❻Partying with Friends♪(*^^)o∀*∀o(^^*)♪

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Hey again minna!!! Here's another chapter for you, this one is dedicated to @justinleong8!!!! Hope you like this chapter, arigatou for reading!

don't forget to:








((End of school day))

Lucy POV

I was walking outside, holding a slip of paper that had Levy's phone number. We had written our phone numbers so we could text, and call each other if we feel bored or something. I was still walking, when I saw Capricorn pull up on the driveway. I watched in horror as I saw someone come out of one of the limo doors. It was my father. My hand flew to my arm. The beaten up one. I gently massaged it. Not wanting any more beat ups for now, I ran off into the other direction, hoping they didn't see me. Since my house-I mean my mansion-was a few blocks away, so I could go home without someone driving me back. I sprinted home, locking the door behind me.

Panting from the long run (I'm terrible in P.E.), I grabbed an apple and sat down on the big white couch in my room, and grabbed a fashion magazine, The Weekly Sorcerer. I also grabbed my phone and headphones, and started to listen to music. Good kind of music.

"We never go out of style, we never go out of style." I hummed along with the music, reading something about the tournament tomorrow.

DING DONG! Someone was at front door. MY phone goes ringing.

I answered, yelling:

"WHAT DO YOU WANT! GET LOST!!!! Can't you see I want to be alone?!"

...... The other end was silent.


"Lu-chan, are you okay?" It was Levy. Whoops.

"Um.. sorry about that, I thought you were someone else...... Sooo, what's up Levy?" I said sheepishly.

"What are you talking about? And I was just about to ask you if you wanted to hang out somewhere." said Levy worriedly.

"Oh, nobody in particular... So where do you wanna go?" I said immediately trying to changing the subject.

"Well, I wanted to go to an all night party. The whole school is going, except for the nerds- I mean- never mind." she stammered."Um sure my schedule is blank for the night." I said, suddenly remembering I was hiding from my dad.

"Yay! Should I come pick you up?" Levy asked me.

"Sure, what time?"

"I think it's around 10:30."

"Alright," I say, as I looked at the clock. 8:28.

"OH MY GOD! IT'S ALREADY 8:30! I HAVE TO GO, IT TAKES ME FOREVER TO GET READY! SAYONARA LEVY-CHAN!" I said in a hurry, putting down my magazine, and headphones, and marched to the shower room.

"See yah!"

"Yeah, see you!"

Time skip -2 hours later-

I looked at myself in the mirror. I had on a beautiful white dress, knee-length, with little butterflies on the bottom right corner. There was a ribbon around my waist, right under the little gleaming gems that was on the upper part of my dress. I was wearing white flats, and a little flower over my ear. I kept on my fake glasses, just to make sure nobody except Levy-chan knew that I was the daughter of Jude Heartfillia.

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