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Ben's Point of view.

You and Trevor begin shouting with the rest of your friends over the outrageous statement Kid had just made. Protests from all 12 of you hit Kid at one time, causing him to shout.

"ALRIGHT LISTEN! The other part, you want to know, is what happened to my friends."
"About 90 something years ago my friends and I received a game. We didn't think anything of it at first. The latest computers had come out, and my father had broken down and got us all one. When we received this game, we thought it would just be like some regular multi person game. In a sense, it was, but it was more than we bargained for. This game.... it... it ended the world, that is why Death City is in ruins, that is why I sent the two of you, Jason, and Andrew, to the ruins, to find any information you could about this game from my, and my friends, notes. I'm assuming you found some, but they didn't make any sense to you. Do you still have them?"

Jason and the rest of the gang stand there in a confused stupor, while Andrew reached into his bag and responded.

"Yes... um.... none of them made any sense to me, it all just seemed like gibberish... I.. I fell asleep trying to figure out what some of the things mentioned might be.. like for example, an alchemiter.... or cruxite...... whatever that is. Another one I saw was... hang on...."

He takes a moment to scan the papers.

"Oh yeah, here it is. A.... Syl.... A... Sylladex?? Whatever the hell....."

"Yes, that reminds me... Please, pass up all of your phones."

You reach into your pocket and take out your phone. All 12 of you have smart phones, so whatever Kid plans to do, it should work.
After he collects all of your phones, he places them on a machine. As he does, he continues talking.

"A Sylladex is how you will carry anything you need from now on. Once you reboot your phones after I am finished, it will tell you how it works, each one of you will have a different modus, or operating system, that will be easy and fluid enough for you to use based off of how you think.
Ok, now, back to my friends. As you probably know, they went missing. I'm going to tell you how. They didn't make it out of the game with me. I was the only one who survived... or escaped, depending on how you view it."

He pauses for a moment to focus on the phone in his hand. He sets it back down on the table and continues.

"My friends and I... we entered the game, as you know, I had twin guns, the Thompson Sisters. In the game, they had powers over time and space. As you know, we live in a universe hounded by the space time continuum. What we did..... we.... we broke it. When I fired my rounds.... we tore a hole in the continuum. Maka..... and everyone else, they were sucked into the rift. the tear became so bad that I had to reset our session..... and I lost all proof that my friends.... my family... ever existed."

By this point, Kid is close to tears and you can barely breathe steadily yourself. You feel horrible. Kid takes a shaky breathe before speaking again.

"Jason, I'm sorry for all of the drama on your birthday of a all the days to do it, but, this is an extremely important mission. If we fail to enter a game soon, there will be no world to save."

Jason is taken aback by the statement, but recovers enough to speak.

"Kid, I promise you, it is no issue to us at all, and no issue to me. Today for me is just another normal day with a special circumstance. You want us to carry out this mission, we will handle it no problem. We will start immediately."

"Jason, I don't want you going just yet. You have enough time, all of you do, to become Shadow Weapons and Meisters. You need to hurry, but you should have time."

Kid returns to the station in which he altered your phones.

"Now, I want you to take these, and learn to use them, and please, enjoy yourselves tonight, do whatever you would like to, because I am picking up the tab for your outing tonight. Happy Birthday once again Jason."

With that, the twelve of you leave the death room, with 15 minutes till the final bell rings. You all decide to hit your lockers and head home to get ready for tonight, trying to block out the fact that in a few weeks, maybe even days, you will inevitably trigger the end of the world as you know it.

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