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Natsu P.O.V.

"I will repeat once more young man. What happened?" Asked a very stern Mrs. Poluchka, who glared at Natsu for not answering the first time. Natsu was staring at the blond haired girl, as if in a trance. Suddenly he snapped to reality and answered.

"Well, I was walking with Lissanna by the lockers, when suddenly this girl crashed into me and fell, causing her to fall, making her unconscious." I replied with a straight face.

Mrs. Poluchka sighed, and told me to either leave, or wait outside. I just shrugged my shoulders, as I walked out the door and took a seat outside her office. I heard a faint sound, my notifications. I pulled out my phone, to see who it was. Turned out it was about 20 texts, most of them asking me out or something. I quickly deleted those. Tch. Girls. As I scrolled down the long list of notifications, I came up to one text that caught my eye. It was from Lisanna. She was asking me what the holdup was. I quickly replied her back, saying that I had some business to attend with my family. I came from a rich family. Did I forget to mention that? Whoops.

Lisanna texted me back. She said alright, with a little kissy face emoji. I smiled. She loved those emojis.

After a few minutes, Mrs. Poluchka called me back inside. For some amazing reason, the girl was pretty much alright, minus the few cuts and scrapes. I sometimes ponder how Mrs. Poluchka does it. It's as if she uses magic. I stared at the girl in awe. Suddenly, her eyes fluttered open, revealing beautiful chocolate brown eyes. She sat up, observing her surroundings.

I was the first to speak up.
"Hi-" I paused.

"Lucy. My name is Lucy, I'm new here," she told me, acting as if nothing happened, but i could tell she was
still in pain.

I started over.

"No kidding, I've never seen you around here before. Anyway, hi Lucy! I'm Natsu Dragneel. Nice to meet you! Are you feeling any better? I've gotta go soon, class is about start. What's your first period class?"

"Hmmm... Let's see...." Lucy said whipping out her schedule.

"Huh. It seems I've got science in a few minutes......" She said, looking at the clock.

"Awesome! We have the same class first period! Come on, I'll show you where the class is." I said looking at Mes. Poluchka, silently asking her for permission to take Lucy. She nodded. So, I dragged Lucy out of the office, showing her around.

"Wait!" She struggled.

"What?" I asked.

"I need to find locker 351 first...." She answered.

"Wow, what a coincidence! My locker is 350! C'mon, our lockers are this way!" I said proudly, marching like a commander or something, while dragging Lucy behind me.


Donee!!!! Soooo.... How'd Ya like it? Next chapter coming up soon!!!! Sayonara! Arigatou!!

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