What's happening to me??

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now its time for a new chapter!!!! an also giving a shoutout to of my loyal gummybears: jpipkin,arcadia_bratt, pearl48baliy, KelciKKnudson. if you want a shout out or have some ideas hit my inbox. i love you my smexy gummybears.


erin's p.o.v

i looked back at my emily, sleeping so peacfully as if nothing happened. I pulled over and got out to smoke and i was in world and i hear my emily stirring in her sleep, she started to shake as if she was cold then i got a unbearable migraine then i walked away from the car for a minute and I looked inside and she was shaking violently. I panicked and ran to the other side of the car with tears and ran into the woods cause there was a hospital straight through here then i tripped over a tree and fell on my ankle and broken then she opened her eyes and she started screaming as her form changed from human to canine.

Her her beautiful hazel eyes turn to a beautiful pool of autumn colors she was growing beautiful brownish- gray fur, her screaming turning into howls and before me my Emily is wolf and she walked over and she was crying, she rub her head against me" you're so beautiful Emmy!" She gave me a Wolfy grin and jumped on me and started licking my face and I started laughing and she stopped and stared staring At me and whimpering and then she said threw my mind " dada how I turn back!!!! I scaaowed dada!!"

So I picked her up and walked(well hopped)toward the car and Then my legs cracked in a different direction which made me dropped my Emmy and hit her on a rock she was unconscious. My spinal cord broke in four sections(I screamed like I was in a saw movie) My skull feeling like someone taking a sledge hammer and beating me to death! My fingers and toes cracked and contorted into paws and my nails turn into claws. My body started growing fur and my screams of pure agony turn to howls then it was over.

Then out josh appeared out of nowhere and told Annie grab Emmy and he shifted and then a blackness enveloped me.

*****^~^*******19 hours later*****>.<****

Someone was calling my name" goddess is that you?!?" And then goddess chuckled. So I slowly opening my eyes then my eyes seeing distorted figures "erin?!? Are you alright!?!" I'm still seeing shapes " goddess?!? I'm fine don't take me from daughter!!!!" Then he chuckled some more. My vision becomes clear josh sit there with a huge smile on his on his face.

Wait where's my Emmy!?!!!?!!! Then that night rushed back to my head as vivid pictures played I looked towards josh asked " what the hell am I?!? Where's my Emmy!?!" He looked at me liked he wanted to tell but holding it back "Erin I'll tell you later I promise but for now just rest." I looked at him liked he got two heads "where's my emmy!!!!! She resting like you should!!!" then peacefull darkness overcame me.

********the next morning**^.^***B^)**********

the was awaken by my emmy jumping on the bed "mama you wake!?!" i didnt respond, so she stopped jumping and crawled closer and shook my shoulder " mommy??" then jumped up and grabbed her and she screamed, then i start to tickle her he started laughing. and annie with tray full of chocolate eye them like ive seen josh covered with chocolate syrup and whipped cream. i let go of emmy and annie put the tray and i attacked it, and i fed emmy to ( thought about her too) then she left to with annie. so i finished(devoured) so sat up and asked " what i am?' she laughed "well you're a werewolf, a very special werewolf at that." im a what i cant be, how can i be werewolf. can tell you tell me more?" she frowned "sorry i cant " i frowned " why not!?!"

''cause thats my job." we jumped and fell out bed and landed on the top me while he sat there looking sexy without a shirt and he smirked "will you stop staring!?! annie can you leave us please she looked at and gave the look and smiled "just because you asked so nicely." she passed him and pinched and he chased her out the room and he came back and closed the door and locked it and he helped me up and put on the bed and gave a kiss that had "little me"up and atom then i scooted the other side and folded arms "im still mad at you jerk i cant you kick me and emmy out and you called emily a-a ''mistake'' you hurt me alot you douchebag" he had a look of regret sighed he got up and walked toward me "im sorry my wolf got angry and took over. but he instantly regretted it immediately." I crossed my arms walked toward him "alright but you're going tell the short version of who am i.!''

OMG!!!!!! I'M PREGNANT,WITH THE ALPHAS KID!!!! (boyxboy) Mpreg (under major reconstruction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant