Chapter 21

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Ever since that dream, she couldn't shake the dark cloud that was Carlisle Cullen. Wherever she went, she was reminded of him. From her job at the hospital to her studies at the university, from the books in her room to the stethoscope she wore, everything had a thread of him sewn into it. Once upon a time, she had thought she'd leave Forks in the arms of the love of her life, but she had started considering leaving because of them.

The reservation had always been home and had always welcomed her with open and warm arms. A few months before, Spencer would not have found it too hard to leave it all behind. She had already done it once and truly believed she could do it again. But it had been the only place that had embraced her when she had been at her lowest. Even if she had been ready to walk away from them, they had wrapped her in love and understanding. They had seen her at her lowest point and had helped her get back up.

Still, Spencer couldn't shake the conversation she'd had with Bella. As time passed, she questioned more and more if she'd give Carlisle another chance if he did come back. The harrowing emptiness she felt inside was more than just losing a boyfriend. It felt like true loss. The only thing she could compare it to was the time her father had left –an event the man she had loved used as ammunition against her. But how could she deny the truth behind the statement? If Carlisle had asked her to move with them, she would have left everyone behind without another thought.

But he hadn't. And she stayed. And life went on.

Things in La Push had shifted since the new year had started. For the better part of the first two months of the year, vampires had seemed to come back to feast on unsuspecting hikers in the colliding woods. They knew it wasn't the Cullens, but they were a threat, nonetheless. Patrol times had doubled, tensions were high, and Spencer knew nothing about it.

So, when Bella had called her to see if she could join her on a hike in the woods, the older girl had no qualms in saying yes. She had the time, and it made avoiding Paul easier. Her head needed clearing, and there was nothing better than the fresh outdoors. Especially since the day seemed to finally clear up.

"Thanks for doing this with me," Bella smiled softly as she jumped out of her truck. "I would have done it by myself, but I'm not good by myself in the woods."

"It's no problem," Spencer responded. "I honestly needed this. Can't spend my entire life buried in books."

"Guess not," the girl chuckled. "I would have called Jacob –we've been spending time together. But Billy said he was driving up to Port Angeles. Do you, um, know anything about that?"

"Can't say that I do. But that doesn't really seem unusual."

"It's just that he's been avoiding me for a really long time, and I don't really get why," Bella said as she kickstarted their hike. She was slow with the map and the compass, slower than Spencer would have been. But the more time she could spend outside of the house, the better. "I mean, Billy said that he was sick, but it's been over a week of that. And now, he's apparently feeling better, and he still won't talk to me."

"I can't help you there, Bella," Spencer said, suppressing a grimace. She knew what it was that the boy was hiding from her, and she knew just how awful it felt to be on the other side of the secret. "But I'm sure things will get better soon. He's probably just lost track of time."

"Yeah," she sighed. "Maybe."

"Here. Why don't I work the compass?" Spencer offered. "Do you have a specific spot you want to go to?"

"Oh, uh, yes," she stammered in Bella fashion, handing over the map and pointing where she wanted to go. "It's a meadow. Somewhere around this area."

"Any particular reason we're going there?"

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