Where his loyalties lie

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"So... This is Derse. I thought... I thought that it would be... Different. More dangerous. I don't know."

"I could make it that way, if you'd like."

"No, no I'm fine with this."

"As I would expect from a hero of trust. Making ties with the enemy is usually seen as traitorous, but I can see why a Page, of all players, would want peace."

"You do understand that no matter what, they will come for us, right?"

"I am well aware of that..." She twists the magic ring on her finger, her gaze is miles away.

"You are relying on the strength of your ring alone. You don't realize that they can overpower the Black King, even in his most powerful form."

"While that is true, currently, once they enter the second session, it will be much harder."

"They will all gain another aspect, if what you are telling me is they will fail. At least twice."

"By the time they are near victory, they will have three aspects."

"That means they have to reset the session at least twice....."


"That means that I will be reset with them.."


"In the meantime, I will try to eliminate as many of them as possible."

"So you do understand your purpose."

"Yes, my queen, but if I may, I have a question."

"Ask away, my loyal Page."

"Well, your majesty, what is the purpose of these heroes."

"Well, my Page, you might say this. The twelve heroes said to come to prospit's aid and allow them victory in the war. The players before them, succeeded, but forgot to eliminate the game's properties, allowing it to start once again. The original seven players were very strong, and had no difficulty in defeating us. The children, Death's Child, Elizabeth and Patty Thompson, Black Star, Maka Albarn, and Soul Evans, we're having no issues clearing the game, so we, improvised, and made some issues for them."

"What do you mean my queen?"

"We caused no deaths, but we did trap them. A rift in the space time continuum has caged them, and the only way to free them is by perfectly replicating the incident with a space and a time player, opening a new rift, and breaking the cage."

"Is it possible?"

"Yes, and if the six of them were freed from the cage, it could spell disaster for Derse."

"Don't worry my queen, I will stop them."

"You are certain you won't aid them?"

"I know where my loyalties lie, my queen."

"Then I bless you, and bid you luck."

"Thank you my queen."

"Best of luck to you, Trevor Lochland."

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