Cloudy With a Chance of Maltballs

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Audience: One, Two, One, Two, One, Two, Three, Four!

Corey: We got a band in my garage

and our own little entourage

but my words aren't coming out quite right.

Kin/Kon/Laney/(Y/N): Who Knew?

Corey: My basket-case sis

was a lyrical genius

but only when her life's a complete mess.

Gotta keep her mood on a rockin' roller coaster while we're chasing gigs all around this town.

When we drive her so nuts that she can't control her feelings, she's wicked profound!

Now, were gonna rock

and we're gonna roll.

All: We are Grojband.

Whoa-oa Now,

Corey: were gonna rock,

and we're gonna roll.

"We are Grojband Woah-h!"

It was a normal day for Grojband practicing with no lyrics whatsoever. Corey finished the instrumental with the stereotypical hand gesture we all know.

Suddenly a bunch of banging and screaming is heard on the outside of the garage. All the members look to see the squeal fest going on.

"Uhh, thank you. You're beautiful!" Corey points to the garage door with glee.

Kin runs off the stage, eager to open the garage door, "Wow, someone out there really likes us!"

"Ooh! Maybe it's our future selves!" Kon claps his hand, saying about whatever pops into his mind. 

Kin slams open the garage door manually to find two younger girls. 


"Awww," Kon crosses his arms, disappointed. 

The groupies jump around in place as Corey waves his hands around to calm them down, "Meet and greet time! Single file please." 

"Cherry Grapestain is here!" The two girls squeal although Grojband stays in silence, confused at the name. 

"Who?" (Y/N) finally asks for the band, not too into modernly popular celebrities but they were tempted to ask anyway. 

"Cherry Grapestain is the hottest star in the whole universe and she's visiting Peaceville today!" The blonde one holds up a poster of Cherry Grapestain for the band to see. 

"The mayor even organized a welcome parade!" 

The band's eyes look up to exactly two people playing instruments, "It's Peaceville's biggest parade ever had!" The brunette informs them. 

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