①❷Layla Heartfillia's Story。・゜・(ノД')・゜・。

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ARGH!!! I finished writing this chapter, then I FORGOT TO SAVE!!!! >:( Gomen... I shouldn't be putting my anger out on you....


Please forget about that.


enjoy this chappie!





Previously on Troubled Love-

"You may go in" the nurse said after exiting the room she was in. I ran inside. There lay a now awake middle aged woman, that looked suspiciously a LOT like her. Wait minute. Looks a lot like me? *processing*

"Hi sweetie..." she croaked.

"YOU HAVE A LOT OF EXPLAINING TO DO MOM!!!" I shouted in her ear, making her wince a little.

"Gomen ne Lucy...... I'll explain-"


"After I eat the chicken soup you made me."

"NANI?! Fine......" I sighed in defeat, and handed over the container I was holding, along with a plastic spoon.

After she finished the chicken soup, I immediately snatched the empty container and spoon away from her.

"Explain. NOW." I snarled, giving off a dark and scary aura, making myself comfortable on one of the seats next to the hospital bed (where Layla is currently laying on)

"Okay, okay!" Layla squeaked. She gave a sigh before continuing.

"Do you remember the last time we were getting ice cream? -nods head- I was captured, and was sent to this random place, for who know what reason. All I remember is being carried places, and them threatening people for money I think?A few months after that, which took- I don't know, 5 years? Someone hit me on the head. Really hard. I was in a coma for 4 more years. -cue Lucy's gasp- When I woke up, I realized I was in Tokyo, and in some kind of market. Not wanting to stay there, because BOY THAT PLACE WAS FREAKY, I tried to run, but couldn't. I was tied up and gagged. Giving off muffled screams, hoping someone would hurry up and save me, another guy, I'm guessing my 'owner', growled something. I couldn't really catch it, but I heard the words 'shut up', 'annoying', 'why', 'knife', and 'this will shut her up'. Before I knew it, I was stabbed in the left thigh with a knife, and was knocked out because he also gave a bonus: a punch in the face. Then I think that's when he decided he had enough of me and tossed me in an alleyway, which led you to find me, and bring me here. Which reminds me. I never got to say thank you."

"For what?" I asked curiously.

"Isn't it obvious? Seriously, I knew you were a bit clueless, but I didn't think you'd be this dense. I'm saying thank you for saving me, genius." Layla scoffed.

"Don't have to be so mean about it" I muttered under my breath.

"What was that, young lady?" She threatened.


"As I thought."

"ANYWAY MOM. How are you feeling now?"

"Well, its a little sore on the head, and of COURSE my thigh hurts from the stab, but other than that, I'm surprisingly fine. Oh, and I never got to hear your side of the story when I was gone. Which reminds me. What are you doing here in Tokyo? I thought we were all living in Mongolia, Fiore."

I immediately paled, and started sweating like crazy, remembering that I had run away. Should I lie about this? But she was my mom. I could never lie to her. I sighed, knowing that I had no choice but to tell her.

"I ran away, mom." I simply said, while fidgeting around in my seat.

She simply raised an eyebrow.

"Nani? Why?"

"Well, long story short, I've been staying here for about 2 years now. Basically, after you were kidnapped, he put all the blame on me, and punished me every day of my life physically and mentally. A LLOOOOOOOOOOONNNGGG time after that, in high school to be exact, I tripped down the stairs, and fell. I guess I would have died if father haden't been coincidentally there for me to land on him, causing him to-" I nearly choked and spat out that one word that took your loved ones away from you. Forever.

"Die." I finished, my voice lowered down to a mere whisper.

My mother's eyes widened, as big as golf balls, tears already rimming at the corners of her big brown doe-like eyes. Then, the dam broke. Tears were falling rapidly. I had no comment. After all, he was her husband. Now, it was my turn for my eyes to widen, as I dashed over to her side, trying my best to comfort her, though I knew perfectly well that it wouldn't work.

Timeskip (because I have no idea what to write after that little paragraph above)~2 hours

(still in Lucy's POV)

I pushed my mother's wheelchair on the sidewalk. I checked the time. 3:45 p.m. No wonder I was starving. I never ate breakfast or lunch. Looking to my right, Plue was there, walking obediently beside me. I knew he was hungry too. We stopped at a restaurant. Otaku Mira's Sushi and Bar. Hmm.... sounds delish! But my gut lurched, meaning this was a bad idea. Also, where have I heard 'Mira' before? It sounds so familiar, but I decided to let that feeling go. We were just going to eat a very late lunch. What could go wrong? I walked inside the cute little restaurant, still pushing the wheelchair, and Plue still walking by me.

A tall silver haired woman with a long pink dress came up to us, her smile big and cheerful, her eyes closed A/N: like in those animes where mira is smiling with her eyes closed gomen! VERY bad at descriptions... main point is that mira can't see Lucy

"Welcome to Otaku Mira's Sushi! My name is Mirajane Strauss, but my friends call me Mira! How may I help yo-" Mira had opened her cheerful eyes, and saw a familiar blonde standing in front of her, causing her to stop mid-sentence, and gasp.

"What?" I asked the girl.

"L-L-LUCY?!" the girl named Mira/ Mirajane cried out.


Mwah ha haaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!! Another cliffhanger!!!!!!

Stay tuned for the next chappie!

Thanks so much for reading! I really appreciate votes, comments, likes, and follows!

Hope you enjoyed it (other than the cliffhanger >:) I so evil) !




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