trying to control my emotions

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hey my beautiful smexy gummybears i know ive been a bad author and not update so i will it up to you I will show after the chapter

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Erin p.o.v

I'm throwing up all time but i've been sneaky with it. If you don't know by now, I didn't tell him i was pregnant , i know you hate me but I'm scared. On top of that training is tiring and i feel like I'm a 50 year old woman going through menopause. one minute I'm hot and then I'm cold the next minute. On top of that I'm constantly horny so i had to often satisfy myself which josh hates.

It is so hard trying to hide a boner from your mate. do you know how many cold showers i took?but some needs can be satisfied by my hubby, but i cant let him know. I just had twins there not even a month yet they're more coming.Oh my freakin goddess!!So i went to the pack doctor and got a ultrasound and check up.

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Im pregnant again!!! Aw hell I'm up shit creek with a damn popsicle stick!! Now I'm craving a corn dog dipped in chocolate w/ sprinkles. he said i will be showing soon enough so i will have no other choice but to tell him soon.

Now he will spank me for not telling him..(hold on...i wouldn't mind that) damn it!! i want him in me!!! i had to drive home with a boner and the bumps were not helping(see when i get pregnant my imagination takes over sexually ) i got there and started looking for him and i went to the . Backyard he's just getting out of the pool droplets of water sliding down his abs perfectly. now he's stretching oh goddess have mercy, i am incredibly hot oh goddess i need to take off my jacket.

Oh my gosh!! I'M SOO FREAKING HOT!! This isn't funny anymore i need joshy now!!"joshy!!!" oh my goodness!!! maybe if i do this "mmm so good joshy touch me please!!!!" he looked me with shock, anger and lust. why is he looking at me like-ooh they other guys lookin at me in lust. I cant it anymore this heat unbearable he came over and i jumped on him and attack his weakest spot. I WANT HIM NOW!! my wolf was just as horny as i was oh goddess help me!!! "joshy help me!! touch me please im so hot!!!" he stopped and smelled and look at me with uncontrollable lust and desire.

We start kissing where we were standing then we stopped, looked around and saw everyone looking at me all hot and bothered so we ran to our room and shut the door hard almost breaking it off the hinges.Then he threw me on the bed getting ready to jump on top of me "uh uh not this time!" i got up and pushed him and cuffed his arms and legs to the bed posts (dont ask how and why just read on)and i climbed on top of him and rode him slow and torturously.

He tried to speed up, but not this time he's not doing that.....again. It's my turn to enjoy this, oh goddess this feel good. oh my he's hitting my spot!!! then a knock was heard "mommy!!!daddy!!! can i come in!!"and i rushed to put my clothes on and febreeze our room then opened the door and there was Emma in a cute princess costume. she came in and jumped in my arms "hey mommy, hey daddy what were you doing in here??" I looked at her with worry"why is daddy in the handcuffs?!"she looked at josh then looked back at me " why do you smell like that??" I quickly changed the subject.

"Hey Emmy whats up!! what do you need?" she smiled " the twins are crying and they stink!!" I smiled and i put her down"well i need for you to watch them till i get there" then she saluted me and left then quickly i jumped on top of him and kissed him and teased him got up "where you going you?!" i smirked " if you notice we have children to take care of!" i laughed and i heard a growl " i will get u back" as he struggled to move his arms and legs.

I arrived at the room and emma was holding Jamie and I grabbed jodi a.k.a stinky booty changed her diaper and gave fed her and put her too sleep and did same to Jamie but she won't go to sleep cuz my little pikachu was nosy so I did wolf purr she went to sleep instantly so i grabbed there blankets put the my scent on them and leave the room and Annie walked up to me "hey Annie can you help to keep an eye on my babies with the help of emma?" she smiled "surely I haven't seen them since you brought them home." I jumped and went yaaay and hugged her and go to back to the room where i left him.

I jumped on top of him and started making out with him even though he was livid with me" by the way baby guess what!! I'm pregnant!!!" he looked at me shocked "guess what there's more!!! I'm pregnant again.....yaaaay!!." He sits there still in shock "what!?!"


I know it looks like im one of those douche bag authors that dont update at all but I swear that not the truth i ADHD it makes so hard for me to concentrate (if i spelled that right)or remember, so please bare with me i will finish this cause i never finish what I start cuz i cant remember or forget to finish a chapter so for me i want you all to remind me by sending messages and comments saying "jay don't forget to update" or "are u working on the new chapter as of lately?!?" the more you remind the more chapters will come. some of may not believe but I do suffer from this it very hard for me to focus on one thing cause my mind is going 1000 mph. if you keep sending me reminders i will shout u out or read any books that you'll request that is yours and give me honest feedback.

xoxo, mama gbear
P.s this is emmy a

OMG!!!!!! I'M PREGNANT,WITH THE ALPHAS KID!!!! (boyxboy) Mpreg (under major reconstruction)Where stories live. Discover now