Jena Pridgett

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You were already having a strange day before you walked in to the school and seeing two of your best friends crying, two more that look like they need a room. (all guys, wtf is happening) and Skyler staring in confusion. Much like you are now. You take Skyler by the arm and pull her into the hallway.
"What the hell are we looking at?"
"Jena if I knew the answer to that myself I'd tell you"
"Let's just wait for everyone else and let that be......"
You walk out of the cafeteria with Skyler and wait at the front doors for everyone else. You catch Britney, Austin, Katie, and Mark walking in together. Austin looks like he is about to drop dead, Katie and Mark look tired, like they didn't want to even get up, and Britney as usual is checking her phone.
"Hey guys don't go into the cafeteria right now, there's some weird shit going down in there."
Everyone else is quiet for a solid 30 second before Britney spoke.
"Ok, well, we were just going to head to the locker room and get ready for combat training."
She doesn't even look up from her phone as she goes with Katie and Mark to the gym. How she hasn't run into walls before you have no clue.
David still hasn't shown up.
The first bell started ringing, so you decide to head to combat training. But first, you're going to look for David. You remember when you first started fighting with him as your weapon. You met him the day you met Trevor and Ben. The four of you always fought together. Your fighting styles were always different. Ben fights more offensively than you do, using the blades more than Trevor's chain. You use David's chain to your advantage, and use the blade for the final blow.
You walk outside to the bus loop and wait.
3 more busses pull up and release high schoolers, none of which you talk to.
Your phone goes off and you already know that it is from David by the ringtone, rattling chains.
DT: Hey, do me a favor and hold your hand up.
JP: why?.........
DT: Just do it
JP: fine
You hold your hand in the air, you don't even understand him sometimes.
oh no...........
You close your eyes, waiting for him to smack into you.
You feel a familiar grip hit your hand and you kick into action mode. You find the other handle and immediately go into battle stance. Instinct after all the time in battle. You and David have collected 88 souls so far, an impressive number, but you fall flat compared to Jason and Andrew with 96 souls. everyone in your group of friends have collected well over 60 souls. The "Advanced" class as Kid likes to call you. Now that you think of it, he may be calling a mission to top off your soul counts. You realize that you got lost in your train of thought and are now standing their holding a chain scythe in a sun dress looking like an idiot.
"Jen? Hello? JENA!"
"Wha! Oh, sorry David.."
He shifts out of his weapon form and stands next to you wearing his signature button up shirt and torn up jeans with boots to match.
"Don't tell me you're wearing that tonight.."
"What's wrong with it? You can't tell me how to dress, you aren't my girlfriend!"
"Well I figured you might want to look a bit more formal for this occasion..."
"Jason doesn't care what I wear."
"Yea well I don't think he cares about anything right now, he's in the cafeteria breaking down about something and Andrew isn't being helpful because he keeps flipping out about it."
"What about Ben and Trevor?"
"O-KAY then."
You walk down the hall to the gym in silence while David goes to his locker.
You still can't make any sense out of what the hell is going on.

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