Trevor Lochland

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You kissed him, and he didn't let go. Now you can't stop smiling like a fool because you are so happy and you just don't care. You really don't. You talked to Jason and he and Andrew are now standing side by side, almost a half foot difference in height, as normal, next to you and Ben.
Your plan today is to work with Jena and David. You want to work on your fear of taking a hit, you need to focus more on working WITH Ben's soul and not against it. You walk over to Andrew and Jason to see if they want to try something you and Ben wanted to try out.
Jason walked away before you could catch him.
"Andrew, hey! Wait a second."
"What's up?"
"Ben and I were thinking, and we want to swap partners, just for one fight."
"Didn't you guys hook up this morning? Why would you want to swap partners?"
He is looking at you with the most confused face you've ever seen. Ben walks over from Jena and takes over for you.
"We want to see how you fight, so we figured you might want to also."
"Huh, not a bad idea... Hey Jason come here!"
Jason runs over from the simulation scanner, the twelve of you have full access to it, granted by Kid.
"What's up?"
Ben and Trevor want to swap weapons for a bit."
"Wait, didn't you guys just-"
"Yea but they want to see how we fight"
"Ok, I like the sound of that! Ben, I'll load the scythe simulation Andrew and I run to warm up ok?"
Andrew shifts into a scythe and he catches him mid air.
"Sounds good to me."
You walk with Jason over to the simulator console.
"You're a chain scythe right Trevor?"
"Yea, Ill show you the warmup sim we do once they're done."
Jason looks back at the console after selecting a few more settings. You hear the floor panels activate, and the first target shoots up from the floor.
Ben, quick as a gun, centers Andrew in his hands and bares down on one foot, and uses the other to rotate himself, extending his arms to catch the target with the blade of the weapon, slicing it in half.
"GO BEN!!" You hear Jason shout from behind the console.
"Damn, he's pretty quick with a scythe."
Before you can respond, he launches the next target, this one armed, behind him.
As if on cue, Ben turns to face the target, and is shot up into the air by the platform he was standing on.
He brings Andrew up over his head, and swings down with all of his strength, spinning in the air. He easily cuts the target in half and gets the blade stuck in the floor.
As Ben struggles to pull Andrew from the floor, Jason launches another 3 targets, 2 in front, 1 in the back.
"Jason wait! He hasn't gotten Andrew out yet!"
You yell to him. He continues to look at the fight while he speaks.
"Real enemies don't wait for you. He's gotta learn." His face is deadpan, he is showing no emotion or thought on his face what so ever.
Then it hits you. He's reading their souls wavelengths, And he is paying close attention.
He starts scowling when you hear a metallic "SHRING" and the blade of the scythe is free.
"What do you see Jason?"
"Ben just practically sucker punched the weapon with his soul wavelength. Something like that can really hurt, especially seeing that Ben can use his wavelength to attack directly like Jena and myself. Judging by how Andrew just returned the favor by channeling the shock of that blow just now to that target, Ben's arms are numb, that's why he is rolling his fingers like that."
He looks a mix of agitated and confused. You still aren't over the fact that he can determine all of that from 6 seconds of watching a battle.

You hear a mix of agitated yelling and what sounds like the breath being knocked out of someone's lungs. You're head snaps back to the floor. Ben is laying in a heap on the floor, with a sword stuck into the floor, a target decapitated and another one swinging a log. Dynamic targets always seemed to prove a problem for Ben. They move faster than he can sometimes, and since there is no soul to read, they are harder to detect.

Jason doesn't even stop the simulation, he simply pushes up his glasses and launches a few more dynamics. All you can to is sit there as the first dynamic picks your meister up off of the floor and toss him into a wall.

SoulStuckOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora