Love in the Nethervader

911 11 40

Laney sits on the garage stage with a uninterested frown, her chin on her palms, "When you said you had something cool to show me, I figured it would be better than gum flavored gum," The look stays on as she sticks out her tongue with a wadded up piece of gum.

(Y/N) pops their gum while they push their back off the stage floor, taking a glance from their phone to the bassist, "I'm afraid we're in the same boat on this one, Red. Pretty sure I had more fun when he chased me down to bludgeon my head-"

They turn to see Kin currently chewing Laney's discarded gum🤢, "Oh-EWWW!! Dude-"

Kin disregards his mortal frenemy, grinding his teeth, "But it's sooo good!"

"U-huh, I'll just go upchuck my breakfast," (Y/N) slides off the stage floor nonchalantly like they've done and said this time and time again, which they have.

As Laney contemplates why she chose to sit in between Kin and (Y/N) and not just let them duke it out so she didn't have to see that, the red-head calls out to the emo, "Don't forget that the left dumpster is the one with the charred remains of the raccoon fur!"

"Yup," (Y/N) swallows back the saliva piling up in their mouth and comes to an abrupt stop to say, "Wonder where frontman is today?"


As the elevator door closes, Corey taps his sneakers on the elevator floor repeatedly, rubbing his knuckles over the other.

The sound of a bland background music coming from a speaker perks his ears, making the boy recoil into himself. Corey quickly covers his ears from the jazz.


Kon chuckles, chiming in, "He's probably out there doing something totally rad!"


Corey keeps a steady stare at the speaker on the wall, clicking a button to open the elevator doors. His silent pleads are met in vain as he grows more antsy and rams his index finger into the button as if it's going to do something different.


"Yeah," Three of the members of Grojband turn to (Y/N), who's walking back on stage after shutting the garage door and chucking an empty bottle of mouthwash into the garage's garbage can, "I don't think that furry's ADHD could ever make him do anything boring."

The band flinch at the sound of the garage door being slammed open savagely like some emo 14 year old annoyed with his parents. They look over to see Corey flaring his nostrils and huffing with a provoked scowl on his reddening face.

Crossing their arms, (Y/N) leans backwards to mumble to Kon, "Someone's angrier than me today."

"Woah, Core," Laney's eye widen at the guitarist seething, "Where've you been?"

Corey breathes heavily before hollering, "I was stuck in an elevator and I had to listen to foRTY ONE AND A HALF MINUTES OF ELEVATOR MUSIC!!" He lets out a snappish snarl afterwards, clenching his fists close to his sides.

The same time Kin snaps on a head mirror, he steps towards the irked preteen calmly, all those years of pissing off (Y/N) doing him some good in the courage department 'cause that takes some balls, "Hmmm," He shines a otoscope into Corey's ear, "As I suspected."

The pianist throws the piece of equipment behind him, hoping to hit (Y/N) in the process, "You're drums have experienced trauma-" He lifts Corey's outer face upwards, revealing his muscles making an even more irked expression, "and you're head looks really angry on the inside."

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