~Youre A Fine Girl~

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Valerie POV

Alastor was packing our bags when I heard some metal clanking downstairs. "I'll go check it, stay here" he said opening the bedroom door. I listened and heard some rustling. I ran down the stairs and saw a man covered in blood had a knife in his hand and was on top of Alastor. Alastor was holding the mans wrist to stop him from stabbing him but he was slowly losing the fight. I ran into the kitchen and grabbed a knife and stabbed the man in the head. He fell off of Alastor and onto the floor.

Alastor Wasn't fazed by the body or anything but instead was upset I saved him. "Why did you do that? Do you know whats going to happen? This is a sin! You can't go, that place doesn't treat people like you nicely!" He yelled and ran his hand through his hair. "Let me just...I'll clean this up" he said rolling his sleeves up and grabbing the mans ankles and dragging him to the basement.

I just stood there shaking and waited for Alastor to come back. He sighed and took the knife away then held my hands. "You're okay, everything's fine. It's just...I don't want you to die and suffer because of this but now it's definitely going to be a tough path" he said hugging me. "But I'll always take care of you, in life and death" he said.

After that event

Alastor taught me how he does everything. You get your desired victim to be alone, you strike and bring them to a secluded area in the woods. After you're done you bring their body back to the house so he can feed them to his pet alligator in the basement. Which I never knew about. So far we've taken down about five people in a week. The cops still think it's one person doing this but Alastor wants to keep it that way just in case they come looking for him so they don't take me.

"I'm 5 months today" I said realizing how much my stomach has grown. "You still look beautiful as ever"alastor said with a mug of some black coffee in his hand. He sipped it as he watched me in the mirror. "You're just trying to make me feel better" I said smiling and walking down the hall to the baby's room. The walls were white and the floor, dark red wood.

We had everything set up but I still felt something was missing. I went to the study and got out some yarn and started knitting. Alastor came in with some news papers and his coffee then sat down in front of me. I watched him react to the papers showing the events of our doing. "Did you hear about this? 'The AxeMan Killer Takes down Three Men And One Minor Child', the papers always lie" he said throwing them down on the coffee table. "Of course, he was 18 which isn't a minor darling" I said putting down the almost finished blanket.

I stood up, 'The Papers only use drama to go on with their success and support' I signed to alastor. "You're right." He said sighing and drinking his coffee. Alarie jumped onto the couch and sat next to him then purred. "Animals are Pure And Innocent Lives, while ours are stained with guilt and pure Evil. Wether it be Figuratively or Literally, we all have blood on our hands."

I sat down on the arm of the chair with my back to alastor. I watched him read and finish his coffee. I felt some soft kicks coming from my belly and I lifted my dress to see that the baby was kicking but not only in the front of my stomach but another kick came from the side. I gasped, "al, the baby's kicking but I don't think it's only one" I said excitedly. He quickly put everything down and stood in front of me, watching the two pairs of feet kick around my stomach. His hand grazed over my belly and he took his other to feel the other side.

"Two baby's? On the first try?" He joked with a smile. "Amal and Juan are identical twins.Their mother only carries one baby photo in her wallet,why?" He asks with amusement in his eyes. I smiled,"why?", "because if you've seen Juan, You've seen Amal!" He exclaimed, I couldn't help but laugh at his dad joke. Except now, he can actually call it his dad jokes. "Do you keep a book of jokes or something?" I asked leaning my head onto his shoulder. "Mm not that I remember~" he said with a hum.

3 Months Later

Alastor has Taken over the Killings while I just stay at home walking around, apparently it's good for the babies. One more month to go. Alastor came in huffing and taking off his bloodied shirt. "A fighter?" I asked giving him some water. "A Relentless Man, Honorable Almost" he said chuckling and sitting down at the kitchen table. I leaned onto the counter and ate some jambalaya Alastor made earlier. "Make sure to drink more water Val" he said sighing and resting his chin in his palm. I nodded and tied my hair up in a bun.

Alastor called husk over to help with the bodies, husk did owe him after all since al saved his bar by investing. "Hey There Val, haven't seen you since the wedding- damn you've gained a lot of weight" he said looking at my belly. "She's pregnant Husker, don't call my wife overweight" alastor scolded opening the basement door and leading husk down the stairs to move the evidence.

I walked around the house since it had the doors leading around in a circle to every room. I put my hand on the wall and felt a few painful Pangs Around my pelvis. "Alastor?" I called out and slowly walked over to the basement door. "I'm In labor!" I yelled down the stairs and heard a few loud stompings up the stairs. Alastor saw me and picked me up bridal Style and Took me into the bedroom. "Husk Go to phone in the hall, there's a notepad that has the number of the Midwife Enira!" He yelled down the hall to husk. Husk ran over and called my previous house number. A few minutes later with Alastor holding my hand and me breathing harshly, Enira came in with a few other lady maids.

"Sir, we're going to need you to step out of the room" a maid said to alastor. He looked at me and slowly let go of my hand, "He's already seen everything anyway!" I yelled at her and gripped alastors hand. "The baby's coming fast! You're dilating just fine, you are nine months! You miscalculated!" She said grabbing all the supplies from the other maids. Alastor kept telling me to breath. I looked into his eyes and heard Enira gently rub the top of my belly, "Valerie I need you to push, big push" she said, "warm water!" A maid called out down the hall to the maids who ran to the kitchen and back to the room. "Push Val" Alastor said keeping eye contact. "Almost there! Another big push" Enira said, "no I can't!" I cried from the pain. "You have to sweetheart, you can do it" Alastor said with a hand on my cheek. I pushed and cried out. "Last push Valerie!" Enira said, I pushed and screamed.
"There you go" Enira said holding the baby in her arms with a towel wrapped around, "it's a boy" she said about to hand him over to me until I felt another pang. I screamed and gripped alastors hand again. Enira gave the baby to a maid who sat on the bed, she stayed next to me and rubbed my leg to soothe me. "Push,Valerie!" Enira said getting a cloth and setting it in the warm bowl of water. I screamed and closed my eyes. The baby was crying but I couldn't tend to him, the pain was too much. "Luckily you need only one last push Valerie" Enira said grabbing a towel form a maid. "Push!" She said and got ready to wrap the baby around in the cloth. I pushed and there came out another baby.

"A baby Girl" Enira said breathing In relief. I laid my head back and let go of alastors hand. "Here's your baby" the maid said handing me my baby boy. "She's beautiful" Enira said to me and handed the baby girl to alastor. I held the baby in my arms and knew right then and there that I would die for these kids. Alastor sat down next to me in the bed and tilted his arms a bit so I could breast feed. I got them to latch on and I sighed from the exhaustion. "What are we going to name them?" He asked. "Alastor Jr. And Alverie" I said opening my eyes. Alastor nodded, "A.J" he said smiling. A.J fell asleep first in Alastors arms and Alverie laid on my chest.

"I Never Knew, I'd Need You"

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