Chapter 15

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Spencer was enveloped in someone's arms. They held her close to a man's chest as sunlight poured in from her bedroom window. She felt safe, a calm wave washing over her. After the physical night she'd had, being in his arms simply felt right.

"Good morning, my love," Carlisle whispered as he placed a kiss on her head. "Last night was fun."

"It was, wasn't it?" Spencer smiled. "I've missed you – us."

"So have I. I can't believe we spent so much time apart."

"Well, that was entirely your fault."

"I know," he chuckled. "But I'm here now, darling. And I don't plan on going anywhere."

"How are you here though?" Spencer spoke in a hushed voice. "I truly doubt Sam would allow you to cross the treaty line."

"Don't you worry yourself over that, my love," he smiled. The bright and gleaming smile she knew and loved. "Nothing could keep me from you. Not even a treaty I made decades ago. I told you, I'm not going anywhere."

"You could go somewhere though," she turned to him. "The kitchen. To make breakfast because I am very tired."

"Of course," Carlisle responded with a smile. "Why don't you rest some more while I cook? I'll come to wake you up when I'm done."

Spencer closed her eyes again, enjoying the feeling of the sheets against her skin. She rolled onto the side of the bed where Carlisle had just been laying on, relishing on the coldness his body had left and the sweet smell of his skin. It was a space she had no problem spending the rest of her life in.

Until she woke up and the coldness that enveloped her came from the starting winter season. Spencer was by herself in her bed. No comforting sunlight spilled through the window, no strong arms that cradled her, no scent that permeated from Carlisle's body.

Instead, she had a headache.

A pounding headache.

Spencer woke the next morning to the most painful headache of her life as a companion. Sure, she had woken up with a hangover more often than not during that month, but this was so much worse. Almost as comparable to the concussion that had started this whole fiasco.

She was certain she would not be able to go to work. Everything in the hospital was a reminder of the man that had broken her heart, and she had a mind-splitting headache. Dreaming of him had reminded her of the aching emptiness she felt inside.

It was hard to remember what had happened the day before. All she knew was that she had downed enough bottles of vodka to make her head feel heavy and throbbing. Thankfully, on her side table rested a bottle of aspirin and a glass of water.

As quickly as she noticed them there, she downed two pills and chugged the liquid. Spencer could feel how the water traveled into her empty stomach. It settled weirdly in her, but at least it stayed down long enough for her to call out of work for the rest of the week.

The girl needed a break. She had been stuck on autopilot for a little under two months and she had yet to take a second to herself that wasn't blacked out by an alcohol-induced spiral. And as flashes of the night before started to flood her mind, she knew it was time for one.

Embarrassed was an understatement of what she felt. If the dream she had was a testament to anything it was that she felt lonely – her body felt lonely. But throwing herself on her best friend as she had, manipulating whatever it was that he felt for her, and then twisting the knife inside him by saying she would go to any other man that was open and willing to have her. Spencer had crossed a line with Paul, and she knew he deserved an apology.

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