~Its Late, Stay~

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Valerie POV

I got up from the couch eagerly and quickly followed behind him. I had taken off my shoes in the study and gotten comfortable, I sped up to alastor giggling silently. He made me feel happy and light, when I'm with him...he makes me act differently, I'm not usually playful like this. I'm one to just sit down and nod or stay Serious but right now I'm the opposite.

Alastor Slid the kitchen chair back for me to sit in. I opened my mouth slightly and mouthed, 'can you read lips?' I silently Asked, "you might have to repeat sometimes but yes I do" he said grabbing a few bowls and started cooking. I didn't have such a use for the notepad anymore since Al could read Lips.

I started drawing him while he cooked, the way he moved so elegantly without trying intrigued me. I hummed to him, he turned his head and looked at me over his shoulder. 'Do you like animals?' I said silently. "Mmh dogs aren't like go to but cats and birds are my Ideal Pet or Favorite animals if you will." He said turning back to cooking. "Why such a question, My Dear? Oh and please set the table for us" he said looking at me. 'I've been wanting a pet for a couple of days now', I Silently Mouthed and grabbed two plates and some utensils. "Really? What have you decided on?" He asked putting jambalaya on the plates.

'I was thinking of getting a Cat' I said silently and ate some of the food. I tasted it and instantly fell In love with it and began eating more. "We could go pick one together if you want" alastor suggested and I nodded.

After dinner, Alastor saw it was about 11:40 at night. We had spent 2 hours in the study where we joked and I taught alastor Sign language.

"Oh dear, it's late...how about you stay for the night? It's dangerous out there with the Axeman Killer you know" he said Standing up. I thought it all through and nodded. "I have a guest room next to mine. You can sleep there" he said smiling. 'Can you call Enira and tell her im staying here for tonight' I said silently. "Alright I'll be back, you can go to my room and change into my clothes for something comfortable to wear to bed." He said leaving to call Enira. I went up to his room that he pointed to from down the stairs and went inside. I went to his dress shirts and began undressing.

I put on his shirt and it went down to my thighs. I smiled as I looked in the mirror. I've never slept at a mans House before nor ever wore a mans shirt at that. I opened the door and saw alastor hang up and walk up the stairs. I closed his door and walked up to him and did a twirl. I saw a light blush on his face but it soon faded after he cleared his throat. "Beautiful as always" he said smiling. "I told your friend and she agreed on your decision, do you need anything?" He asked. I shook my head no and tied my hair into a Loose bun. 'Goodnight' I Mouthed and went over to the guest room.

I got into bed and closed my eyes. I felt like I was being watched but I brushed it off. For the next Twenty Minutes I've been faking to be asleep. I was for sure being watched. I sat up and looked around. Bringing my knees up to my chest, I was paralyzed with fear. When I was about 4 years old, I was trying to sleep one night but was met with demons staring and laughing at me for hours. That was the night I stopped talking. By the morning the demons all faded and so did their laughter after the sun showed but after all these years I wouldn't have thought I'd be haunted by them again.

I started breathing intensely and looked around in panic. I heard some noises coming from all around the room and I didn't want to be alone anymore, "Alastor!" I Screamed With all the Air in my lungs after seeing some red light illuminate from the windows, in the closet, under the door and a shadow in the mirror. The door bursted open and I instantly ran to Alastor. "T-t-they're H-ere" I tried to get out from my throat. Alastor Picked me up snd brought me into his room. "Who's Here?" He asked and rubbed the side of my head gently and looking into my eyes worriedly. "D-d-demons" I got out and held my throat.

"Shh, they're gone now. You're here with me" he said laying us both down onto his bed with one arm under me and the other pulling me closer to his chest. I heard his heartbeat and counted along with it. My eyes felt heavy and I began to fall asleep.

Alastor POV

I Was Burying a Disrespectful Fellow who looked at Valerie in an unflattering way, I saw him when we were walking back to her house. I made sure to keep eyes on him since he knew where she lived. When he tried to get in at night, I caught him instead. I got back into the house and took off my gloves and put them away in the gardening cabinet.

I sat down on my bed and changed into comfortable night clothes and laid down. "Alastor!" I heard a feminine voice yell. I got up and went to valeries room in a hurry, I opened the door to see her crying on the bed with her knees up to her chest with dark circles around her eyes. I opened my arms and she ran straight into them. I picked her up and brought her to my room. She was talking about demons and how they were here, what surprised me was that she was talking. I never would've thought she would talk to me.

I reassured her and hugged her tightly until she feel asleep in my arms. Usually, I'd never let Anyone touch me like how she has but her touch makes me feel special. A hug from her is a blessing. When she grabbed my hand today and showed me her favorite books, it made me realize...Valerie is Much more than just some Girl. She's my reason for living, I hope that she'll stay with me until death do us part.

"Even in the afterlife, Ill be there for you"

}La Vie En Rosè{ Alastor x OcTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang