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Jena's POV.

You rush through the city after David. Tears streaming down your face. You couldn't believe that you just said that to him. You could see his heart break. That's the downside of being able to see souls. You know when you've truly, truly hurt someone.

You run for about another 5 minutes before you smack into someone, knocking you to the ground. You stand up and start apologizing, they immediately shove you against a wall, and without even looking you know that they have a knife to your throat.

"Alright bitch, you wanna run into me? You're gonna pay for it!"

He throws you to the ground and kicks you in the side. You feel the pain shoot up your side.

"Yeah! How'd ya like that! Bitch should be lookin where ya goin next time!"

He kicks you again and that's when you take action. You read his wavelength before you attack. Damn! Not kishin, just an asshole. Can't kill him. Oh well, you can still have a bit of fun with it. You spring up, startling him.

"What the.... This bitch is crazy."

That gives you an idea! You start singing one of your favorite songs.

"Heheheheheheh.... I'm gonna show you loco, maniac, sick bitch, psychopath! I'm gonna show you crazy! It's not my fault that I'm fuckin crazy!"

You jump into a handstand and spin, kicking him in the face. You bring your elbow up and hit him in the gut. You land on your hand, doing a single handstand, launching yourself backwards on one arm, landing on your feet. You charge him, hands popping with the energy from your wavelength.

"Hey! Got a question for you! Have you ever seen how they can hit people with lightning in Star Wars? Yeah well, I can do it too."

You smirk and start shooting your wavelength at his feet. He begins hopping from foot to foot. You finish your performance by hitting him with the full force of your soul. Launching him into the nearest dumpster.

You walk away wiping your hands on your jeans, smirking.

You're a bad bitch and you know it.

(Sorry for the short chapter but it's late and I'm tired and I feel like she needed a solo ass whooping scene!

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