❽Protecting Your Loved Ones( T_T)\(^-^ )

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YO minna! smilepuppies here once again! Sorry for the LOOOONNNGGG wait :'( gomenasai!!!! And I don't cuss, (if there was any cussing in the past chapters, I BLAME @justinleong8 :P he swears, not me) so GOMENASAI if I dissappointed you or something........ if not, ARIGATOU for understanding!!!

anyway, I dedicate this chapter to..... wait for it.......

@SKluvsCHEESE :) one of my great friendsssssss :D

Enjoy this chappie,

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Thanks again for reading! Arigatou, I really appreciate it ;)





Natsu POV

When I reached the door, I kicked it down as hard as I could. I looked inside her home and saw Jude not that far away. I screamed, running towards him, my fist ready to punch. Jude snarled, standing up from where he was sitting. Then I saw Lucy walk down the stairs, her eyes bloodshot and puffy from crying. Her right eye wasn't looking so good. She saw me, her expression was a mixture of happiness, confusion, and anger. She gasped at me.

"What the heck?! WHY is a Natsu here at this time of day? Heck, why is he even here at all?" She wondered aloud. My heart shattered into a million little pieces, falling down into my stomach. It felt as if someone was stabbing my heart repeatedly, over and over again. I mentally slapped myself. What the heck was I thinking?!

I turned my attention back to Jude. He was pretty much prepared to give me a beatdown. Well, sucks to be him then, cause I'm gonna do it first.

And I charged straight at him.


end of chapter.


*chat with the narrator*

smilepuppies: Endin here folks! TOO BAD :P signing off for tod-

Erza: HALT YOUR MOVEMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lucy: YEAH!!!!

smilepuppies: what now guys?

Gray: That's not nice ya know smilepuppies? Giving these readers such a short chapter *strips*

Juvia: WAAAA!!!! Gray-sama! Juvia thinks you're so HOT! Even when you're naked!!!!

Gray: *sweatdrops, puts his clothes back on*

smilepuppies: *sweatdrops, smacking forehead* bakas.....

Erza: WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY? *dark aura forming around her*

Jellal: Erza, calm down.

Erza: *blushes like a tomato* H-hai....

smilepuppies: JeRza 4 life!!!!!!!! Now KISS!!!! *Jellal and Erza blush, turning away from each other* *Gray smirks*

Natsu: YOOOOO!!!! Smilepuppies! WHY'D YA MAKE THE CHAPPIE SO SHORT????

Smilepuppies: to make dramatic effects.....

everybody except for smilepuppies: CONTINUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *smilepuppies covers ears*

smilepuppies: *raises hands in defeat* okay okay, I'll write more..... just for more NaLu moments!!!!!! *grins evily at Natsu and Lucy*

Natsu and Lucy: SMILEPUPPIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

smilepuppies: oh BTW, I wish I owned Fairy Tail, but I don't. Hiro Mashima does!

*end of little chat*


Where we left off-

-I turned my attention back to Jude. He was pretty much prepared to give me a beatdown. Well, sucks to be him then, cause I'm gonna do it first.

And I charged straight at him.-

Now- (still in Natsu's POV)

I punched Jude in the stomach. He coughed, and winced in pain, but otherwise he looked fine. He gave me a death glare, and punched me back.

Lucy POV

I watched in horror and amazement as Natsu bravely stepped up and punched dad in the stomach. Knowing dad, he wouldn't give up until his opponent is on the floor. As expected, father punched Natsu back. Natsu staggered onto the floor, but quickly stood up.

~timeskip- 5 minutes~

The battle was just heating up, when suddenly, the shadow of three people stood on the already-busted-down front door. My head swung to the direction of the person, Natsu and Jude's as well.

There stood a woman with scarlet hair, glaring at them, a boy with neko ears and tail, looking confused, and a topless raven-haired guy, mouth WIDE opened.

"NATSU GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE!" shouted a very, very, very angry Erza.

"A-aye ma'am!" he scampered over to the pissed off red-head.

"Oi, What are you doing here flame-brain?" Gray asked, folding his arms across his bare chest.

A tick mark appeared on Natsu's forehead.

"WHAT did you just say ice princess?" he snarled.

"Nuthin" Gray responded.

"Natsu~uuuu? Who's that girl over there?" asked the neko-boy, tugging on his shirt, and pointing towards me.

"Oh, her? She's Luce," Natsu answered swinging an arm over me, which scared the heck outta me. I pushed up my glasses.

"Konichiwa neko-boy. Watashi Lucy Heartfillia," I said.

"Nice ta meet ya Lushee! I'm Happy, by the way,"

"Nice to meet you too Happy. Whadda weird name....." I said formally at first, then spoke like a kid or something.

cough cough

I sighed.

"What do you want dad?" I asked him, emphasising the word dad a bit, but not too much so he wouldn't notice.

"Well, since all of you guys are here, make yourselves at home," he answered, using his happy-go-lucky making-friends-here-today-then-betraying-them technique. I think they all saw through him, but pretended to go along with him.

"Thanks," said Erza, walking over to the kitchen, and flinging open the fridge, grabbing a slice of strawberry cake, as if she lived here her whole life. Father looked like he was about to explode, but kept in inside with a phony smile.

I snickered. But then remembering I still had a throbbing eye, I quickly excused myself and went upstairs to treat it.

With all of them here, it feels as if nothing bad had happened at all. They were trully great friends.


NOW I'm done! Hope you enjoyed it!

Stay tuned for the next chapter!
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