Dreams can come true

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Andrew's POV

Okay... So you don't quite understand what just happened, but Skyler just absorbed a chair with her mind.

"I know it did." Kid said with a confident smile.
"Now, try placing it in your mind wherever you see fit, perhaps next to Andrew."

Hearing your name snapped you out of your stupor long enough to hear Skyler take a breath, and summon a chair out of thin air, launching it straight at your face. You take less than a second to react, combat conditioning truly has come in handy, stopping randomly materialized chairs from smacking you upside the head since 2013!

You jump up and faster than a bullet raise your arm to block the incoming chair from wrecking havoc on your face. Skyler, at this point, has covered her face in her hands.



"I am so.... fucking..... sorry...."

"It's fine, but next time, imagine the space next to me, not me literally. Here, I'll show you, I think I have a basic idea of how this works."

You reach your hand out, just as she did, turning your hand all the while, imagining it as a photo. You feel a numbing sensation pass through your arm, and you watch the chair evaporate into thin air.

"Okay, now I'm gonna set it down NEXT to you, not on your face."

You give a teasing smile as you reach the same hand out and carry out a placing motion, raising your hand, fingers slack, and waving it down as though placing it on a table. As planned, the chair materializes next to her.

Kid stands up before heading towards the door.

"Andrew, it appears that you already have a good handle on the sylladex. So, I need you to come with me and talk for a moment. As for the other 5 of you, I want you to practice with this for awhile, your weapon instructor will be here shortly."

You hear a round of agreement from your friends as you exit the room closing the door behind you. Less than ten paces from the door, you here a scream, followed by what you assume is a chair smashing into the door. You stifle a laugh as you continue walking behind Kid.

You continue to follow him until you find yourself in, of course, a perfectly symmetrical library.

"Kid, what is this about?"

You are as calm as possible, but he is not.

"Andrew, this is a serious matter, I need you to tell me in perfect detail exactly what you saw in that dream, I'm being serious when I tell you that it could be the difference between life and death and the end of the world as we know it."

You stand frozen in place, awestruck.

"Um... um... okay okay..." You continue as you stutter. "I, I got into a fight with Jason... and. and He knocked me out... I, I guess you could say 'woke up' in a perfect replica of my bedroom, except it was rounded out, and had gothic arched windows, at the top of a tower, and everything was purple."


"Excuse me?"

"Derse, The far moon in a Sburb session planetary system, A.K.A. The villain to the game. To sum it up, there is a golden planet, called Prospit. You meet on your sessions equivalent of the sun, and fight along side the Prospit King. Prospit's color is gold, Derse's is purple. By the sound of it, you are a Derse dreamer, like I was."

"Um... yeah.... okay..."


"Okay, anyways, I decided to sit in the window, to see where I was, and, the windowsill crumbled underneath me. I though I was going to fall to my death, but at the last minute I started hovering. Right before I could level myself out, a bunch of rough skinned, and not to be racist, but black skinned people had hold of me, restraining me and blinding me. Before I knew it, I was thrown to the ground, in what looked like a palace."

"Go on."

"Well, the, who I guess were guards, called the queen, I believe she was. Claiming that the 'Heir' was awake. I had no clue what they were talking about, but they asked me if I had anything to say for myself, and I simply told them I had no clue what was going on, I told them my name, and that was it..... That is.... before..."

"Before what?"

"Before... before she commanded them to kill me. They... they stabbed me to the hilt with their sword, right there in front of the throne, and that was all I saw before I woke up screaming in the Limo."

"Oh no....."

"Oh no what? Kid what happened?"

"Andrew. let me explain something to you. When you enter the game, you have 2 bodies. Your waking self, which is you right now, and your dream self, who by the sounds of it WAS on Derse. Now here is the difficult part. Since your dream self died apparently. You need to be on high, HIGH, alert when you enter this game. If you want to make it to God-hood, you need to resurrect your dead dream self somehow, the only way I know is through your sprite.... Which I will explain before you enter, but you MUST do it. You absolutely MUST be careful when you enter, because if your waking self dies, its game over for you, no dream self to go back to. You're gone. for good."

You suddenly get hit with reality, and it hits you hard. That's when it hits you how serious this mission truly is, that while you were thinking that the most serious thing you would ever do was take on your witch battle, that you were horribly wrong. Simply from hearing that statement you realize how truly screwed you are.


Reality begins to hit you like a bus. Your whole confident aura begins to collapse around you as the severity of the situation sinks in.


What are you going to do? What are a bunch of teenagers honestly going to do?


You snap out of your panic attack long enough to see Kid coming to you with a concerned look on his face. Your head is reeling, you feel yourself getting sick, before you black out, but this time, instead of waking up in your purple bedroom of doom, you feel nothing. Pure calm, silent, terrifying nothingness. You feel one last, purely terrifying though cross your mind before you completely fade away, this is what it's like to be dead, and if you aren't careful, this could be reality.

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