Chapter 23

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Spencer knew it had been too quiet for too long.

Well, not entirely quiet.

After the encounter with Laurent in the woods, his friend Victoria had shown up. The vampire had gone through hitchhikers in Forks like it was an all-you-can-eat buffet. It had the sheriff station in Forks and La Push on high alert. There were too many bodies and not enough explanations—at least none that could be known by the public.

The pack had already doubled their efforts during their patrols, doing all in their power to run the redhead out of their land while protecting the Swan duo in theirs. They had lost sleep and had been overworked for weeks. The vampire had bested them in every move, taunting the pack with her swift and calculated moves.

But the important thing was that Bella was safe, and she seemed to be getting better. At least for the past couple of weeks, she had been better. That's what Spencer thought until she got a call one early March morning.

"What do you mean Bella knows about you?" Spencer said through gritted teeth. "And it happened a week ago? Why am I just finding out? I literally talked to her before spring break started."

"It seems Jacob hinted to the stories she used to hear when she was a kid," Sam sighed. "Gotta give it to the kid. He really found a workaround the rules. I was gonna tell you as soon as it happened, but you had your exams and everything, so no one wanted to worry you with it."

"How did she take it? Is everyone okay?"

"Well, Jake and Paul had a little row because Bella blamed us for Jacob keeping his distance from her," her brother chuckled. "And, well, Paul got a bit mouthy, and Bella ended up slapping him—at least, attempting to—which cause him to get angry and phase. Subsequently Jacob phased to protect her. They're both fine now and Bella knows everything."

"And no rules were broken I suppose," Spencer sighed. "But Bella now knows about wolves and vampires and somehow is back in the center of all supernatural danger. Isn't this all just great?"

"This is gonna sound harsh, but I prefer her being hunted than you, Spence," Sam admitted. "I know we can protect you in our land, but this one is ruthless and relentless. I would hate for her to have your scent."

"Well, she doesn't, thankfully," she said. "Don't think she even had my description since you killed her friend. But I thought we were gonna be more proactive when sharing information now."

"I know, but I wanted you to at least pass that test first," he confessed. "Look at you now, on your first week as a student doctor."

"I still can't believe it's happening," Spencer exclaimed. "I don't know what spirits are looking out for me, but it's almost unbelievable that I've been able to do any of this. It takes months for Step 1 to be revised and for college credits to go through. But I'm knocking on wood that these miracles keep happening like this. Might just become the youngest doctor in Washington."

"If there's anyone who could do it, it had to be my genius sister."

"Thanks for the flattery, it does me well in the mornings," she chuckled. "But I do have to get into work soon. So, thank you for this new information. I will call Bella and see how she's doing after my shift."

"Alright, sounds good, Dr. Uley."

"I like how that sounds," she beamed. "I'll see you after work. Bye, Sam."

"Bye, Dr. Uley."

When Spencer entered the hospital that morning, she believed it would be another routine day. A couple of flu cases, possibly some broken bones in the ER, maybe even a more pressing case. But she had not expected to see Harry Clearwater coming through the doors of the emergency room, Sue trailing close behind.

Collision || A Twilight FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora