~I Will Go Sailing....No More~

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Valerie POV

We arrived to our destination which was my family home. Alastor looked at the house and adjusted his tie with a smile. "Very much like a castle as you explained my love" he said trying to make me less angry than I already was.

I stayed silent got the babies out of the car. "Hold alarie" I said and walked up to the door. Alastor held the cat in his arms and pet her head. "Valerie! You've come! With your babies! They're wonderful!" My mother exclaimed and reached out to hold them. She cuddles them in her arms and led us inside. "Make your selves at home! You're just in time for dinner. Evangeline set the table with Vanya!" My mother yelled and put the babies down in their Carriages.

After dinner-

Everyone was getting ready for bed in the house and I was still silent. During the dinner and even now in bed with Alastor with the babies in a bassinet on my side of the bed. "Please Val, Talk To Me..." Alastor begged. I turned onto my elbow and looked at him. "They're coming for us, when they catch us...what are we to do?" I asked looking him in eyes. "They won't find us, we're safe. There's no neighbors around here anyway" Alastor responded.

My eyes widened with disbelief. "They're searching all of Louisiana! You heard it on the radio, there are witnesses because they have our license Plate numbers! We are being hunted!" I whisper yelled. "You are well known, we stopped at a gas station. They probably recognized you. We have kids now and you need to understand that you have responsibilities. You can't just go to the bar in the middle of the night and drink to your hearts content anymore!" I whispered again. He opened his mouth to speak but I interrupted. "Yes I know about that, you LOVE to drink. You can smoke, just not here or near the kids. Take a bath after you smoke too and for the most part. STOP KILLING! What would your mother say if she saw you getting into serious trouble and putting your wife and children in danger?" I asked him.

He looked down and nodded. "I understand...I'll stop...I promise" he said hugging me close to him. "I'm sorry" he said.

4 years later

"Leave me alone!", I yelled and threw some makeup products at Alastor. "I told you! You stress me out! I'm leaving!" I yelled packing me and the kids bags. "You can't take them from me!" He yelled and grabbed my arms. "You're a monster! All you do if bring misfortune where ever you go!" I screamed. He let go of me and started unpacking the bags. "You tried to Kill my father!" I yelled at him, "you killed my friend for looking at me too long!" I yelled and got In his face. "He had ideas, you're only for me and me only" he said calmly.

"You've been drinking, You never cared about us. This isn't Healthy! You're a murderer and there's nothing that can change that!" I ran past him and heard him racing after me. I ran into the kids room and closed the door then locked it.

We had moved out of my family's house a week after we got there four years ago. After that, alastors been drinking more and Killing again. The kids woke up and ran over to me. I held them close and heard Alastor walk away. He was probably going to claw the door open with a axe or something. I opened the door and heard Alastor chasing after us.

I got out the house and started the car to drive off. The kids were crying the front seat next to me. Before I could turn the keys, Alastor busted through he window and strangled me. I tried to speak but failed. He let go while I was going on and out of consciousness. He walked around the side of the car and grabbed the kids out the car. He had a darkness possessing him.

I cried and tried to make my way over to them. I blinked once and in an instant I felt a heard and felt liquid splatter all around me. I didn't want to open my eyes, no matter who it was. Alastor or the kids...they meant too much to me. I opened my eyes and screamed. I crawled to my son and daughter that now laid lifeless on the ground.

I screamed and wailed. "Why?!", I screamed. I tried to cry more but I was silent. No sound at all. My heart was broken. I looked up to the monster that I used to call my husband, my lover, the man I trusted with all of my being. He looked down. At me with wide eyes and dropped the axe he had in his hands. He fell back and brought his knees up to his chest and held the sides of his head.

"I-I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry", he repeated over and over. It wasn't enough. I got up with oceans of tears. I gripped his wrists and made him look up to me. "You will suffer in hell, everyone will look at you and see a monster. You will never love or be loved ever again until I see fit. You will mourn the loss of the family you ruined until the end of your days.", I signed. With a hateful expression of disgust and pure coldness.

"Wait- no Valerie- please", he begged and crawled to the end of my dress which I pulled away from him. I picked up the axe and cut my wrists and my sliced slowly and painfully. I let him watch in horror. "What would your mother say?", I signed weakly to him.

I felt my end and welcomed it with open arms.

May Death Do Us Part.

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