①❶Tokyo Reunion( ' ▽ ' )ノ( ' ▽ ' )

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Hey minna-San!!!!!! Sooooo happy that this story has 1k+ reads!!! I was like SQQQUUUEEEEEEEE*faint* SO I Decided to update another chappie! 😄 plz forgive me for not updating.... Gomen!!! Anyway, enjoy this chapter!!!
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Lucy POV
As I walked down the Merry streets of Tokyo, Japan, my long blonde hair flowing in the gentle breeze, I held onto my dog, Plue's leash, looking for a nice place to eat lunch. My large brown doe eyes were no longer concealed behind thick glasses. My hair has grown longer over the years after I had run away from Fiore. It was now down to my waist, dip dyed pink and blue, with a small crown braid around it (note: it's like asuna's (from SAO aka sword art online)).
"Oohh!! Misuka Ramen!! Sounds delish!!! What do you think plue?"
"Pun pun~!" (Yes)
"Great! Let's goooooo!"
As I was walking to the small ramen shop, I saw a frail figure sprawled on the floor, gagged and tied up, and blood was flowing out her left thigh. She seemed unconscious. Gasping, I ran over to the body, checking for pulse.
Thump... Thump.... thump...
Thank goodness! She was alive!! Pulling out my iPhone, I called 911.
"How may I help you miss?"
"Please help! There is an unconscious woman on 916 Mizulio Lane (ehhh... some reason keep on making up names that start with "Mi".... Anyway back to the story :D) she's gagged and tied up!! Please come as fast as you can!!"
"Yes ma'am we're on our way."

Timeskip~1 hour
"You may go in" the nurse said after exiting the room she was in. I ran inside. There lay a now awake middle aged woman, that looked suspiciously a LOT like her. Wait minute. Looks a lot like me? *processing*
Done! Gomen for the cliffhanger.. And the REAAAALLLLYYYY short chapter... Gihee XD Gajeel #2 right here!!
Arigatou for reading!!!
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Thank you and have a great day! *bows*

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