Chapter 6

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Spencer couldn't stop smiling as they rode back to Forks. Her ears had stayed red, and a pink hue was painted on her face. Their hands were interlocked on the center console of the car, the cold seeping through Carlisle's hand adding a comforting temperature to Spencer's ever-rising one. His thumb caressed the back of her hand, sending shivers up her arm. Her heart was beating so hard she was sure he could hear it.

Unbeknownst to her, Carlisle noted everything. The overworked pumping of her heart, the small beads of sweat her forehead was accumulating, the blood that had accumulated on the apples of her cheeks ever since they had kissed. He couldn't help the grin that would pull at the corners of his mouth every time he stole a glance at the passenger side. Carlisle was determined to commit to memory as many details from tonight he could, not wanting to forget a single second. But on the deepest, darkest corner of his brain lived the pestering knowledge that the time would come where he would have to be completely honest about who he and his family were, as well as expose her own family.

Before either of them could notice, they were entering Forks once more. As soon as the Forks sign came into view, Spencer kept glancing at her watch, making sure she had timed the call to her mother correctly not wanting to be interrogated as to why she was with the doctor. The car finally came to a stop at the art center once more. Carlisle got out and opened the passenger door, extending his hand to help Spencer out of the car. They walked hand in hand until finally sitting on the bench the girl had been waiting on just mere hours ago.

Noting that no one was around, Carlisle took the chance to steal a kiss from Spencer, earning a chuckle from the blushing girl. "Getting a bit daring there, doctor. My mom's gonna be here any second and I would really like to save myself a scolding from Allison Uley."

"At some point, those rumors are gonna have to be squashed," he chuckled. "I would like to be able to show you off to everyone. Although, a secret relationship would be quite exciting."

"It sounds like we're in high school. Rumors, secret relationships, boyfriends — I guess in a way I'm making up for everything I missed these past four years."

"You can't expect me to believe that such a smart, beautiful woman like yourself didn't have a boyfriend."

"Never had the time for it. For four straight years, all my life had been focused on was school and college all at the same time. I can't really say I even made friends."

Carlisle noted the change in emotions of Spencer. Her head had lowered and a low sniffle shook her shoulders. He placed his hand under her chin and moved her head to face him. "There's nothing wrong with haven put your education first. There is more than enough time now to build your social life." He smiled warmly at her and wiped the stray tear that had fallen from her right eye to her cheek. "And I might add, you've been doing an exceptional job at it. Although, I would recommend not getting into an accident to meet new people."

"Thankfully I've only had to do that once. Although, what would have been the chances of us meeting if I hadn't." They both chuckled knowingly — this twist of fate had unified their journeys for the time being. "At least I can restore my friendships now that I'm back at the res. Even if some I've grown farther apart from some people more than others."

"Has the transition back home been difficult?"

"Well, starting off with a concussion didn't help, but my brother and my best friend have hardly acknowledged my presence. And all the interactions we've had have been short and surface-level — I guess my absence caused a bigger strain than I had intended."

Carlisle fidgeted in the seat. He knew exactly why Sam and Paul had grown distant from Spencer, and it had nothing to do with her and all to do with him and his family. This was the first time the doctor had felt absolute guilt about being in Forks. As much as he was thankful to have met the Uley girl, he was the reason she wasn't close to her brother anymore and had possibly caused tension in her family life.

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