Katie Lynn

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Your back is still sore, you hate being in weapon form when he does that. Mark doesn't realize that you are a LONG RANGE WEAPON, not melee! Why does he always hit people with you, It seriously hurts. Why you partnered up with him in the first place, when it comes to combat, he sucks, and when he actually DOES do good, he brags non stop. He's a very good shot but he gets on your nerves and it drives you nuts sometimes, but, you can't argue that he cares about you. Over time, you have collected more souls together than you could recall every kill, all of your friends had. You walk through the hallway to the constantly updated soul-count board.
Jason Taylor & Andrew Stewart:
96 Souls.
Ben Stevens & Trevor Lochland:
89 Souls.
Jena Pridgett & David Tesman:
88 Souls.
Austin Hauffman & Skyler West:
76 Souls.
Mark Nikkias & Katie Lynn:
75 Souls.
Martin Welton & Gwendolyn Marks:
50 Souls.

Your fingers run gently over your's and Mark's
names, you may not remember all of the battles, but you remember one vividly, the battle where the two of you realized that you loved each other. The greatest battle of all, when you almost died.....

You can feel the scars on your arms burning from the memory....
You feel a headache coming on, you try to push all of the thoughts away but they pull you in like a magnet.
You and Mark rest perched on an outlook facing the eastern side of Italy, at the very top of the Leaning Tower, your scope aimed at the head of the leading drug lord at the time, Vance Wright. You can feel Mark's soul wavelength resonating smoothly with yours, almost no room for error. You can feel him breathing, shakily but steady, you and he both realize the dire need to make this a clean shot, if you fail, you will be detected, and to be detected would certainly mean death.
"Target in sight." You can feel him say telepathically through your wavelength connection.
"Noise level at 1.64% Ready to fire.... in 3....." you begin counting down. "2.......1......" Suddenly you are yanked up off of the ground, still in Mark's struggling hands. You feel yourself hitting the ground, still in weapon form, you go to shift, but before you get the chance, you are kicked from the roof and you free fall, still in rifle mode.
You remember one thing from weapon safety 101... A weapon in combat is indestructible unless magic or an anti-weapon wavelength is used. You do the one smart thing, you stay in weapon mode. You hit the ground, and you don't feel a thing, but you wait for at least 10 seconds before returning to normal and charging back up the Tower, making your hands into finger guns, accept yours were better, your fingers were actually able to shoot bullets. You grinned at the fact you could be so badass with such a nerdy partner. You get to the top of the tower yet again, this time the access hatch is jammed, and you can only imagine what they are doing to Mark by his pained screams.
You put two rounds into the lock of the hatch, but you "accidentally" missed and blasted the whole thing off the hinges. You receive several wide eyed looks from the grunts beating Mark.

You fire one round into the chest of the grunt to your left, using the old fashion "Thumb for the hammer" gesture. The grunt drops to the ground and disperses, leaving a kishin soul egg to show for it. You hold your hand to your lips and blow, like you were cooling your pistol, which, you kind of were. Mark looks up half conscious with a broken, beaten smile. You send two rounds into the grunt to your right, and he too, disperses. The third grunt, holding Mark, slowly begins backing up. Straight. to. the. edge.
Panic seizes you and you sprint forward, using the full force of your soul, you aim your finger guns to the floor, and fire, slinging yourself straight into the air, you propel yourself forward with another blast, and land directly behind him, you snatch his skull and fire a round into his head, he disperses before he can hit the ground, but you are too late to see Mark lose his balance, and fall over the edge.
"NOOO!!" You scream as you run and jump off of the edge.
What were you thinking! Even if you catch him, he can't turn into a weapon to protect himself, so you do something crazy, you modify yourself, in a whole new way, allowing yourself a new gun, a grappling gun, that is. You feel yourself collide with him mid air, and your once fabulous finger pistol is replaced with an arm cannon, holding a grapple on the end, you fire by flexing the muscles used to clench a fist.

You swing through the air and feel the impact as you hit a nearby building, sliding across the roof. Your momentum finally ends and you find yourself kneeling over your battered and bruised meister. You feel a wrenching pain in your gut. You love him. He can't be dead. You need him. He has to live. You slump to the ground next to him, crying. That's when you hear it. Him, to be exact.
"H-hey....Whats.... what's wrong?"
You don't say a thing, you lean in and kiss him, glad for him to be alive. You lay on the ground next to him and you hear him speak, but he sounds distant.
Its almost a shouting now.
"KATIE WAKE UP." You jolt awake as you realize what had happened, you had slipped into a memory.
"You ok?" He looks at you, checking for injuries. You were fine, accept for your arm, which you hadn't gotten to relive, thanks to Mark.
"Yea, I'm good."
"Good, I don't want you hurt, I'm going to stay with you ok?"
He leans in and kisses you, just like normal. To comfort the pain of the past.

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