Scythe sickness

21 4 0

Jason's POV

You just successfully re-placed the couch from your sylladex when Kid walks into the room, looking extremely distressed.


You look at Kid, wondering what happened.


"I broke Andrew."

"You what?"

"He blacked out after I told him that he actually died."

"Oh.... he did?...... Oh...."

You can't even fathom what Kid means. Is your partner dead? What on earth.


You keep thinking. kid repeats your name several times before you hear him finally.




"Huh.. oh damn I zoned out sorry."

"I had Andrew put into the limo, why don't you take the rest of the night to yourself and take him home?"

"Um.. Okay."

You proceed to exit the room, right as Jena launches a vase at the wall, smashing it. You hear Kid scream something about symmetry and how she ruined it before you close the front door behind you and walk down the rain soaked steps, your shoe heel clicking on contact. The rain feels good. You feel the weight lift off of your shoulders. You don't know why, but being in the same room as Jena was making you feel sick. Almost at though you were losing faith in yourself. You didn't trust yourself to stand. To breath. You didn't trust yourself to care about the mission, you felt like you wanted to put it all on someone else.

You reach the Limo door, nearly drenched. You pull it open and jump in. You tell the driver your address. You take Andrew's phone, which is currently laying on the floor. It must've fallen out of his pocket. You send his parents a text telling them what happened. You tell them not to worry and that he will be fine.

You feel your shirt sticking to you. You look and see that Andrew is just as bad. You take off your jacket, which is waterproof luckily. Good thing you brought a rain coat instead of a nice Jacket. You lay it on the still comatose Andrew, who is shaking from the cold. You drop down onto the seat next to him and look at him. You've never actually seen him sleep. He looks... Peaceful. For once.

You gaze out the window to see the sky light up with lightning. That's when you feel it. That familiar chill creeping across your body. The pain following it. You already know what is about to happen, but you don't want to go through it again. The pain rips up your side and grips you hard. You grab the seat and your knuckles go white. The best way to control the pain is to just hang on and bare it.


You didn't know that you had blacked out from the pain until the driver was shaking you awake in front of your house.

"You! Wake up!!"


"Are you alright?"

The same pain is still gripping your side.


"Very well, we need to get him inside."

He gestures to the still sleeping Andrew.


Without another word, you walk up to your door and unlock it. The pain subsides a bit. You walk back to the limo and grab Andrew by the shoulders. The driver taking his feet. You carry him in to the house. You tell the driver where you are taking him. To your room upstairs. He gives a grunt before helping you carry him up.
Your door, already open, gives no problem. However, Bolt and Mingo asleep on your bed may serve as an issue.

"Bolt, Mingo, guys come on get up!"

The two dogs jolt upright and are on their feet in seconds. You and the driver lay Andrew down on the bed. You thank the cab driver before he exits the room. You hear the door close behind him seconds later.

You see that Andrew is still soaked. You frown and think of that to do about it. You think of one option and instantly don't like it. Give him something dry. But since he is out cold. You'd have to do it. But it's either that or let him get sick. You pull his wet shirt off of him and pull an old AC/DC shirt out of your closet. Hey, it's dry. That's what matters. You pull it over his head and say to hell with his arms. You take his wet jeans and give him a pair of sweats. He's just going to have to deal with wet underwear, you aren't touching that. You wrap a heated blanket around him and grab some clothes for yourself. You head to the bathroom and change. You take off your shirt and notice that you left your dry one in your room. You open the door and see that Mingo has made himself comfortable next to Andrew. Bolt nudges your hand and you rub his head as he heads to the stairs. You start to pull your shirt over your head. That's when he speaks. Almost to softly for you to hear.



"What are those... Those scars from?"

"Don't worry about them right now okay? Just rest up for now."

"Promise you'll tell me in the morning?"

"I promise."

You walk out of the room as you hear him yawn. You finally get to put your shirt back on, covering up the horrible scars that you wished you didn't have to bare. You walk downstairs to see Bolt sitting next to the couch. You smirk. He knows you too well. You grab the blanket off of the back of the couch and move the pillows around to suit you. Since the couch can seat 8 people, (you have a huge living room, so you have a big couch) Bolt has plenty of room to lay with you. You drift off within seconds. Your dreams are filled with memories of battles with Andrew. And as always, the accident. The one that changed your life forever. You were dumb to think you could ever be allowed to forget it.

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