

I was directed into a room with a long dinner table. I was the first overlord there for the time being. I walked around the table and found my name on the paper card on the empty plate. I sat down. It turns out I'm in the middle seats of the table. Slowly but surely the overlords all filled the table.

Lucifer finally came out and sat at the end of the table. "As you all know, my...daughter... is trying to achieve 'redemption' for sinners...", he said,  a hand went up. "Yes...", Lucifer allowed, "It won't work, surely. Watch her fail", I heard a static voice say. I turned my head the other way facing away from him and to Lucifer.

"Not fail...Unaccomplish.", Lucifer corrected. "This can't happen simply because heaven is empty. Let's be honest, those rules up there are too strict and even the best people can't stick to them. One wrong move and down here you go.", Lucifer said. I nodded along. "Killing unneeded demons are actually helping us anyway. They kill each other anyway", he said. "That...Guy...", Lucifer said with venom and pointed up. "God...Above all!...says we are his children yet he doesn't take care of anyone of us", he said straightening his tie.

"So it's time we take this into our own hands, we will try this 'redemption', and if it doesn't work then we will have to begin to terminate the lower tier sinners every 5 months at most", he said. I rose my hand, he looked surprised at my want to 'say' something. "The imps are being born day by day, too many are populating hell along with sinner coming into hell every two seconds", minnow said for me.

"Of course, the imps. They aren't significant, we already have started terminating them.", he said, "untrue", Minnow spoke again. My eyes furrowed in anger. "Redemption is the only way now, there is no more termination. That creates more being born from the issues the ones left behind have", minnow said.

"That my Friend is Untrue", Lucifer said. I stood up and slammed my hand on the table. "I've seen it with my own eyes!", minnow voiced . "Two days ago even! Sinners can't have children! Imps are the main occupants that crowd hell!" I made her challenge. "She is correct, the imps have been getting a higher amount over the rest of the species here", Vox said quietly. I kicked the chair back and turned around, leaving the castle.

Yes, Lucifer is Royalty but I'm the #1 overlord, because I am close to the morningstars...I don't use my full power to take over hell because god knows I could. That's why no one stopped me from leaving. If it weren't for Lilith and Charlie...

I hadn't noticed but my hair had grown down to my calves and that's something, I'm 6'6.

These past almost 100 years have been so stressful. Each day I get more tired and bored. My hair dragged behind me but the group of shadows picked my hair up in a bunch to carry for me. "What would I do without you all?", I asked minnow. "Double die", she joked. I smirked.

"Valerie!", I heard a static voice yell. My day just went down in flames. I kept walking and turned my head away. "You've been avoiding me for over 50 years! You can't keep going on like this", he said. I stopped and stared at him. 'You can't keep doing this to me', he signed to me.

I was disgusted, he's playing the victim when he killed MY children. 'Why couldn't you just go out and drink, cheated for all I could care. Why did you have to take the best blessings that have ever happened to me', I signed. 'I should've never married you, you psychopath', I signed with a cruel snarl and began walking away.

He looked hurt. Only I could hurt him, I knew that. Everyone has called him every name in the book but when I insult him it hits him harder. The only time we speak is if we run into each other which is VERY VERY rare.

And I intend to keep it that way.

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