Cunt Brain

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~Y/n's pov~
I woke up to a few texts from my old best friend Alison. We didn't get spreated or anything, we have our lockers in the same hall and everything! We just happened to stop talking...
"Heyy.... I need a hug" - Alison
"Wbat happened?!" -Y/n
"Mike." -Alison
" What did the asshole do this time?" - Y/n
" Told me we should just be friends n won't talk to me that much" - Alison
Okay this just pissed me off. So, I messaged Mike.
"You're an asshole." - Y/n
"Do I look like I care?!?" - Mike
"You hurt her." - Y/n
"Wait, what??" - Mike
"Alison. You Cunt Brain!" - Y/n
We kept arguing till he had to go. Then Alison yelled at me for messaging him. I sigh.
I'm a horrible person. Maybe Urushihara will cheer me up...
I get up and walk to his door. It was partly open. I softly knock on the door.
"Urushihara...." I whimper. At this his head whips my direction. Concern covers his face.
"Y/n...?" I walk over to him and hug him tightly. Tears start to soak his shirt. He pets my hair and mumbles things softly to me. After a few minutes he picks me up and carries me to his bed. He lays me down and cuddles me into his chest. Comfortly he rubs my back. My breathing slows and soon I fall to sleep.
Thank you Urushihara I mentally say.

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