Chapter 12

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"Good morning, beautiful," he smiled at her. His fingers stroked her face tenderly as her eyes fluttered open. "How do you feel?"

"Great," she exhaled. Spencer felt on cloud nine. Though she had barely slept after three more rounds, she felt well and rested from the few hours she had gotten. "What about you?"

"Well, it's the first time in a long time where everything feels right," he responded. "So, I'll say that I feel great as well."

With a beaming smile, Spencer closed the distance between them and peppered his face with kisses. Both of them broke into a fit of laughter enveloped in each other's arms. They rolled around on the disheveled bed, trying to best the other with soft kisses, giggling like children. They were happy, truly and unequivocally happy.

"I love you, Carlisle," she said in between deep breaths, falling onto her side and staring deeply into the golden embers of his eyes. "I can't wait for forever with you, darling."

"As do I, my love," he beamed. "But now, you should be heading home, and I should be going to work soon."

"Throwing me out so soon?" Spencer laughed.

"As much as I would love to stay holed up in this room," he chuckled. "Life awaits. And I certainly would not like your mother to kill me for keeping you away another day."

"Alright, you make a fair point," she conceded.

They promptly got dressed and made their way out of the house, all smiles and holding hands. Carlisle walked her to her car, being the perfect gentleman he always was.

"Drive safe," said before leaning into her car easily to place a gentle kiss on her lips. "Let me know when you get there, yeah?"

"I will," she smiled. "Have a good day at work. I love you."

"Love you more, my dear."

She was content and in love and believed nothing or no one would be able to take that from her.

Or so she thought.

After she had gone home, Carlisle had become distant. For the next two days, Carlisle barely responded to her calls, he'd call off work, and he didn't want her to come over to his house. The only thing she could think of was that he regretted sleeping with her. But surely, he would have said something, right?

That coming Wednesday, as she got ready for her shift at the hospital, Spencer couldn't help the sense of dread that washed over her. Something about the air didn't feel right and she wanted to avoid the day altogether. If her relationship could remain as perfect as it was in her head, everything would be okay.

Alas, reality trampled on dreams the majority of the time. And Spencer Uley was no different.

When she arrived at the hospital, everyone looked at her with pitying stares – they knew something she didn't. Spencer always headed to Carlisle's office first thing in the morning on the days she did not spend with him. Everyone had noticed the gravitational pull she had to the young doctor. But where they always gave her teasing wink and knowing grins, today they replaced them with sad stares and apologetic smiles.

Before she could enter the room, she stopped Nurse Dalen in her step.

"Nancy, is something going on?" Spencer inquired and she was met with another sad look. "Why does everyone keep looking at me like that?"

"Oh, honey," she sighed. "It's doctor Cullen. He's taken a job in California. He's packed up everything in his office and he left."

"What're you talking about? Wouldn't we be told in advance if our doctor was leaving?"

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