Chapter 11

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"Where are you going so dressed up?" Allison mused as her daughter descended from the stairs.

"It's for Bella Swan's birthday," Spencer laughed. "It's at the Cullen residence. Alice, one of the Cullen kids, arranged a surprise party for her 18th birthday. Do I look good?"

"You look stunning, honey," her mother smiled. The Uley matriarch couldn't believe how grown up her daughter looked. Just yesterday she had been a little girl playing with a doctor kit, and now she was on her way to possibly become a real doctor. It also pained her that she was not as close to her as she wanted to be. She knew close to nothing about her oldest son, and her daughter was falling on the same track. "You've been getting awfully close to those Cullens, haven't you?"

"Well, I did spend a whole week with them."

"Oh, I know," Allison grinned. "It's just these days you seem to spend more time with Dr. Cullen than here."

"Mom, what does Dr. Cullen have to do with this?"

"Just an observation, sweetheart," the woman dismissed jokingly. "Be careful, alright? And have fun."

"Thanks, mom," Spencer smiled. "I'm probably gonna be late, so don't wait up. Love you!"

"I love you too, honey!" she called out.

Spencer didn't know she had been holding her breath until she reached her car. Her mother questioning her relationship with the Cullen family, most importantly Carlisle, had her nerves on edge. She was unsure why she was still keeping her relationship with Carlisle a secret, especially from her own mother. Maybe it was the fact that people believed he was now a 26-year-old doctor that was married to Esme instead of a centuries-old vampire forever aged twenty-three years.

"So, you're still with that blood-sucker doctor?" Paul's voice startled her as she got into her truck.

This type of interference had become quite common between the pair of friends. It was clear to Spencer that Paul would never accept her relationship. Given the rift between the species, there was nothing in the near future that could bring peace to them both.

"Can we not do this, Paul?" Spencer sighed defeatedly. "I understand you don't like him, and I'm not asking you to be his friend. All I'm asking you is to respect him as my partner. That's all. As my friend, I would hope you could extend me at least that courtesy."

"Look, Spence. All I can promise you is that I'll be here when he inevitably breaks your heart."

She could not stand the smug smirk that was on his face like he knew a secret she didn't. "And what makes you think he will?"

"Because he's a vampire," he chuckled. "He has maybe two or three more years before people start noticing that he's not aging. And not even that, what would people say about the perfect twenty-six-year-old doctor dating an eighteen-year-old? What would people say?"

"Paul, get away from my car." Her voice was stern. Her hands gripped the steering wheel until her knuckles went white. "Whatever I do not share with you about my personal life is of no concern to you. And whatever people think about me or Carlisle, does not concern me. I am sure in our relationship, and I don't need anyone's validation of it."

"That's why you keep it a secret from everyone, then? Because you don't care what people say," he pushed. "Let me know how that plays out. Have fun tonight, Spence."

"Goodbye, Paul."

"See you around, Spencer."

Through her rearview mirror see his form shrinking, the same smirk permanent on his face. She could not admit that he was right. In a matter of years, the Cullens would need to move from Forks before the townspeople started to look into their suspicions.

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