⑨Death Always Comes By part 1( ; _ ; )

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MINNA!!!!!! Sup??!!! :P smilepuppies here once again :D
Dedication: to the awesome @asmarti45 who gave me ideas to write this chapter. Without @asmarti45, this chappie wouldn't exist! ;)
Anyway, don't forget to
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Enjoy! Arigatou for reading!

Lucy POV

I dabbed a cold wet cloth onto my swollen eye. The pain subsided slowly. After a few minutes, I went out of the restroom with a navy blue cloth on my right eye. I slowly inched my way down the stairs.

There was something there on one of the stairs, making me slip and tumble down the stairs. Screaming like a little girl, I put my hands over my head and neck, as if I was in an earthquake drill or something. Time seemed to slow down. I squeezed my eyes shut, and waited not-so-calmly for my body to make an impact onto the cold hard floor. But it never came. Instead, I felt an impact on a person. We both crash landed onto the floor with a big BANG! (this is totally random, but this part suddenly made me think of the big bang theory..... :P me and my randomness..... sorry for the inturruption, I'll let you guys keep reading :) )

"A-arigatou?" I stammered, my brain still trying to process what just happened. No answer. I opened my eyes. I was sitting on....


Sorry for the REAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYY short chapter!!! Remember this is only part 1, I will be writing part 2 now! Plz be patient while my brain makes up more stuff in this story! Comment who you think clumsy Lucy landed on!

Stay tuned for

Death Always Comes By part 2!!!!

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Arigatou for reading,



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