Crime Sweep

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David's POV.

Jena slices through another thug before smacking another in the face with your chain. You feel her wavelength reaching to you, and you extend yours back to her. Resonating perfectly in sync, the two of you have been fighting for 2 hours at least. Kid had an agent take you straight to the heart of New York. The night hadn't even past by. As far as you knew, the others were still at Kid's, or sleeping. Or unconscious like Andrew....

You feel a surge of energy as Jena reaches to you with her soul. You send back the same energy, you can feel. No. You can see your blades beginning to glow, through Jena's eyes. That's how strong your resonance is. Your blades extend and your chain jingles. The once smooth, unblemished edge of your blade is now like a saw, with 200 steel teeth to make the cuts more efficient.

You feel your blades rip through the final thug, this one leaving behind his pistol before he dispersed into a kishin egg. That kill makes your 93rd soul taken. Three behind Jason. Jena give the ok to reform by breaking the resonance link. You shift out of your chain-scythe and stretch. You swallow the five souls of the gang members and stand next to Jena and read the next assignment.

"Oh boy.."

"What's wrong Jen?"

"This name... I've heard it before.."

You look at the sheet to see who she is talking about. On the list you see the one name you hoped you would never see. You realize, and it hits you like a bus, who this is. On the list is a name that has haunted your best friend his entire life.

- Taylor, James
Alias: Jameston
Gang: Jameston Theives
Status: Alive
Objective: Defeat in battle and claim his soul, and any accomplices.
Info: 1 child, abandoned as an infant, currently working as an student in SWMA. No attachment to the child as observed. Practice extreme caution when in combat as he is known to pull tricks.
Meisters killed: 12
Innocents killed: N/A

"Oh my god... Jena.. This is..."

"Jason's missing father....."

"We can't possibly-"

"We have no choice."

In that moment you knew there was no going back. Jena wanted revenge for the torture Jason went through not having a father. For all of the times that Jason spent broken down wondering if it was his fault. You could tell by the tone of her voice that she had shut down her emotions. The only one remaining was fury. At his father, and at the academy harboring this information.



"We're going to the hotel. I'm calling Jason. Tomorrow, we're going to meet Jason at the airport. He needs to do this himself."

"Jena, he and Andrew have a witch fight tomorrow."

"It can wait."



You shrink back, hurt. Hurt by what she just said. Hurt by how cheap you feel all of a sudden. Hurt by a number of things, and by which the weight of it all is just too much to bare. You take off running in the opposite direction of the hotel, towards the ever famous Wall Street. You hear Jena holler at you, but you are too far away to care.

You keep running, for at least 10 minutes. Your vision is blurry from the tears. You feel your phone vibrate, but you already know without looking that it's Jena. You don't care. You keep running, running until your feet can't carry you anymore. You want to get away from her. You care about her so much, and she says that to you. You honestly, you feel like your soul could be ripped out of your chest right in front of her, and she wouldn't care. That's always been an issue with being a weapon. No one seems to value you.

You finally take a moment to view where you are at. To your astonishment, you stopped right in front of the hotel the academy booked for you. Since you and Jena are boy and girl, you got two separate rooms. You storm up the stairs to yours, unlock the door, enter, and lock it behind you in one swift motion. You drop down onto the bed and just lay there.

You just wish that she hadn't said that. At least not on the night you were going to tell her you loved her.....

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