Chapter 17

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It wasn't hard to figure out that Sam was planning a surprise party for her, especially when Jared had let it slip when she was over at her brother's home. Accident or not, Spencer knew just what had been arranged for her 19th birthday.

"I swear, Sam. I had no idea she was here," Jared had said.

"Don't you have supernatural senses, Cameron?" Spencer laughed. "You should have known about it."

"I'm not supposed to be on guard when we're in the house," he whined. "This is the place where we're supposed to be relaxed and unaware. This is our safe space."

"Technically, you should always be paying attention to your surroundings," Sam responded. "That's literally your job."

"Also, when is she not here, dude?" Paul added with a chuckle. "If she's not at work, she's here."

"I have other friends," she grumbled, settling on the seat next to Paul. "Speaking of, are they invited to my party?"

"They would be if it weren't for Paul," Jared teased. "Can't trust him not to go off at any given point when there are other people involved."

"So, it's only gonna be you guys, Emily and Kim? What a party," Spencer laughed. "What about mom? Is she invited?"

Sam's face contorted in an uncomfortable scowl. He knew the question would come. The obvious tension that existed between Sam and Allison Uley had been growing for almost a year, and the youngest Uley's arrival only worked to cement the strain that had grown between mother and son.

"Okay, here's what we can do," Sam started. "We'll have the party at the beach. A nice bonfire in a big open space where everyone can be. Paul will be on his best behavior and if anything happens, we'll just leave."

"Why does everything have to be so weird now?" she groaned. "This whole secret keeping just makes things harder."

"Says the girl whose ex is a literal bloodsucker," Jared chuckled without thinking. But as soon as he heard the words slip by his tongue, regret painted across his face. "Shit, Spence, I didn't mean to say that."

"It's fine, Jared," she smiled comfortingly. "You're very right. It's completely flabbergasting that my ex and his whole family are vampires. But I guess I dodged that bullet."

After that afternoon, the Uley pack had set to prepare for Spencer's first birthday back at the reservation. Everyone in town was happy to attend the bonfire. It was no secret that the Uley girl was loved around town. Even in her absence, all anyone could sing were high praises for her. So it was no surprise when the RSVPs started rolling in.

Quickly, the small gathering had turned into a party for the whole reservation. People were offering to bring plates of food and appetizers for the crowd that was forming, they offered their grilling and bonfire-making services, swiftly making Sam's job simply inviting people and setting the time.

And somehow in the four days that were left, a whole town party was being set up. It was a stark contrast to the bonfire that had been set only two months before when the Cullens had left Forks. That one had been a fierce celebration as their ancestral enemies had finally left the land. Now, they were celebrating the life of one of their own — her achievements and her future endeavors. A joyous occasion in honor of a valuable member of their community.

At least, it was meant to be joyous, and Spencer knew that. She knew she should have been excited to be amongst her people. The same people that had seen her grow and had grown alongside her. The very people she knew she could count on whenever she might need them. She knew all that.

But it was such a bittersweet moment. She was constantly surrounded by people that loved her, but there was something missing. There was someone missing.

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