Chapter 8

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It felt like the earth had stood still. If a pin dropped, it was possible any house close enough would be able to hear it.

Everything was moving slowly, playing frame by frame.

"How do you know about that?" Sam questioned. He could smell them on her, which could only mean that they had told her directly. "Were you with them today?

"Is one of them your boyfriend?!"

"That's neither here nor there, Paul. And, honestly, none of your business. So, what do they have to do with you and the whole thing about the treaty?"

"Answer the question, Spencer," Sam spoke through gritted teeth. In the blink of an eye, Paul's body started to shake. His breath staggered and his chest heaved. Sam's attention was directed to his beta, who was too close to shifting right in front of his little sister. "Paul, you gotta calm down, man. It is not the time for that."

"W-what's happening to him?" Spencer tried to get close to him, but Sam's arm stopped her.

"Get inside the house, Spence." His tone led her to understand this wasn't a suggestion, it was a command. "Now."

"What's going on, Sam?"

"You wanted to know what's our involvement? Well, you're about to see it."

Spencer had seen Paul get angry, his hotheaded temperament no secret to anyone in town. But this was different. His brows were furrowed, his shoulders slumped forward, and his breathing had become harsher. He exhaled through his mouth, short and heavy breaths. She couldn't move, all Spencer could do was stare at her friend as he went through whatever he was going through.

Sam pushed her behind him as he instructed Paul to move forward. The events would unveil swiftly and the last thing he wanted was for his sister to get hurt as Emily once had. But his attention couldn't be on both people at once. If he let Spencer go, she could get into the line of fire – but letting Paul go would mean he would shift where anyone could see him.

"Hold it 'til we're in the woods, Paul," Sam pushed. He decided to let go of Spencer and make sure the boy made it into the hiding behind the trees. As suspected, his sister followed close behind, the look of worry painted clearly on her face. It didn't take long to get to a secluded area, the whole place was surrounded by secluded areas. "Spencer, seriously. You need to get away."

It all happened quickly.

Spencer didn't understand what her eyes were perceiving. One second, Paul was next to her, heat radiating off his skin, burning her own even from the distance they held. The next, she could hear how his skin ripped, and standing before her was a giant dark silver wolf. She stumbled back from the force of the wolf hitting the ground right next to her. So much adrenaline was running through her veins, she didn't notice the gashes along her upper arm nor the warm blood running down to her fingertips.

The wolf in front of her looked down with sad eyes, perceiving the girl's wound before she had. Spencer got up from the ground, patting at her behind to remove the dirt that had taken place on her clothes. With shaky hands, she got closer to the animal. No danger was emanating from the towering wolf. Her hand lifted to rest on the right side of the wolf's head, a touch he leaned into. Spencer felt calm, her brain still not processing anything that had happened before her. Suddenly, a brown wolf joined them. It seemed worried about the scenario in front of it.

"Jared. Paul. Phase back," Sam commanded. The grey wolf let out a whimper, unwilling to leave Spencer's side. "Now, Paul!"

Both wolves disappeared between the bundles of trees, shielded from Spencer's eyes. A swooshing sound resounded from where the pair had gone, echoing through the vast expanse of the forest. A minute later, the human version of Paul and Jared emerged, both clothed in white tank tops and denim shorts. Paul rushed to Spencer's side, using the shirt he had just put on to cover the wound on her arm. The white fabric rapidly soaked the crimson liquid, not doing much to retain it from spilling.

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