Visiting someone else's past

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Andrew's POV.

The limo stopped in front of a massive school, at least three times the size of yours. You walk to the door and your phone rings in your pocket.

JT: Hey

AS: Hey, u doin ok?

JT: I guess so, I mean, I got it...

AS: oh... Did it go okay? In terms of the situation I meant.

JT: I mean, I guess... I did just kill my father... At the same time Im a mix of upset and disappointed.

AS: why?

JT: Andrew, he didn't even land a hit, his henchmen did more damage to me than he did.

AS: Jason, that's probably a good thing.

JT: Idk, I'd rather talk about this later though. Are you at my old school?

AS: Yeah, I'm about to go inside, but Jason, I need to tell you something first.

JT: what's that?

AS: we lost Trevor this morning...

JT: Oh, did you find him?

AS: Jason no...

JT: oh.


AS: It's fine but, we haven't heard from Ben in awhile either, he isn't answering his phone, he's out hunting Trevor's killers, as well as the location of his mother and sister.

JT: I still can't believe Trevor is gone.

AS: Kid said something about resurrecting him in the game, but I don't want to think about that.

JT: Kid sure seems confident that this game will fix everything.

AS: hopefully he's right.

JT: I just don't see how a video game is meant to end the world, but resurrect people at the same time... It just doesn't make sense.

AS: All we can really do is hope that shit works out man, that's all we can really do.

JT: I guess, alright well my flight is about to land, I will meet you at the school soon.

AS: okay, talk to you then.

You slide your phone back into your pocket and walk up to the double doors of this massive school. Before you enter, you have to pass the basic security tests and state your business and inform them that you are on a mission for Death.

You walk into the office of the massive academy and lean on the counter, waiting for the secretary to see you.

"How can I help you?"

"I'm here on official business from Death himself."

You show her the new all access ID's given to you by Kid. Having one of these in your possession meant you could do just about anything you wanted, including getting away with murder. Hehe.

"Oh... I see, do you need to speak with someone?"

"Yes, I need to speak with Christopher Chase."

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