①❹She's Back!!!ヽ(;▽;)ノ

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Sup minna! How'ya doing??? I'm doing fine, except for the BIGwriters block I'm having..... but my friends helped me out a (as always) whenever I'm in a sticky situation.


Hope you enjoy this chapter! (And I pray that this one isn't too short >.<)





Normal POV

"LUCE!!!! Whassup?!" A tall, blonde haired guy waved his also blonde haired friend.

"STING!!! Long time, no see!!" Lucy exclaimed, walking over to her Tokyo friend.

"Um.. You seriously have bad english, cause it's only been five hours!!"

"Psh... That's not english dummy. It's called time, genius."

"Well sor-ry for making mistakes!!!"

".... You always make mistakes, and then never correct 'em!! So too bad and get a life!"

"At least I have one!"

"And I have a WAY better one than you."

"Who goes to the best school in the WORLD? ME."

"And which school is it, exactly?"


"Well MERMAIDHEEL COLLEGE could kick your school's butt anytime if they wanted to!"

"THAT just proves that they're lazy!"

"SO? Just-"

"STOP IT, BOTH OF YOU!!!" Layla yelled.

"H-Hai, gomen ne..." the two replied, shaking in fear.

"Oh! Who is this lady in the wheelchair?" Sting asked, his personality changed almost as fast as Mira.

"This is my mom, Layla Heartfillia. Mom, this is Sting Eucliffe from Sabertooth High, but now goes to Tokyo Tooth College. He's one of my good friends." I answered, gesturing at each other with some hand motions.

"Alright, now that we all know each other, LEZ GO PLAY VIDEO GAMES AT MY PLACE!!!!!!!" Lucy had a confident expression on her face.

"I'm gonna wipe off that smile off your face." Sting said, smirking.

"Nuh uh! Not before I wipe that confident smirk off your face wiping the floor with you and that 'pretty' little face of yours!" Lucy shot back, giving him a playful punch on the arm. He played along, and 'accidentally' fell on the floor.

"Oww!!" Sting whined like a baby, and started hugging her right leg.

"Shut your pie hole. Everyone's complaining about your baby-like whines. Now GET OFF MY LEG!"

"Nope!" He replied, popping the 'p'.

"Fine! Then I guess I'll just have to drag you into my house, on the VERY dirty sidewalk! Do you really wanna get your 'designer' clothes dirty?"

"EEK!!" Sting shrieked like a little girl, immediately unhooking his arms from Lucy's leg.

"Fine. You win. But only this time."

"Wait till you see that theory changed once I beat you in video games."

"HOW ABOUT WE GO INSIDE NOW?" Layla interrupted their conversation- I mean argument, once again.

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