No!!!! This Can't be real??!!!!

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hey my lovely gummybears im sorry i was gone so long i am sorry so here you go and i got a surprise for you at the end of the......DONT YOU DARE SKIP!!!!!!>:( BE PATIENT AND READ YA!!!!!but seriously don't skip a head•_•


erin p.o.v

"aaaaah.....what freakin happen last night?my booty hurts.!" i rolled and there was julia and once again she scares the hell out of and makes me fall on my poor booty. she got up and gets and being julia she walks over to me and helps me up with while im naked and all of a sudden something happen....i was sitting there clueless as to why my ju ju bea was screaming in my face i look at her cute red new tshirt she bought while we are at the mall and it was covered in puke.

"what happened to your cute shirt??!!"

*flash back*

julia had that look in her eyes when brianna was talking about her infront of the lunchroom and her crush was watching her with pity (by the he was sexy with a capital C) she called julia something i will not repeat and dumped her juices on her head and everyone laughed then she looked at Brianna with a look that scared me, i knew that Julia wasn't my Julia anymore.

Her eyes wasn't chocolate brown they were onxy black she looked possessed so i slowly backed under a table far away. she walked up to brianna and and tapped her shoulder and she punched brianna and and flipped a table on her and walked away, her crew got in her way and she bashed there head against a wall and wiped the blood on her shirt she turned around with an emotionless face and walked out while we sat in shock so i went to our meadow and there she was curled in a ball. so i gently shook her she woke up as if nothing happened she at with those bright chocolate orb.

" what are we doing here and why am i a mess!!!" asked she looked at me, waiting for me answer the question so i told her and she looked shock and awed. so we swore that we'll never talk about it. thats why no one ever messed with her ever since.

*flash back ends*

so i ran outside and hid in cabinet(dont ask why i just did)"erin raphaele damien adrean hunter where the hell are you at !!!!!!" she stomped pass the cabinet and fell asleep without me knowing and i woke up to some girl screaming and i looked down and i screamed and fell out the cabinet bumped to a hard chest it felt good he was shirt so i just stood there feeling his abs (i didnt know he was) they felt wonerful and i want pour chocolate syrup with whipped cream cream and sprinkp-

"all you have do is ask sweetie' i look up into the eyes i fell inlove with messing up my fantasy "i can hear you" i smiled "well stop reading my mind " he started chuckling" i wasn't you were talking out loud.......again" i heard fox call turn aound and saw dudes talking" why are you making all that noise'' he start falling over himself laughing i started to get mad cause he wont stopped laughing. Now hes red and eyes full of tears"TELL ME WHAT'S SO FUNNY DAMMIT!!" he said in between laughs " look down!!" jesus he sound out of breath .

i look down "omg!!! i'm naked omg!!" i screamed and turn merachino red all over and ran but arms grabbed around my waist and got redder and they laughed harder and i started crying"l-l-let m-m-me go!!!! and they got louder even josh was was chuckling. My father used to bring his friends over and make me take off my clothes and they laughed because my body was more feminine than it should be.

"baby I-I-I" choking on his own laughter trying to get out his sentence "I HATE YOU!!"i run into the room and crawled into corner and cried. Then all of a sudden i felt a rush went threw my body like morphine i was so angry i started a thunder storm "STOP LAUGHING AT ME!!!"and i heard someone enter the room, tears started falling from my eyes and then rain started pouring from the clouds then somebody tried to grab me"LET ME GO!!" then i flung who ever had a hold on me across the room and ran away and hid in the closet and cried harder till i fell asleep.

🙊🙉🙈flash back🏉🎱🎾

"DAMMIT ERIN WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?!!"my hand cover my moouth trying not to give up my hiding place. then i heard footsteps fading i did a sigh of relief. then someone grabbed my leg and pulled me out from my hiding it wasn't my josh it was dad " YOU WEREN'T HIDING FROM ME DIDNT YOU !!!" I was shaking in fear " I-I-I-I w-w-w-wasn't-t-t-t-t-t h-h-h-h-h-hiding i s-s-s-s-s-s-swear!!!" he took his belt off rapped it around his hands and repeatedly hitting my body.

So much pain then a loud burst came out of nowhere and i was pulled from dad and i faced my savior and saw that it was josh then he picked me up and ran threw the forrest and and he fell dropping me and he had a look of shock on his and he looked at me then i blood gushing from his chest i ripped off his shirt saw a bullet hole where his heart is " no no no! you promised you wouldn't leave!!" he held his head with my bloody hands.

he's not leaving me or his children " why aren't you healing?!'' so i retrieve the bullet and my fingers i dropped the bullet. no!!!! its silver!!!!! no!!!i can't heal him i tried everything in my power. but he's start getting cold" NO!!!YOU CAN'T LEAVE JOSH!!!PLEASE JOSH!! DON'T GO!!!" his breathing started getting heavier "I will alwa-"his is breathing stopped and those bright eyes i fell for were blank and glassy and his heart stopped"NO!! YOU CANT . LEAVE ME HERE!!! PLEASE JOSH DON'T LEAVE ME!!" as i cradled his headin my lap as my tears coming full force.

I howled and rain started falling and i gently laid him downing my lap and cried my tears were coming like Niagara Falls and I laid on his chest trying to making him hold me like when we were sleep. so i closed his eyes as rain came down and somebody grabbed me and I tried to fight but i looked at josh and gave up. he ripped my clothes and turned around and meet the person that was doing me harm.

It was jace!!who was hurting me!! Dad was walking from the bushes with the AK-47 jace ripped my and put arms behind my back and put in ground and entered me harshly and he continue to hammer me "please stop!! Aah you're too big!!" Then the pained numb i felt numb all over, while my love lying beside me the whole time. So me and my wolf heart turned black and so i let my wolf take over and let her have her revenge.

A man in black cloak with red eyes "you and unborn child are mine!! I'm coming for you!!"


Hey my gummy its me mama gbear here and I'm not going to tell you what the surprise is!!!!..........erin is going!!!!

Erin- if you leave the most random/funny comment and your name i will put you in one of my stories or be the main character of my new story i coming out with after i get almost through with my other story. might be one maybe show me how funny you can be!!

Me- thank you bestie now comment!!erin forget to tell you will get a shout out in this book!!!


stay flavorful,


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